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Propuesta de mejora para la integración del equipo de salud en el código azul en áreas críticas adulto

DANIEL GARCIA NAVARRETE (2023, [Otro, Trabajo terminal, especialidad])

La presente investigación se realizará en un hospital de segundo nivel de atención de la ciudad de Cuernavaca, el código azul es un sistema de alarma que existe en la mayoría de los hospitales, está conformado por un equipo multidisciplinario de salud que se encuentra capacitado y es convocado de manera inmediata con funciones previamente asignadas para poder intervenir de forma oportuna, eficaz y con calidad a pacientes en paro cardiopulmonar. Este trabajo de investigación propone la integración del equipo de salud en código azul.

Se menciona como fue la historia de la formación de los grupos de reanimación cardiopulmonar y la organización del código azul; fue el primer modelo de estos sistemas y ha demostrado un impacto positivo en la morbimortalidad de los pacientes, la conexión de la teórica Patricia Benner de principiante a experto, se describe como se vive un código azul en el área hospitalaria, la necesidad de estructurar tarjetas que identifique que rol tiene cada uno de los integrantes del código azul, el personal de salud tiene que tener capacidad de reconocer la emergencia del evento, realizando oportunamente las intervenciones del código azul. Metodología adecuada para esta investigación: se decidió un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, longitudinal, observacional, cuasiexperimental y de intervención educativa, será dirigido a todo profesional de salud; área médica, enfermería, camilleros, residentes, pasantes y estudiantes de ambas profesiones de los diferentes turnos que laboran en las áreas críticas del hospital. Se pretende aplicar dos instrumentos de evaluación diagnóstica y de habilidades previo a la capacitación curso- taller con la finalidad de fortalecer los conocimientos y habilidades y posteriormente aplicar los mismos instrumentos de evaluación final. Se implementará un pizarrón en cada servicio, donde describa el rol de la actividad que tendrá cada integrante que conforme el equipo de código azul, así mismo se proporcionará el manual de procedimientos de código azul, guía de práctica clínica impresa que se ubicaran en un lugar estratégico para su consulta y gafetes que describa la función que le corresponde a cada uno de los miembros.

This research will be carried out in a second level care hospital in the city of Cuernavaca. The code blue is an alarm system that exists in most hospitals; it is made up of a multidisciplinary health team that is trained and immediately summoned with previously assigned functions in order to intervene in a timely, effective and quality manner in patients in cardiopulmonary arrest. This research work proposes the integration of the health team in code blue.

It mentions the history of the formation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation groups and the organization of the code blue; it was the first model of these systems and has shown a positive impact on patient morbidity and mortality, the connection of the theorist Patricia Benner from beginner to expert, it describes how a code blue is experienced in the hospital area, the need to structure cards that identify the role of each of the members of the code blue, the health personnel must have the ability to recognize the emergency event, performing timely interventions of the code blue. Appropriate methodology for this research: a quantitative, longitudinal, observational, quasi-experimental, quasi-experimental and educational intervention study was decided, and it will be directed to all health professionals; medical area, nursing, orderlies, residents, interns and students of both professions of the different shifts that work in the critical areas of the hospital. It is intended to apply two diagnostic and skills evaluation instruments prior to the training course-workshop in order to strengthen knowledge and skills and then apply the same instruments for the final evaluation. A blackboard will be implemented in each service, describing the role of the activity that each member of the code blue team will have, as well as the code blue procedure manual, printed clinical practice guide that will be placed in a strategic place for consultation and badges that describe the function that corresponds to each of the members.

MEDICINA Y CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD CIENCIAS MÉDICAS código azul, integración, equipos de respuesta rápida, personal de salud, paro cardiopulmonar. code blue, integration, rapid response teams, health personnel, cardiopulmonary arrest.

Gene expression in primary hemocyte culture of the Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei infected with different white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) strains


"Five previously analyzed white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) strains from northwest Mexico,differing in their genome architecture as well as in virulence, were selected (high virulence JP and LG strains;moderate virulence GVE and DIV strains; and low virulence LC10 strain) to evaluate pathogenesis response in vitro. Expression of phagocytosis-activating protein PAP, manganese superoxide dismutase MnSOD and peroxiredoxin PRX, and two genes of immediate-early expression (IE1 and WSSV304) were measured by qPCR in a primary hemocyte cell culture from Penaeus vannamei at 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 h post-infection (hpi). PAP expression was significantly higher at 1 and 3 hpi, and JP and LC10 strains induced the highest expression. The response of MnSOD was high at 1 hpi, and a significant increase in PRX expression was detected at 3 hpi, probably due to the occurrence of an oxidative burst; expression levels of MnSOD and PRX were significantly higher at 1 and 3 hpi, respectively, induced by the LG strain (high virulence), suggesting an acute response. In general, expression of most immune-related - genes decreased after the initial hours of infection. Expression levels of IE1 and WSSV304 were exceptionally high at 1 hpi in almost all five WSSV analyzed strains,confirming their efficient mechanism for replication and viral fitness. The results of this study do not show an accurate link between the genome size and WSSV virulence of the strains, albeit the strain with the smallest genome showed the highest virulence. All strains induced an early immune response in heterogeneous ways."

Penaeus vannamei, virulence, gene expression, viral fitness, viral pathogenesis, immune response BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL