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- Bia Carneiro (1)
- Briseida Corzo Rivera (1)
- Cely Celene Ronquillo Chávez (1)
- Evangelina Cervantes Holguín (1)
- Gabriel Castañeda Nolasco (1)
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- Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (2)
- Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. (1)
- Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. Instituto de Arquitectura, Diseño y Arte (1)
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- Repositorio Institucional Zaloamati (1)
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5 resultados, página 1 de 1
Digital artifacts reveal development and diffusion of climate research
Bia Carneiro Tek Sapkota (2022, [Artículo])
Socio-technological responses to COVID-19 in Mexico: Spin-offs, repositories and 3D printing
Max Matus (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
The objective of the article is to analyze two sociotechnical initiatives, one citizen and the other governmental, that were configured in Mexico as a response to the shortage and hoarding of medical devices in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The citizen response analyzed is the coronavirus_maker_mx movement, while the governmental initiative under scrutiny are the Gätsy and Ehecátl 4T ventilators developed under the coordination of the National Council on Science and Technology. The methodology used involved online tracking of coronavirus_maker groups, open interviews with community members, and review of second-hand sources in the case of the government initiative. By unraveling the networks of actors that were behind the design and production or printing of devices to address COVID-19, we conclude that the cases analyzed represent different models of technological development that invite us to think about some alternatives for the promotion of "sovereign" technology in Mexico.
Impresión 3D manufactura aditiva makers ciencia abierta CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES 3D printing additive manufacture open science
Briseida Corzo Rivera Gabriel Castañeda Nolasco (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
Access to water is a common struggle of the communities in the state of Chiapas, with the effects of urban expansion these struggles increase and with them the challenges that these populations already face, having a greater impact on the rural environment. The struggles to satisfy this basic need are a factor that has triggered processes that promote community participation. Based on a qualitative analysis, this paper compares two existing forms of participation in the rural communities of the Metropolitan Area of Tuxtla Gutierrez that allow the population to manage actions to improve their quality of life. The objective is to analyze how these processes promote or restrict the empowerment of the community and allow progress, not only in the population's access to water, but also in the construction of the right to the city. From the urban-rural linkages, the right to the city is discussed beyond the city, addressing other territories. The study identifies factors that show changes in the participation of the populations and strengthen the community, as well as factors in the relationships of the community and of the community with other actors that limit the scope of the processes.
Participation Right to the city Urban-rural linkages Access to water participación, derecho a la ciudad, vínculos urbano-rurales, acceso al agua. CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES
Teacher training in the state of Chihuahua: Between the health challenge and teacher resilience
Evangelina Cervantes Holguín Pavel Roel Gutiérrez Sandoval Cely Celene Ronquillo Chávez (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
The article proposes to recover the response of the Teacher Training and Updating Institutions in the state of Chihuahua regarding the various challenges imposed by the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). The qualitative exercise analyzes the experience of 10 institutions based on the voice of their students, teachers, and principals regarding changes in academic, administrative, and organizational processes. It is concluded that the pandemic has affected each institution in different ways and with diverse intensity. Despite the achievements, the experience analyzed reveals the relative success of the using virtual platforms in the face of three basic conditions: connectivity, technological competencies, and socio-emotional skills of the teaching staff. It highlights the importance of implementing tutoring, resilience, or awareness actions of teachers and students' needs, feelings, and sufferings. It is opportune to recover the experiences of other institutions and to question especially students, thesis students and graduates.
Acceso a la educación Aprendizaje en línea Educación a distancia Formación de docentes Tecnología educacional HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA Access to education online learning distance education teacher education educational technology
Movilidad inclusiva, divergencia intrínseca
VICTOR MANUEL COLLANTES VAZQUEZ (2019, [Capítulo de libro])
10 páginas.
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Unidad Azcapotzalco.
En estos tiempos, hablar de diseño, innovación y su influencia en la vida cotidiana es un tema cada día más necesarios. Distintas tendencias se están manifestando en relación a la participación de las tecnologías de la información, accesibilidad movilidad. El tema de este trabajo está relacionado con el desarrollo inclusivo, entendiendo a la discapacidad para caminar como un reto para lo que representa el avanzar hacia una sociedad que considere la totalidad de los habitantes. El caso de estudio es la Alcaldía de Azcapotzalco. Se presenta la experiencia de abordar el tema desde diferentes metodologías que han sido consideradas para enriquecer la investigación y se expresa el aprendizaje a través del reto de estudiar una diversidad de subtemas.
Discapacidad, movilidad, diseño, envejecimiento. Accessible Web sites for people with disabilities. Customer services--Management. Social justice. Accesibilidad de páginas Web a personas con discapacidad. Acceso para personas con discapacidad. HV1568.4 INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ORDENADORES DISEÑO CON AYUDA DE ORDENADOR