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- Alma Sofia Santillan (1)
- José Alejandro Pérez-Nájera (1)
- Rogelio Javier Rendón Hernández (1)
- Yei Javier Zepeda Hernández (1)
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- oa:openAccess (2)
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- Cash transfers (1)
- Cost of violence (1)
- Costo de la violencia. (1)
- Desigualdad (1)
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2 resultados, página 1 de 1
Economic inequality and the impact of cash transfers in the state of Veracruz, México, 2008 to 2020
José Alejandro Pérez-Nájera Rogelio Javier Rendón Hernández (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
Income inequality in Mexico is extremely high and the federal states are considerably heterogeneous, which is why a regional analysis allows us to identify the fundamental characteristics, trends, and regional conditions for the implementation of redistributive policies. We used microdata from the National Household Income and Expenditure Survey (ENIGH) to analyze the evolution of income inequality in the state of Veracruz during the 2008-2020 period; To identify its sources and investigate how it was affected by monetary transfers, the income decomposition method is used to identify the ENIGH income sources and investigate preliminary COVID-19 effects. The results show evidence of a decrease in inequality in the period; relatively and marginally, it is identified that the observed decrease can be attributed to cash transfers. In recent years, transfers represented 30% of the income of the lowest deciles (I, II, and III) and the income elasticity of the Gini coefficient indicates that their increase represents a decrease in inequality.
Desigualdad ingresos monetarios elasticidad del ingreso Políticas Sociales distribución del ingreso CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES Cash transfers income elasticities inequality monetary income
Intimate partner violence and its relationship to labor income
Yei Javier Zepeda Hernández Alma Sofia Santillan (2024, [Artículo, Artículo])
In Mexico, 70.1% of women have been victims of violence in their lifetime and the main perpetrator is her intimate partner. Gender violence is a public health problem that has multiple negative impacts in woman and their offsprings. The relation violence and income is an issue that has been scarcely studied for Mexico. The objective of this article is to analyze the intimate partner violence and its relationship to labor income for Mexican women, data used are from the National Survey on the Dynamics of Households Relationships (ENDIREH 2021). The principal component method is used to estimate five kinds of violence; physical, emotional, economic, sexual and, harassment. The instrumental variables method is used to consider the endogeneity of income and violence variables. Except harassment, the results indicate a negative relationship between income and violence. Specifically, sexual violence has the greatest negative effects; women who are victims of sexual violence have an average reduction of 17.4% in monthly labor income. This negative effect represents a loss of just over two month of working days per year and, in the aggregate terms, is equivalent to 0.87% of GDP. The above highlights the importance of orienting public policy actions to work in prevention, attention, punishment and eradications any kind of violence against women.
Intimate partner violence Labor income Endogeneity Instrumental variables Cost of violence Violencia de pareja Ingresos laborales Endogeneidad Variables instrumentales Costo de la violencia. CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES