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Risk, Covid-19 and hospital care in Mexico City: Are we moving toward a new medical practice?
Rubén Muñoz (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
Covid-19 pandemic has entailed new challenges for health care in the Mexican public health sector, producing changes in clinical practices that are now handling patients infected with covid-19 and also outpatient consultations at tertiary-level care hospitals. Some of these challenges are related to the perception of risk held by physicians regarding the possibility of contracting or transmitting covid-19 during their work,and to the management of risk from the standpoint of biomedical organizational culture linked to the material and symbolic conditions of public health services predating the pandemic. We analyze these issues from a anthropological research based on in-depth interviews to physicians that work with covid-19 patients at “Covid-19 hospitals” or “hybrid hospitals” in Mexico City. Covid-19 has arrived in social relations and perceptions of risk in the arena of health care and involves knowing and transforming some structural and symbolic conditions, resignified with the pandemic, for proper medical care.
Covid-19 percepción de riesgo personal de salud atención médica hospitalaria cultura organizacional biomédica CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES risk perception health care workers hospital care biomedical organizational culture
Adaptation to current and future climatic risks in agriculture: Madhya Pradesh, India
Paresh Shirsath Anil Pimpale Pramod Aggarwal (2022, [Libro])
Adaptation to current and future climatic risks in agriculture: Rajasthan, India
Paresh Shirsath Anil Pimpale Pramod Aggarwal (2022, [Libro])
Adaptation to current and future climatic risks in agriculture: Maharashtra, India
Paresh Shirsath Anil Pimpale Pramod Aggarwal (2022, [Libro])
Hambulo Ngoma João Vasco Silva Frédéric Baudron Isaiah Nyagumbo Christian Thierfelder (2024, [Artículo])
Sustainable agricultural practices such as conservation agriculture have been promoted in southern Africa for nearly three decades, but their adoption remains low. It is of policy interest to unpack behavioural drivers of adoption to understand why adoption remains lower than anticipated. This paper assesses the effects of risk aversion and impatience on the extent and intensity of the adoption of conservation agriculture using panel data collected from 646 households in 2021 and 2022 in Zambia. We find that 12% and 18% of the smallholders were impatient and risk averse, respectively. There are two main empirical findings based on panel data Probit and Tobit models. First, on the extensive margin, being impatient is correlated with a decreased likelihood of adopting combined minimum-tillage (MT) and rotation by 2.9 percentage points and being risk averse is associated with a decreased propensity of adopting combined minimum tillage (MT) and mulching by 3.2 percentage points. Being risk averse is correlated with a decreased chance of adopting basins by 2.8 percentage points. Second, on the intensive margin, impatience and risk aversion are significantly correlated with reduced adoption intensity of basins, ripping, minimum tillage (MT), and combined MT and rotation by 0.02–0.22 ha. These findings imply a need to embed risk management (e.g., through crop yield insurance) in the scaling of sustainable agricultural practices to incentivise adoption. This can help to nudge initial adoption and to protect farmers from yield penalties that are common in experimentation stages.
Nand Lal Kushwaha Paresh Shirsath Dipaka Ranjan Sena (2022, [Artículo])
The impact of 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C global warming on global maize production and trade
Wei Xiong Tariq Ali (2022, [Artículo])
GISELA GARCIA MORALES PEDRO ROSALES GRANO Gustavo Padilla Jose Alfredo Arreola Lizárraga Jaqueline García Hernández Alfredo Ortega Rubio Renato Arturo Mendoza Salgado (2017, [Artículo])
"La evaluación de la aptitud recreativa de playas es un asunto clave para diseñar estrategias de manejo. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la aptitud recreativa y proponer una estrategia de manejo en la playa El Cochórit, municipio de Empalme, Sonora. La aptitud recreativa de la playa se evaluó con base en la percepción de los usuarios y en indicadores biofísicos. El valor estimado de la aptitud recreativa de la playa, según la percepción de los usuarios fue de 0.71 (medio) y con base en los indicadores biofísicos fue de 0.47 (medio). La aptitud recreativa de la playa requiere ser mejorada con atención prioritaria en: (1) inversión en infraestructura y servicios, (2) mantenimiento de limpieza, (3) implementación de programas de educación ambiental y (4) monitoreo anual de la calidad sanitaria del agua y de la arena. La estrategia de gestión ambiental debe considerar incluir a la playa El Cochórit en el Programa Playas Limpias de la Comisión Nacional del Agua con el propósito de orientar esfuerzos hacia su certificación como “playa limpia”."
"The assessment of recreational beaches fitness is a key issue to design management strategies. The aim of this work was to evaluate the recreational fitness and propose a management strategy for the Beach El Cochórit, municipality of Empalme, Sonora. The recreational beach fitness was evaluated based on the perception of users, as well as biophysical indicators. The estimated value of recreational suitability of the beach perceived by users was 0.71 (average) and based on the biophysical indicators was 0.47 (average). Fitness recreational beach needs to be improved focusing on: (1) investing in infrastructure and services, (2) maintaining cleanliness, (3) implementing environmental education programs and (4) monitoring annually the sanitary quality of water and sand. The environmental management strategy should consider including the beach El Cochorit in the Clean Beaches Program of the National Water Commission in order to address efforts towards the certification of “clean beach”."
