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A pre-pandemic study about recreational uses in the Mexico Park located at Mexico City (year 2017)

Ramiro Flores-Xolocotzi Sergio Ceballos (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])

A recreational study was carried out through surveys in the Parque México in Mexico City. For this, the relationship between visit patterns with socioeconomic information, uses and perceptions of visitors with 18 years old or older was analyzed. This research uses descriptive statistics and a non-linear canonical correlation analysis to analyze relationships between variables. An ordered probit regression was also performed to determine the variables that explain the frequency of recreational use. It was obtained that the Park mainly receives visitors with at least bachelor's degree (78.6%) and high incomes (more than 50% have a monthly family income higher than $10,000.00 pesos and 27.6% receive more than $30,000.00 per month). Considering the results, the conclusions are that although the highest percentage of the studied population comes from neighborhoods outside the Roma-Condesa Corridor: then the visitors who live in the Corridor and who have higher incomes, have weight in the description of the model. The results allow to conclude too, that higher income increases the frequency of use. It is also observed that the park is used during the Monday to Friday by more than 50% of the population of visitors and with a high percentage of use in the mornings.

urban forestry urban planning leisure green areas correlación canónica no lineal parque urbano probit recreación CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Local markets and food security. The case of the Milpera and Puuc regions in Yucatan

Ana Laura Bojórquez Carrillo Monserrat Vargas Jiménez Mireya Noemi Hernández Islas (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

Food insecurity is a complex problem worldwide. A major part of this problem is the food supply. Local markets can represent a strategy for building social capital, as well as strategies for subsistence and sustainability of food value chains, contributing to food security and its effects. The objective of this research is to determine if the existence of a municipal market in the Milpera and Puuc regions of Yucatán favors the existence of food security, the consumption or the expense of natural foods. The population is located in 18 municipalities of Yucatán, Mexico. To carry out this study, a cross-sectional, non-experimental study, with a quantitative approach and correlational scope. The main techniques that were applied were descriptive statistics and contingency tables with respect to 6 hypotheses. This work shows that the existence of markets in the communities makes a significant difference because it positively impacts the food security of the inhabitants, since it allows them to have access to a wider variety of products and at the same time, favors the active dynamics of the economy of the community.

Local markets Food safety Local development Food sovereignty Rural areas Mercados locales Seguridad alimentaria Desarrollo local Soberanía alimentaria Zonas rurales CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Estimación hídrica teórica de plantas en zonas urbanas: estudio de caso "Vertical Farm"

Jorge Flores Velazquez JUAN MANUEL ANGELES HERNANDEZ (2018, [Ítem publicado en memoria de congreso])

La gestión integrada de recursos hídricos es un proceso que promueve la gestión y el desarrollo coordinados del agua, el suelo” y demás recursos para potenciar su uso “sin comprometer la sostenibilidad de los ecosistemas vitales”. En la zona metropolitana de la ciudad de México habitan más de 22 millones de una población apostada en aproximadamente 8000 km2, lo que implica una densidad de habitantes de las más altas del mundo que ha ido absorbiendo la zona rural por la urbana. Frente a ello, se han puesto en marcha tecnologías disruptivas con el fin de atender la transformación del sector. Pero, además, implica gestión del recurso mediante tratamiento de aguas residuales, reciclaje del agua, cosecha de lluvia y de gestión de la demanda. En este trabajo se expone la viabilidad en la implantación de estas tecnologías, sus ventajas y requerimientos desde el punto de vista hídrico.

Agricultura urbana Riego Áreas verdes Gestión integrada de recursos hídricos INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA

Islas de calor urbanas: un fenómeno poco estudiado en México


El presente ensayo pretende dar a conocer la alternativa del uso de técnicas de percepción remota en la identificación de las islas de calor urbanas (ICU), fenómeno urbano mundial que ha sido poco estudiado en México. Mediante el procesamiento y análisis de imágenes satelitales es factible y confiable determinar áreas con una temperatura superficial mayor, es decir, calcular la diferencia en temperatura registrada entre un área urbana y un área rural. A través del uso de estas técnicas es posible diseñar planes para la mitigación y control de las ICU de las grandes ciudades de México.


Programa de ordenamiento ecológico y territorial, IMTA: 2da. Etapa

NORMA RAMIREZ SALINAS Luis Arturo Brizuela Mundo Rebeca González Villela Jorge Luis Izurieta Dávila MARICELA MARTINEZ JIMENEZ RODRIGO ULISES SANTOS TELLEZ (2018, [Documento de trabajo])

Con el objeto de ordenar la utilización del suelo y conservar los recursos naturales existentes, el IMTA certifica el predio que ocupa como una Área Destinada Voluntariamente a la Conservación (ADVC) ante la Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas. Por lo que, el IMTA se obliga a contar y cumplir con un programa operativo anual que incluya la difusión de la existencia del ADVC en las zonas aledañas, con el fin de inducir una cultura de conservación de la flora y fauna existente.

Áreas protegidas Ordenamiento del territorio Ordenamiento ecológico BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA

Local markets and food security. The case of the Milpera and Puuc regions in Yucatan

Ana Laura Bojórquez Carrillo Monserrat Vargas Jiménez Mireya Noemi Hernández Islas (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

Food insecurity is a complex problem worldwide. A major part of this problem is the food supply. Local markets can represent a strategy for building social capital, as well as strategies for subsistence and sustainability of food value chains, contributing to food security and its effects. The objective of this research is to determine if the existence of a municipal market in the Milpera and Puuc regions of Yucatán favors the existence of food security, the consumption or the expense of natural foods. The population is located in 18 municipalities of Yucatán, Mexico. To carry out this study, a cross-sectional, non-experimental study, with a quantitative approach and correlational scope. The main techniques that were applied were descriptive statistics and contingency tables with respect to 6 hypotheses. This work shows that the existence of markets in the communities makes a significant difference because it positively impacts the food security of the inhabitants, since it allows them to have access to a wider variety of products and at the same time, favors the active dynamics of the economy of the community.

Local markets Food safety Local development Food sovereignty Rural areas Mercados locales Seguridad alimentaria Desarrollo local Soberanía alimentaria Zonas rurales CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Los valores egocéntricos desfavorecen el comportamiento pro-ambiental de los guías de buceo en el Parque Nacional Arrecifes de Cozumel

The egocentric values disfavor the pro-environmental behavior of the diving guides in the Arrecifes de Cozumel National Park


El buceo como actividad turística ha potencializado la economía, pero también ha impactado a las zonas arrecifales. Durante el buceo, el guía es el principal actor en la protección del ambiente marino, pues en él recae el control de las actividades realizadas por los buzos. En esta investigación se analiza la relación entre los valores, creencias y normas sobre la intensión que tienen los guías de buceo por conservar el ambiente marino. El estudio se abordó a través de la teoría de Valores, Creencias y Normas (VCN) y fue analizado a través de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales con el método de Partial Least Squares. Se confirma la causalidad del modelo VCN y se identifica que la valoración de los recursos marinos podría estar influenciada por los valores egocéntricos lo cual no permitió la concepción de una intención de un comportamiento que sea favorable.

Diving as a touristic activity has boosted the economy, but it has also impacted the reef areas. During this activity, the guide is the main actor in the protection of the marine environment, since he has the control of the activities carried out by the divers. This research analyzes the relationship between values, beliefs and norms about the intension of diving guides to preserve the marine environment. The study was approached through the theory of Values, Beliefs and Norms (VCN) and was analyzed through structural equation models with the method of Partial Least Squares. The causality of the VCN model is confirmed, and it is identified that the valuation of the marine resources could be influenced by the egocentric values, which did not allow the conception of an intention of a favorable behavior.

CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA Intención Área natural protegida Problemáticas ambientales Actividad turística Intention Protected areas Environmental issues Tourism