
A Family of Classifiers based on Feature Space Transformations and Model Selection


José Ortiz Bejar


MARIO GRAFF GUERRERO (Asesor de tesis)

Eric Sadit Téllez Avila (Asesor de tesis)

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Resumen o descripción

Improving the performance of classifiers is the realm of feature mapping, prototype selection, and kernel function transformations; these techniques aim for reducing the complexity, and also, improving the accuracy of models. In particular, the research’s objective is to combine them to transform data’s shape into another more convenient distribution; such that some simple algorithms, such as Naïve Bayes and k-Nearest Neighbors, can produce competitive classifiers. In this work, we introduce a family of classifiers based on feature mapping and kernel functions, orchestrated by simple a model selection scheme that achieves excel in performance. We provide an extensive experimental comparison of our methods with sixteen popular classifiers over different datasets supporting our claims. In addition to their competitive performance, our statistical tests also found that our methods are statistically different among them, and thus, an effective family of classifiers.



INFOTEC Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación

Fecha de publicación

abril de 2020

Tipo de publicación


Trabajo de grado, doctorado

Versión de la publicación

Versión publicada





Sugerencia de citación

José Ortiz Bejar, 2020. A family of Classifiers based on Feature Space Transformations and Model Selection. INFOTEC Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, Aguascalientes, México.

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Repositorio Institucional de INFOTEC




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