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Tipo de publicación
- Artículo (4)
- Artículo (3)
- Capítulo de libro (1)
- Tesis de doctorado (1)
- José Daniel Sousa Oliva (2)
- Alberto Espejel Espinoza (1)
- Jessica Villalobos (1)
- Luis Fernando Noyola Rojas (1)
Años de Publicación
- Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (3)
- Revista Mexicana de Estudios Electorales. (1)
- Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. (1)
Repositorios Orígen
- Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (3)
- Repositorio Institucional Zaloamati (1)
- Repositorio Institucional de Ciencia Abierta de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero (1)
Tipos de Acceso
- oa:openAccess (6)
- OTRAS (2)
- politics, electoral behavior, political culture, democracy, public opinion. (2)
- política, comportamiento electoral, cultura política, democracia, opinión pública. (2)
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6 resultados, página 1 de 1
Militancia partidaria y toma de decisiones en el Movimiento Regeneración Nacional.
Mariela Díaz Sandoval Alberto Espejel Espinoza (2018, [Artículo])
The purpose of the article is to show a qualitative approach to the opinion of the militancy on decision¿making inside the National Regeneration Movement (Morena). Hence, the paper accounts for an actor, of whom little evidence has been provided, in the studies on intra¿democracy: the militant. In that sense, the questions that guided the research were: Who makes the major decisions with in Morena? What role do the militants have when it comes to selecting leaders and candidates? What does the militant think about the way in which are made with in the party? By conducting in¿depth interviews and document analysis, the main findings show the concentration of power in Morena, both statutory level and in the partisan reality. Coupled with an active and dissatisfied militancy, but at the same time justifies the concentration of power in Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
Ciudad Juarez from historical sketch of national migration policies
Luis Fernando Noyola Rojas Luis Manuel Lara Rodríguez (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
The context of migration in the Mexican case and its migration policies are analyzed here, taking the case of Ciudad Juarez as a node of movement and link of said policies; for this, the work is divided into four sections. A historical review of the way of how migration policies, through programs operated by different institutions and spheres of government, have worked through the manifestations of the domestic and international Mexican migration it is proposed. It also serves to contextualize and to understand how they are created and why the objectives they intend to meet are more orientated to immediate problems rather to recognize the complexity of migratory problems, in need of specific policies.
migración políticas migratorias Ciudad Juárez frontera migración interna CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES migration migration policies Ciudad Juarez border internal migration
Jessica Villalobos (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])
"This study proposes a scheme that combines the model reference control with the internal model control to impose a first-order behavior on the speed control system of direct current motors. This scheme is used as the internal loop to control the position of a model to use it as the reference for the physical motor.
This work also presents an inverse kinematic solution for the UR5 and algorithms to choose angles that do not lead to singularities. These algorithms can be used in independent joint control schemes such as the one proposed in this document."
Internal model control Model reference control Independent joint control Direct current motor UR5 manipulator Inverse kinematics INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS
Democracia, gobierno y administración pública en la Ciudad de México
FRANCISCO JOSE DIAZ CASILLAS (2004, [Capítulo de libro])
Capítulo de la sección: Comunicación y Sociedad Sustentable.
Hablar de democracia, gobierno y administración en la Ciudad de México, nos remite a dos momentos históricos del pasado reciente: el primero hace referencia a 1994, fecha en que aparece la Ley de Participación Ciudadana, primera normatividad político administrativa de corte ciudadano, que presenta objetivos que enlazan el quehacer gubernamental con las necesidades ciudadanas; el segundo se da en 1997 con la aparición y ascenso de un Jefe de Gobierno, que a diferencia de sus antecesores, que fungían como Jefes del Departamento del Distrito Federal, eran nombrados por el Ejecutivo Federal y actuaban con facultades delegadas, en tanto que el Jefe de Gobierno es electo de manera directa y actúa con facultades autónomas. De esta forma con un gobierno autónomo, los habitantes de la Ciudad de México dejaron de considerarse como "ciudadanos de segunda", como en algún momento se les calificó, debido a que no contaban con sus derechos jurídicos de votar por las personas que los gobernaban, con el primer Jefe de Gobierno electo en 1997, se marca un "parteaguas" en la vida del Distrito Federal en donde las formas de hacer gobierno y administración pública provocan nuevos esquemas y formas de actuación política y administrativa.
Political participation--Mexico--Mexico City. Public administration--Citizen participation. Democracy--Mexico--Mexico City. Mexico City (Mexico)--Politics and government. Administración pública -- Participación ciudadana. Democracia. JS2137.A2 CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIA POLÍTICA ADMINISTRACIÓN PÚBLICA
José Daniel Sousa Oliva (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
This article is dedicated to understanding and explaining the electoral dilemma “Dishonest, but competent” and “Honest, but incompetent” in the elections of legislators, governors and municipal presidents in 2018 in Mexico and Brazil. The research questions that guided the investigation are: Why are there voters in Mexico and Brazil who vote for “dishonest” candidates? And how do the voters of those countries decide their vote in the face of this dilemma? The theoretical approach of this work is Social Psychology through two analytical tools: the Funnel of Causality and the Tripartite Model of Attitudes. The methodology is mixed, quantitative and qualitative, using statistical models with data from the international surveys World Values Survey and Comparative Studies of Electoral Systems, as well as the application of Focus Groups in the distance modality. In this way, four categories of voter are proposed: moralist, moralist-moderate, pragmatic-moderate and pragmatic. The arguments of this work are: first, that regardless of cultural differences, there is an “affective voter” “non-rational” who makes decisions based on emotions and intuition, demonstrating that the affective components of attitudes are more relevant than the cognitive ones in electoral choice; second, that voting for “dishonest” candidates is determined under a greater influence of “short-term factors” such as candidate characteristics and short-term events rather than “long-term factors” such as party loyalties and ideology.
politics, electoral behavior, political culture, democracy, public opinion. política, comportamiento electoral, cultura política, democracia, opinión pública. CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES
José Daniel Sousa Oliva (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
This article is dedicated to understanding and explaining the electoral dilemma “Dishonest, but competent” and “Honest, but incompetent” in the elections of legislators, governors and municipal presidents in 2018 in Mexico and Brazil. The research questions that guided the investigation are: Why are there voters in Mexico and Brazil who vote for “dishonest” candidates? And how do the voters of those countries decide their vote in the face of this dilemma? The theoretical approach of this work is Social Psychology through two analytical tools: the Funnel of Causality and the Tripartite Model of Attitudes. The methodology is mixed, quantitative and qualitative, using statistical models with data from the international surveys World Values Survey and Comparative Studies of Electoral Systems, as well as the application of Focus Groups in the distance modality. In this way, four categories of voter are proposed: moralist, moralist-moderate, pragmatic-moderate and pragmatic. The arguments of this work are: first, that regardless of cultural differences, there is an “affective voter” “non-rational” who makes decisions based on emotions and intuition, demonstrating that the affective components of attitudes are more relevant than the cognitive ones in electoral choice; second, that voting for “dishonest” candidates is determined under a greater influence of “short-term factors” such as candidate characteristics and short-term events rather than “long-term factors” such as party loyalties and ideology.
politics, electoral behavior, political culture, democracy, public opinion. política, comportamiento electoral, cultura política, democracia, opinión pública. CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES