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Assessing the Spatiotemporal Relationship between Coastal Habitats and Fish Assemblages at Two Neotropical Estuaries of the Mexican Pacific

VICTOR MANUEL MURO TORRES FELIPE AMEZCUA MARTINEZ Gerogina Ramírez Ortiz FRANCISCO JAVIER FLORES DE SANTIAGO Felipe Amezcua Linares Yareli Hernández Álvarez (2022, [Artículo])

"Differences in fish assemblages’ structures and their relations with environmental variables (due to the variations in sampled seasons, habitats, and zones) were analyzed in two adjacent estuaries on the north Pacific coast of Mexico. Environmental variables and fish catches were registered monthly between August 2018 and October 2020. Multivariate analyses were conducted to define habitats and zones based on their environmental characteristics, and the effect of this variability on fish assemblages’ composition, biomass, and diversity (α and β) was evaluated. A total of 12,008 fish individuals of 143 species were collected using different fishing nets. Multivariate analyses indicated that fish assemblages’ structures were different between zones due to the presence, height, and coverage of distinct mangrove species. Additionally, depth and salinity showed effects on fish assemblages’ diversity (α and β-nestedness), which presented higher values in the ocean and remained similar in the rest of the analyzed zones and habitats. These results and the differences in species replacement (β-turnover) indicate the singularity of fish assemblages at estuaries (even in areas close to the ocean) and the necessity to establish local management strategies for these ecosystems."


La Funcionalidad Física Arrecifal, indicador de la diversidad funcional en ensamblajes de peces de arrecifes en el Parque Nacional Islas Marietas, Nayarit, México

Reef Physical Functionality, indicator of functional diversity on reef fishes assemblages from Islas Marietas National Park, Nayarit, Mexico

Luis Mario Montalvo Jaramillo (2023, [Tesis de maestría])

La ecología funcional se basa en el uso de rasgos funcionales; características de las especies (morfológicas, fisiológicas, comportamiento) medidas a nivel individual que influencian el rendimiento de una especie, siendo de gran utilidad para determinar cambios dentro del ecosistema. El presente trabajo busca evaluar la funcionalidad física como indicador de disponibilidad de hábitat de peces y su relación con la diversidad funcional. La funcionalidad física del arrecife se evaluó mediante el IFA integrando datos de cobertura coralina, complejidad estructural y tasa de calcificación. La estructura de los ensamblajes de peces se analizó mediante el cálculo de índices de diversidad funcional (riqueza, equitatividad y divergencia) con base en cuatro rasgos funcionales (tamaño corporal, movilidad, tipo de agregación y dieta). La relación entre la diversidad funcional del ensamblaje y el IFA se evaluó mediante un análisis de regresión lineal. El IFA fue influenciado de manera positiva por la presencia Pocilloporidos al generar un mayor aporte a la funcionalidad física (FF) y consecuentemente, una mayor provisión de hábitat. Por el contrario, el IFA disminuyó con la presencia de Porites panamensis debido a su baja tasa de calcificación.La diversidad funcional de los ensamblajes no presentó variaciones temporales, atribuible a una baja variabilidad entre los sitios debido a una alta cercanía, baja variacion batimétrica y alta conectividad. La relación entre el IFA y la riqueza funcional de los ensamblajes se atribuye a que sitios con mayor funcionalidad física otorgan disponibilidad de hábitat y refugio contra la depredación a especies crípticas, de talla pequeña y juveniles; ya que, especies de este tipo se asocian a hoyos similares a su tamaño corporal y la supervivencia de las mismas aumenta en sustratos más complejos.

Functional diversity it’s based on functional traits; characteristics of species (morphological, physiological, behavior) measured at individual level that impact their performance and have great utility to determine changes within the ecosystem. This work aims to evaluate physical functionality as indicator of fish habitat availability and its relationship with functional diversity. The physical functionality of the reef was evaluated using the RFI, integrating data on coral cover, structural complexity, and calcification rate. The structure of the fish assemblages was analyzed by calculating functional diversity index (richness, evenness, and divergence) based on four functional traits (body size, mobility, type of aggregation and diet). The relationship between functional diversity and RFI was evaluated using linear regression analysis. The RFI was influenced on positive way for the presence of Pocilloporids due to the great contribution to physical functionality (PF) creating more habitat availability. For the other hand, the RFI was influenced on negative way for the presence of Porites panamensis due their low calcification rate. The functional diversity of the assemblages did not present temporal variations, attributable to a low variability between the sites due high proximity, low bathymetric variation and high connectivity. The relationship between RFI and the functional richness of the assemblages is attributed to fact that sites with greater physical functionality provide more availability of habitat and refuge against predation to cryptic, small and juvenile species; species of this type are associate with holes similar to their body size and their survival increases in more complex substrates.

Pacífico Méxicano, Índice de Función Arrecifal, Diversidad Funcional, Arrecife Reef, Functional Diversity, Reef Functional Index, Mexican Pacific BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES DE LA BIOLOGÍA OTRAS OTRAS