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Weed management and tillage effect on rainfed maize production in three agro-ecologies in Mexico

Simon Fonteyne Abel Jaime Leal González Rausel Ovando Ravi Gopal Singh Nele Verhulst (2022, [Artículo])

Maize (Zea mays L.) is grown in a wide range of agro-ecological environments and production systems across Mexico. Weeds are a major constraint on maize grain yield, but knowledge regarding the best weed management methods is lacking. In many production systems, reducing tillage could lessen land degradation and production costs, but changes in tillage might require changes in weed management. This study evaluated weed dynamics and rainfed maize yield under five weed management treatments (pre-emergence herbicide, post-emergence herbicide, pre-emergence + post-emergence herbicide, manual weed control, and no control) and three tillage methods (conventional, minimum and zero tillage) in three agro-ecologically distinct regions of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, in 2016 and 2017. In the temperate Mixteca region, weeds reduced maize grain yields by as much as 92% and the long-growing season required post-emergence weed control, which gave significantly higher yields. In the hot, humid Papaloapan region, weeds reduced maize yields up to 63% and pre-emergence weed control resulted in significantly higher yields than treatments with post-emergence control only. In the semi-arid Valles Centrales region, weeds reduced maize yields by as much as 65%, but weed management was not always effective in increasing maize yield or net profitability. The most effective weed management treatments tended to be similar for the three tillage systems at each site, although weed pressure and the potential yield reduction by weeds tended to be higher under zero tillage than minimum or conventional tillage. No single best option for weed management was found across sites or tillage systems. More research, in which non-chemical methods should not be overlooked, is thus needed to determine the most effective weed management methods for the diverse maize production systems across Mexico.


Procesos oceanográficos asociados al desarrollo y dispersión de florecimientos de Gymnodinium catenatum en el norte del Golfo de California

Oceanographic processes associated with harmful algal blooms of Gymnodinium catenatum development and dispersal in the northern Gulf of California

GABRIELA RESENDIZ COLORADO (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])

Durante los últimos años, durante la temporada de invierno y primavera, se ha detectado la presencia de florecimientos algales nocivos (FAN) causados por el dinoflagelado Gymnodinium catenatum en el norte del golfo de California (NGC). Estos eventos tienen impactos ecológicos, económicos y sociales negativos porque G. catenatum es una especie productora de saxitoxina, la cual, está asociada al envenenamiento paralítico por consumo de mariscos, lo que origina que la autoridad sanitaria se vea en la necesidad de implementar vedas en áreas de extracción de almeja generosa en el NGC al detectar producto contaminado. Por lo tanto, es necesario conocer los procesos físicos que provocan la ocurrencia y recurrencia de estos eventos, así como contar con un sistema de monitoreo y alerta temprana que permita tomar decisiones y acciones oportunas de mitigación contra los efectos perjudiciales de estos fenómenos. En este trabajo se abordaron estas necesidades de investigación por medio de la implementación de un método de detección remota de estos FAN, utilizando la clasificación de máxima verosimilitud basada en los datos de dos eventos sucedidos en 2015 y 2017. Los resultados de este enfoque fueron satisfactorios al reproducir la temporalidad de la presencia de la especie documentada por medio de muestreos semanales en la bahía de San Felipe, así como de la detección geográfica en las áreas que se conocen que son afectadas recurrentemente. Para estudiar los procesos físicos asociados a estos FAN, se implementó un modelo hidrodinámico usando el Sistema de Modelación Oceánica Regional (ROMS) para el norte del golfo de California. A partir de este modelo se obtuvieron datos de variables como energía cinética turbulenta, temperatura, corrientes y se complementaron con datos de esfuerzo de fondo producido por oleaje estimados a partir de datos de la quinta generación del reanálisis atmosférico del clima global del ECMWF (ERA-5), los análisis de estas variables y la abundancia semanal de G. catenatum permitieron identificar que los principales procesos asociados a la formación de estos florecimientos es el incremento del esfuerzo de fondo asociado al oleaje y la turbulencia. Estos, a su vez, tienen una relación con el cambio en el patrón del viento que se caracteriza por ser del noroeste durante las temporadas de invierno y primavera. Respecto a la dispersión de los florecimientos algales, con base en los datos obtenidos del modelo hidrodinámico, se realizaron experimentos

During the recent winter and spring seasons, harmful algal blooms (HABs) caused by the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum have been detected in the northern Gulf of California (NGC). These events have negative ecological, economic, and social impacts because G. catenatum is a species producer of saxitoxin, which is associated with paralytic shellfish poisoning, which causes the need to implement bans by the health authority in extraction areas of generous clam in the NGC when detecting contaminated products. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the physical processes that cause the occurrence and recurrence of these events and have a monitoring and early warning system that allows timely decisions and mitigation actions to be taken against the harmful effects of these henomena. In this work, these research gaps are approached by implementing a remote detection method for these HABs, using maximum likelihood classification based on data from two events in 2015 and 2017. The results of this approach were satisfactory by reproducing the temporality presence of Gymnodinium catenatum documented through weekly sampling in San Felipe Bay, as well as geographic detection in areas known to be recurrently affected. To study the physical processes associated with these HABs, a hydrodynamic model was implemented using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) for the northern Gulf of California. From this model, variables such as turbulent kinetic energy, temperature, and currents were obtained and were complemented with data on bottom stress produced by waves estimated from the fifth generation ECMWF atmospheric reanalysis of the global climate (ERA-5) data. Analyzing these variables and the weekly abundance of G. catenatum, it was possible that the processes associated with forming these blooms are the increase in bottom stress related to waves and turbulence. These processes are related to the change in the wind pattern characterized by northwest winds during the winter and spring seasons. Regarding the dispersion of algal blooms, based on the data obtained from the hydrodynamic model, lagrangian experiments were carried out to estimate the transport of the HAB. The results showed that the modeled dispersion corresponds with the detection carried out with the remote sensing method mplemented in this work for the 2017 event. The results obtained from this work are essential knowledge for the operational implementation of monitoring and early warning systems ..

Gymnodinium catenatum, florecimientos algales nocivos, percepción remota, modelación hidrodinámica, norte del golfo de California : Gymnodinium catenatum, harmful algal bloom, remote sensing, hydrodynamic modeling, northern Gulf of California BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES DE LA BIOLOGÍA OTRAS OTRAS

Los seres alados y solares del arte maya en el Norte de Yucatán

Rubén Morante (2023, [Capítulo de libro])

En nuestro trabajo de campo en el norte de Yucatán estudiamos la iconografía de sitios como Chichén Itzá, Ek Balam y Mayapán. En ellos observamos esculturas con gran calidad artística de seres humanos que portan alas y que, por ello, se presentan como seres celestes relacionados con deidades del panteón maya de los periodos Clásico tardío, Clásico terminal y Posclásico temprano. Para esta investigación partimos de un breve contexto etnohistórico, geográfico y arqueológico de otros sitios mayas, del centro y oriente de México, incluyendo imágenes de códices y pinturas que nos hablan del posible significado que las plumas, las alas y las aves tuvieron en Mesoamérica. Procedimos al análisis de las figuras aladas que se presentan en relación con importantes edificios de sitios del norte de Yucatán. La advocación solar que sugieren parece haber sido común y en esta zona, no sólo hablan de los grandes artistas que los esculpieron, sino de un sistema de creencias que pudo emanar de tradiciones mayas muy tempranas, que en el siglo IX d.C. se manifiesta de manera clara mediante un estilo depurado, una maestría técnica y una alta sensibilidad estética.

In our field work in northern Yucatán we studied the iconography of sites such as Chichén Itzá, Ek Balam, and Mayapán. There we saw great artistic quality sculptures of human beings that carry wings, and because of that we think that represented celestial beings related to deities of the Mayan pantheon of Late Classic, Terminal Classic and Early Postclassic periods. In our research we started with reviews of ethnohistorical, geographical and archaeological contexts in other Mayan sites, from central and eastern Mexico, including images from codices and paintings that tell us about the possible meaning of feathers, wings and birds in Mesoamerica. We proceeded analyze winged figures presented in relation to important buildings in northern Yucatán sites. Solar evocation suggested probably was common in this area and, sculptures not only speak about belief systems that could emanate from very early Mayan traditions, but also speak about great artists, that in 9th century AD. clearly manifested it through a refined style, technical mastery and high aesthetic sensitivity.

Arte maya, seres alados, Norte de Yucatán, Chchén Itzá, Ek Balam. Mayan art, feathers and birds, Northern Yucatán. Maya art--Themes, motives. Maya arts--Mexico--Yucatán (State) Maya sculpture--Themes, motives. Maya mythology. Arte maya. Mitología maya. F1435.3.A7 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS TEORÍA, ANÁLISIS Y CRÍTICA DE LAS BELLAS ARTES