playas recreativas, manejo de playas, indicadores ambientales, percepción pública recreational beaches, management of beaches, environmental indicators, public perception CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO GEOLOGÍA GEOLOGÍA AMBIENTAL GEOLOGÍA AMBIENTAL
Diseño de una red de dispositivos inalámbricos para monitorear la calidad del aire en interiores
FRIDA JENNY DE LA ROSA ANDRADE (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
No cabe duda de que la contaminación ambiental siempre a existido, y es una consecuencia
producida por las diferentes actividades que el ser humano ha realizado a lo largo de su
desarrollo y evolución tecnológica, por lo que conlleva a muchas repercusiones en la
integridad física del ambiente. Las actividades de desarrollo, como la construcción, el
transporte y la fabricación, no solo agotan los recursos naturales, sino que también producen
una gran cantidad de desechos que conducen a la contaminación del aire, el agua, el suelo y
los océanos, dando pie a los problemas más preocupantes del ser humano, tal es el caso del
calentamiento global, las lluvias acidas. Hoy en día la contaminación del aire se considera
un tema de gran importancia puesto que, es uno de los principales problemas en las zonas
más urbanizadas del mundo, y se encuentra presente tanto en los países desarrollados como
en los no desarrollados, por ello surge la necesidad de conocer que tan contaminado se
encuentra el aire que se respira.
El estándar de calidad del aire es una táctica para establecer las condiciones del aire desde un
grado de pureza, hasta una calidad critica perjudicial para el deterioro de la salud humana,
haciendo referencia a la cantidad de contaminación presente en el aire, definiéndola ya sea
de alta calidad con un nivel bajo de contaminación o una mala calidad con un nivel elevado
de concentración de contaminación en el aire.
En este proyecto se diseñará una Red de dispositivos inalámbricos para el análisis y
monitoreo de la calidad del aire en interiores, con la finalidad de fungir como un medidor de
contaminación que le permita a las personas darse cuenta de que tan contaminados están sus
hogares. Por tal motivo en el desarrollo de este proyecto se hará uso de un microcontrolador
Arduino IDE, un Node-red y un phpMyadmin para el análisis y monotoreo constante de
diversos gases como CO, CO2, metano, nitrógeno y O2. Cabe mencionar que este escrito se
ha dividido en 4 capítulos en los cuales se explica detalladamente todos y cada uno de los
procesos llevado a cabo para la elaboración y el desarrollo de este proyecto.
There is no doubt that environmental pollution has always existed, and is a consequence
produced by the different activities that human beings have carried out throughout their
development and technological evolution, which leads to many repercussions on the physical
integrity of the environment. Development activities such as construction, transportation and
manufacturing not only deplete natural resources but also produce a large amount of waste
leading to pollution of air, water, soil and oceans, giving rise to to the most worrying problems
of human beings, such as global warming and acid rain. Nowadays, air pollution is considered
an issue of great importance since it is one of the main problems in the most urbanized areas
of the world, and is present in both developed and undeveloped countries, which is why the
need to know how contaminated the air you breathe is.
The air quality standard is a tactic to establish air conditions from a degree of purity to a
critical quality harmful to the deterioration of human health, referring to the amount of
pollution present in the air, defining it either high quality with a low level of contamination
or poor quality with a high level of concentration of contamination in the air.
In this project, a network of wireless devices will be designed for the analysis and monitoring
of indoor air quality, with the purpose of serving as a pollution meter that allows people to
realize how polluted their homes are. For this reason, in the development of this project, an
Arduino IDE microcontroller, a Node-red and a phpMyadmin will be used for the analysis
and constant monitoring of various gases such as CO, CO2, methane, nitrogen and O2. It is
worth mentioning that this writing has been divided into 4 chapters in which each and every
one of the processes carried out for the preparation and development of this project is
explained in detail.
BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA QUÍMICA Red de dispositivos inalámbricos, análisis monitoreo, calidad, riesgo, contaminación. Network of wireless devices, monitoring analysis, quality, risk, contamination.
In previous work, the authors demonstrated how data from climate simulations can be utilized to estimate regional wind power densities. In particular, it was shown that the quality of wind power densities, estimated from the UPSCALE global dataset in offshore regions of Mexico, compared well with regional high resolution studies. Additionally, a link between surface temperature and moist air density in the estimates was presented. UPSCALE is an acronym for UK on PRACE (the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe)-weather-resolving Simulations of Climate for globAL Environmental risk. The UPSCALE experiment was performed in 2012 by NCAS (National Centre for Atmospheric Science)- Climate, at the University of Reading and the UK Met Office Hadley Centre. The study included a 25.6-year, five-member ensemble simulation of the HadGEM3 global atmosphere, at 25km resolution for present climate conditions. The initial conditions for the ensemble runs were taken from consecutive days of a test configuration. In the present paper, the emphasis is placed on the single climate run for a potential future climate scenario in the UPSCALE experiment dataset, using the Representation Concentrations Pathways (RCP) 8.5 climate change scenario. Firstly, some tests were performed to ensure that the results using only one instantiation of the current climate dataset are as robust as possible within the constraints of the available data. In order to achieve this, an artificial time series over a longer sampling period was created. Then, it was shown that these longer time series provided almost the same results than the short ones, thus leading to the argument that the short time series is sufficient to capture the climate. Finally, with the confidence that one instantiation is sufficient, the future climate dataset was analysed to provide, for the first time, a projection of future changes in wind power resources using the UPSCALE dataset. It is hoped that this, in turn, will provide some guidance for wind power developers and policy makers to prepare and adapt for climate change impacts on wind energy production. Although offshore locations around Mexico were used as a case study, the dataset is global and hence the methodology presented can be readily applied at any desired location. © Copyright 2016 Gross, Magar. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reprod
atmosphere, climate change, Europe, Mexico, sampling, time series analysis, university, weather, wind power, climate, risk, theoretical model, wind, Climate, Models, Theoretical, Risk, Wind CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA