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XYZ Micropositioning System Based on Compliance Mechanisms Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing

CARLOS ANDRES FERRARA BELLO Pedro Vargas Chable José Gerardo Vera Dimas Margarita Tecpoyotl Torres (2021, [Artículo])

This article presents the design and implementation of a micropositioning system actuated

by three piezoelectric stacks to control its displacements on XYZ axes. The use of conventional

piezoelectric buzzers allows us to reduce fabrication costs. The working or mobile platform is the base

for objects that will be manipulated, for example, in automated assembling. The micropositioner can

be integrated into a microgripper to generate a complete manipulation system. For micropositioner

fabrication, at first, Polylactic Acid (PLA) was chosen as the structural material, but after simulation

and some experimental tests performed with a micropositioner made of Acrylonitrile Butadiene

Styrene (ABS), it showed larger displacement (approx. 20%) due to its lower stiffness. A third test

was performed with a positioner made with Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol (PETG), obtaining an

intermediate performance. The originality of this work resides in the geometrical arrangement based

on thermoplastic polymer compliance mechanisms, as well as in the use of additive manufacturing

to fabricate it. An experimental setup was developed to carry out experimental tests. ANSYS™ was

used for simulation.

INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS PETG, MEMS, micromanipulation, piezoelectric actuation, hysteresis effect linearization

Determinantes del comportamiento de queja del consumidor en México

Determinants of consumer complaint behavior in Mexico


El objetivo del trabajo es explicar los determinantes del comportamiento de queja del consumidor en los niveles socioeconómico y empresa. Para ello se acude a la metodología de datos de panel estático a fin de estimar el impacto de los determinantes de las quejas de los consumidores. Los resultados a nivel socioeconómico indican que las quejas se encuentran determinadas por el ingreso, las conciliaciones a favor de los consumidores y por la población residente en zonas urbanas. Mientras a nivel empresa los resultados muestran que tanto la cuota de mercado como el tamaño de la firma afectan positivamente las quejas. Se concluye que los resultados coinciden con la literatura revisada y que se puede esperar un aumento en el número de quejas presentadas por los consumidores.

This work aims to quantify the determinants of consumer complaint behavior in socioeconomic and business levels. For this purpose, the static panel data methodology is used in order to estimate the impact of consumer complaints both at the federal level of the Mexican Republic and at the level of the main companies that are considered leaders in their field. The results by the state indicate that the complaints are determined by income, reconciliations in favor of consumers and population residing in urban areas.While at the company level, the results show that both market share and company size positively affect consumer complaints. In conclusion, the results agree with the literature reviewed, and a rise in the number of complaints is possible.

HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA Datos de panel Efectos fijos y efectos aleatorios Satisfacción de los consumidores Quejas del consumidor Panel data models Fixed effects and random effects Consumer complaint

Economics of crop residue management

Vijesh Krishna Maxwell Mkondiwa (2023, [Artículo])

More than five billion metric tons of agricultural residues are produced annually worldwide. Despite having multiple uses and significant potential to augment crop and livestock production, a large share of crop residues is burned, especially in Asian countries. This unsustainable practice causes tremendous air pollution and health hazards while restricting soil nutrient recycling. In this review, we examine the economic rationale for unsustainable residue management. The sustainability of residue utilization is determined by several economic factors, such as local demand for and quantity of residue production, development and dissemination of technologies to absorb excess residue, and market and policy instruments to internalize the social costs of residue burning. The intervention strategy to ensure sustainable residue management depends on public awareness of the private and societal costs of open residue burning.