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Economic valuation of climate induced losses to aquaculture for evaluating climate information services in Bangladesh

Peerzadi Rumana Hossain T.S Amjath-Babu Timothy Joseph Krupnik (2023, [Artículo])

Very little research has focused on climate impacts on aquaculture and the potential of climate information services (CIS) for aquaculture to support sustainable development goals 2030 (SDGs)1. This study represents an effort to bridge this gap by conducting a first ex-ante economic evaluation of CIS for aquaculture in Bangladesh by semi-automating the extraction of data on climate-induced fish losses during 2011 to 2021 from popular online newspaper articles and corroborating them with available government and satellite datasets. During this period, Bangladesh faced an estimated loss of around 140 million USD for hatcheries, open water fish and shrimp. When validated with a year of country-wide official data on climate-induced economic losses to aquaculture, the damage reported from these media sources is approximately 10 percent of actual losses. Given this rule of thumb, the potential economic value of aquacultural CIS could be up to USD14 million a year, if 10 percent of the damage can be offset by appropriate services through a range of multi-sector efforts to establish and extend these services to farmers at scale.


Análisis cuantitativo con diagrama de precedencias de condiciones productivas actuales de 5 líneas de ensamble de amortiguadores mediante el método de balanceo peso posicional

José Humberto Vergara García (2023, [Tesis de maestría])

En este trabajo de investigación se empleó el método de Helgeson & Birnie para realizar el balanceo por peso posicional de cinco líneas de ensamble modular de amortiguadores de la empresa ZF Suspension Technology Guadalajara S.A. de C.V. La metodología empleada permitió establecer las condiciones actuales de operación de las cinco líneas. Mediante el uso del método mencionado se encontró que en la mayoría de las líneas de ensamble analizadas sus tareas se encuentran correctamente balanceadas y ordenadas, corroborando así el buen trabajo realizado al momento de su instalación y puesta en marcha. Si bien en cualquier proceso de ensamble siempre hay oportunidades de mejora, contar con líneas de ensamble bien balanceadas permite a la empresa tener una base sólida para la producción de este tipo de componentes automotrices.

The Helgeson & Birnie method was employed in this research for balancing, by positional weight, five modular strut assembly production lines at ZF Suspension Technology Guadalajara S.A. De C.V. The proposed methodology allowed to know the current operating conditions of the production lines. It was found that most of the analyzed production lines are correctly balanced suggesting a correct commissioning and start up procedure performed when the lines were initially installed. Although every assembling line always can be improved, having well-balanced assembly lines provides a solid base line for any automotive manufacturing company.

Líneas de ensamble modular Método de Helgeson & Birnie Peso posicional Final assembly lines Helgeson & Birnie method Positional weight INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS

On-farm storage loss estimates of maize in Kenya using community survey methods

Hugo De Groote Anani Bruce (2023, [Artículo])

Maize is the most important staple in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), with highly seasonal production. High storage losses affect food security, but good estimations are lacking. A new method using focus group discussions (FGDs) was tested with 121 communities (1439 farmers, 52% women) in Kenya's six maize-growing zones, to estimate the maize losses to storage pests and analyze farmer practices. As control strategies, half of the farmers used chemical pesticides (49%), while hermetic bags (16%) and botanicals (15%) were also popular. Relative loss from weevils in the long rains was estimated at 23%, in the short rains 18%, and annually 21%. Fewer farmers were affected by the larger grain borer (LGB) than by maize weevils: 42% in the long rainy season and 32% in the short rainy season; losses from LGB were also smaller: 19% in the long season, 17% in the short season, and 18% over the year. Total storage loss, from both species combined, was estimated at 36%, or 671,000 tonnes per year. The greatest losses occur in the humid areas, especially the moist mid-altitudes (56%), and with smaller loss in the drylands (20–23%). Extrapolating the point data and overlaying with the maize production map shows the geographic distribution of the losses, with the most important area found around Lake Victoria. FGDs provide convenient and cheap tools to estimate storage losses in representative communities, but a total loss estimate of 36% is higher than is found in other studies, so its accuracy and framing effects need to be assessed. We conclude that storage pests remain a major problem, especially in western Kenya, and that the use of environmentally friendly technologies such as hermetic storage and botanicals needs more attention, both by the public extension service and private agrodealers.