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The pedestrian trajectories derived from the barriers of the public space

Amanda Casillas Ana Victoria Casillas Zapata (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

Walking behavior respond to various factors, both internal and external, the first one is linked to the pedestrian's motivation, and the second one is linked to the opportunity offered by the built environment. The public space in the cities represents the main articulator of pedestrian movements, allowing flexible or fixed types of trips to be carried out. Therefore, those urban spaces that are detached from the network conformed by the pedestrian infrastructure could limit accessibility and alter the paths of travel. This study addresses the cases of three neighborhood parks that in recent years have had their configuration transformed by closing their perimeters in a partial or total way; the main objective of this study is to identify the types of pedestrian trajectories that derive from these barriers, as for those who move from within the neighborhoods and those who move from outside. These trajectories were analyzed under a qualitative approach and a descriptive scope. This allow us to determine that the parks, according to their disposition, have the potential to attract or repel the pedestrian movement, whether they were used as a destination or a connection place for displacement. In this way, it was possible to determine that the pedestrian trajectories are conditioned by the reduced permeability of these spaces.

Pedestrian mobility Public space Parks Barriers movilidad peatonal espacio público parques barreras conectividad HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA

Thermal and ammonia concentration gradients in a rabbit barn with two ventilation system designs


Rabbit barns are of economic importance in central Mexico, where rabbit breeders use rustic buildings for production. In such barns, climate conditioning is mostly based on natural ventilation (NV) where the lack of a well-designed NV system may be a limiting factor. In this study, computational fluid dynamics was used to analyse the performance of the NV system in a 24 x 4 x 4.8 m typical Central Mexico rabbit barn with a density of 20 rabbits m-2 of cage. The barn included both side vents at 1.2 m in height from the ground. Results indicated exchange rates of 0.052 and 2.9 x 10-4 m3 m-2 s-1 when the wind direction was simulated as orthogonal and parallel to the side vents, respectively, suggesting the orthogonal direction favoured the exchange rate. However, such conditions produced an accumulation of ammonia underneath the rabbit cages. Thus, a design modification including a lower inlet vent was analyzed. Such modification substantially decreased the concentration gradients of temperature and ammonia.

Conejeras Turbulencia Modelos matemáticos Simulación Ventilación INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA

Propuesta de aplicación móvil para el sistema de Registro Único de Animales de Compañía (RUAC) con tecnología QR

Delfino Luna Saavedra (2023, [Otro, Trabajo de grado, maestría])

El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo diseñar y desarrollar una aplicación móvil, que servirá de apoyo a la operación de la plataforma web del sistema de Registro Único De Animales de Compañía RUAC. Dicha aplicación móvil permitirá hacer uso y consulta de la información incorporada al registro, ya que por sí sola no se tiene algún método de consulta y

vinculación a la identificación oficial y registro generado, mediante la implementación de tecnologías de código QR.

Por tal motivo, se formuló la interrogante ¿Mejoraría la eficiencia, precisión y la usabilidad del proceso de registro y seguimiento de animales de compañía en una aplicación móvil, así como la experiencia del usuario?

Dentro de la metodología el tipo de estudio en el que nos enfocamos, fue de manera cuali-cuantitativo, la cual nos ayudó a proporcionar profundidad en los datos, dispersión, riqueza interpretativa, contextualización del ambiente o entorno,

detalles y experiencias únicas; así como en el análisis de las mediciones obtenidas utilizando métodos estadísticos, llegando a una serie de conclusiones.

El corte de la investigación fue transversal, se recolectaron datos en un solo momento y en un tiempo único. En esta investigación, las técnicas aplicadas fueron la encuesta y la entrevista. Nuestra población objeto, fueron usuarios del

sistema de registro único de animales de compañía implementado por el gobierno de la Ciudad de México, tomando una muestra de 200 personas. Obteniendo los siguientes resultados: un 75% se le hace muy fácil navegar en el sitio web de

Registro Único De Animales de Compañía RUAC, sin embargo un 60 % manifestó no estar muy satisfecho/a con su experiencia general en el sitio, por lo cual el 95% optó por el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil innovadora que integre tecnologías de códigos QR con el Sistema de Registro Único de Animales de Compañía (RUAC), para su implementación en conjunto al sistema web actual, el 93% consideraría que la experiencia del usuario sería mucho mejor, así como se

llevaría un mejor control en temas de salud animal (esterilización, vacunación y desparasitación), caso de extravío y responsabilidad social. Se concluye finalmente que el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil mejorará la experiencia de

usuario, así como el incremento de la audiencia y su difusión.

Tecnologías QR Aplicaciones móviles Animales de compañía Identificación animal Conectividad a Internet Identificación animal INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS TECNOLOGÍA DE LAS TELECOMUNICACIONES TECNOLOGÍA DE LAS TELECOMUNICACIONES

The past, the present, the future, and occupational self-efficacy: an attributions and cultural differences perspective

Daniel Arturo Cernas Ortiz (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

This study´s objective was to examine empirical relationships between three dimensions of time perspective (future, present fatalistic, and past negative) and occupational self-efficacy. By surveying Mexican (n = 286) and U.S. (n = 272) respondents, we also tested the moderating role of culture. Regression analyses revealed that time perspective dimensions have significant associations with occupational self-efficacy, being future time perspective more potent than its past negative and present fatalistic counterparts. Moderation analyses indicated that none of the examined time perspective-self-efficacy relationships varied significantly between the U.S. and Mexico. Overall, this study suggests that relationships between time perspective and occupational self-efficacy vary according to different temporal dimensions, that future TP is key to develop occupational self-efficacy, and that cultural values may not exert a significant influence on the time perspective-occupational self-efficacy connection.

Perspectiva de tiempo autoeficacia diferencias culturales análisis de moderación CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES Time perspective self-efficacy cultural differences moderation analysis

Vida de un muerto. Entre nuestro universo y el otro

Nicolás Amoroso Boelcke (2023, [Capítulo de libro])

Capítulo número 3 de la Sección Imágenes y representaciones.

Se analiza el film Raymond & Ray, desde la construcción de la vida de Harris, personaje muerto desde el principio del film, y esto se hace mediante las palabras, no con escenas de la infancia que mencionan Raymond y Ray ni tampoco en las acciones que participa con los otros perso¬najes que hablan de él. Harris habita el filme desde las palabras.

Semiotics and motion pictures. Culture--Semiotic models. Dialogue analysis. Semiótica y cine. Análisis del diálogo. NX180.S46 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS TEORÍA, ANÁLISIS Y CRÍTICA DE LAS BELLAS ARTES CINEMATOGRAFÍA

Spatiotemporal analysis of rainfall and temperature variability and trends for climate resilient maize farming system in major agroecology zones of northwest Ethiopia

Kindie Tesfaye Dereje Ademe Enyew Adgo (2023, [Artículo])

Spatiotemporal studies of the annual and seasonal climate variability and trend on an agroecological spatial scale for establishing a climate-resilient maize farming system have not yet been conducted in Ethiopia. The study was carried out in three major agroecological zones in northwest Ethiopia using climate data from 1987 to 2018. The coefficient of variation (CV), precipitation concertation index (PCI), and rainfall anomaly index (RAI) were used to analyze the variability of rainfall. The Mann-Kendall test and Sen’s slope estimator were also applied to estimate trends and slopes of changes in rainfall and temperature. High-significance warming trends in the maximum and minimum temperatures were shown in the highland and lowland agroecology zones, respectively. Rainfall has also demonstrated a maximum declining trend throughout the keremt season in the highland agroecology zone. However, rainfall distribution has become more unpredictable in the Bega and Belg seasons. Climate-resilient maize agronomic activities have been determined by analyzing the onset and cessation dates and the length of the growth period (LGP). The rainy season begins between May 8 and June 3 and finishes between October 26 and November 16. The length of the growth period (LGP) during the rainy season ranges from 94 to 229 days.


Natural disasters and economic growth: a synthesis of empirical evidence

Fernando Antonio Ignacio González (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

Natural disasters pose a serious threat globally and, in the future, their frequency and severity are expected to increase due to climate change. Empirical evidence has reported conflicting results in terms of the impact of disasters on economic growth. In this context, the present work seeks to synthesize the recent empirical evidence related to this topic. More than 650 estimates, from studies published in the last five years (2015-2020), are used. Meta-analysis and meta-regression techniques are employed. The review includes three sources (Scopus, Science Direct, and Google Scholar). The results identified the existence of a negative and significant combined effect (-0.015). Developing countries are especially vulnerable to disasters. The negative impact is greater for disasters that occurred in the last decade -in relation to previous disasters-. These findings constitute a call for attention in favor of mitigation and adaptation policies.

Disasters GDP meta-analysis meta-regression desastres crecimiento PIB meta-análisis meta-regresión CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

On-farm assessment of yield and quality traits in durum wheat

Facundo Tabbita Iván Ortíz-Monasterios Francisco Javier Pinera-Chavez Maria Itria Ibba Carlos Guzman (2023, [Artículo])

BACKGROUND: Durum wheat is key source of calories and nutrients for many regions of the world. Demand for it is predicted to increase. Further efforts are therefore needed to develop new cultivars adapted to different future scenarios. Developing a novel cultivar takes, on average, 10 years and advanced lines are tested during the process, in general, under standardized conditions. Although evaluating candidate genotypes for commercial release under different on-farm conditions is a strategy that is strongly recommended, its application for durum wheat and particularly for quality traits has been limited. This study evaluated the grain yield and quality performance of eight different genotypes across five contrasting farmers’ fields over two seasons. Combining different analysis strategies, the most outstanding and stable genotypes were identified. RESULTS: The analyses revealed that some traits were mainly explained by the genotype effect (thousand kernel weight, flour sodium dodecyl sulfate sedimentation volume, and flour yellowness), others by the management practices (yield and grain protein content), and others (test weight) by the year effect. In general, yield showed the highest range of variation across genotypes, management practices, and years and test weight the narrowest range. Flour yellowness was the most stable trait across management conditions, while yield-related traits were the most unstable. We also determined the most representative and discriminative field conditions, which is a beneficial strategy when breeders are constrained in their ability to develop multi-environment experiments. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that assessing genotypes in different farming systems is a valid and complementary strategy for on-station trials for determining the performance of future commercial cultivars in heterogeneous environments to improve the breeding process and resources.


Gender, rainfall endowment, and farmers’ heterogeneity in wheat trait preferences in Ethiopia

Hom Nath Gartaula Moti Jaleta (2024, [Artículo])

Wheat is a vital cereal crop for smallholders in Ethiopia. Despite over fifty years of research on wheat varietal development, consideration of gendered trait preferences in developing target product profiles for wheat breeding is limited. To address this gap, our study used sex-disaggregated survey data and historical rainfall trends from the major wheat-growing regions in Ethiopia. The findings indicated heterogeneity in trait preferences based on gender and rainfall endowment. Men respondents tended to prefer wheat traits with high straw yield and disease-resistance potential, while women showed a greater appreciation for wheat traits related to good taste and cooking quality. Farmers in high rainfall areas seemed to prioritize high straw yield and disease resistance traits, while those in low rainfall areas valued good adaptation traits more highly. Most of the correlation coefficients among the preferred traits were positive, indicating that farmers seek wheat varieties with traits that serve multiple purposes. Understanding men's and women's preferences and incorporating them in breeding and seed systems could contribute to the development of more targeted and effective wheat varieties that meet the diverse needs of men and women farmers in Ethiopia.