Author: Pieter Rutsaert

Maize seed aid and seed systems development: Opportunities for synergies in Uganda

Jason Donovan Rachel Voss Pieter Rutsaert (2024)

In the name of food security, governments and NGOs purchase large volumes of maize seed in non-relief situations to provide at reduced or no cost to producers. At the same time, efforts to build formal maize seed systems have been frustrated by slow turnover rates – the dominance of older seed products in the market over newer, higher performing ones. Under certain conditions, governments and NGO seed aid purchases can support formal seed systems development in three ways: i) support increased producer awareness of new products, ii) support local private seed industry development, and iii) advance equity goals by targeting aid to the most vulnerable of producers who lack the capacity to purchase seeds. This study explores the objectives and activities of seed aid programmes in Uganda and their interactions with the maize seed sector. We draw insights from interviews with representatives of seed companies, NGOs and government agencies, as well as focus group discussions with producers. The findings indicated that seed aid programme objectives are largely disconnected from broader seed systems development goals. There is little evidence of public-private collaboration in design of these programmes. Better designed programs have the potential to align with varietal turnover objectives, commercial sector development and targeting of underserved markets could promote equity and ‘crowd in’ demand.



CIMMYT Eastern Africa Maize Regional On-Station (Stage 4) and On-Farm (Stage 5) Trials: Results of the 2021 to 2022 Seasons and Product Announcement

Berhanu Tadesse Ertiro Yoseph Beyene Dan Makumbi Suresh L.M. Manje Gowda Anani Bruce Vijay Chaikam Fidelis Owino Walter Chivasa Aparna Das Nicholas J. Davis Pieter Rutsaert Juan Burgueño Prasanna Boddupalli (2023)

New and improved maize hybrids, developed by the CIMMYT Global Maize Program, are available for uptake by public and private sector partners, especially those interested in marketing or disseminating hybrid maize seed across Eastern Africa and similar agro-ecological zones. Following rigorous trialing and a stage-gate advancement process and culminating in the 2022 Eastern Africa Regional On-Farm Trials, CIMMYT has advanced a total of 6 new elite maize hybrids, each of which met the stringent performance criteria for CIMMYT’s eastern Africa early (EAPP1B), intermediate (EAPP1A) or late (EAPP2) maize breeding pipelines. Phenotypic data collected in Stage 4 and Stage 5 trials for the selected hybrids as well as information about the trial sites are provided in this dataset. These trials were conducted through a network of partners, including NARES and private seed companies, in Eastern Africa under various management and environmental conditions.
