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- Petra Quillfeldt, Justus Liebig Universitat Giessen, Germany (1)
- Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). (1)
- Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información. (1)
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Tilahun Amede Elizabeth Bailey Abdul Wahab Mossa Dereje Tirfessa MESFIN KEBEDE DESTA Getachew Agegnehu Tesfaye Shiferaw Sida Stephan Haefele R. Murray Lark Martin Broadley Samuel Gameda (2023, [Artículo])
Agronomic biofortification, encompassing the use of mineral and organic nutrient resources which improve micronutrient concentrations in staple crops is a potential strategy to promote the production of and access to micronutrient-dense foods at the farm level. However, the heterogeneity of smallholder farming landscapes presents challenges on implementing agronomic biofortification. Here, we test the effects of zinc (Zn)- and selenium (Se)-containing fertilizer on micronutrient concentrations of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and teff (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter) grown under different landscape positions and with different micronutrient fertilizer application methods in the western Amhara region of Ethiopia. Field experiments were established in three landscape positions at three sites, with five treatments falling into three broad categories: (1) nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate; (2) micronutrient fertilizer application method; (3) sole or co-application of Zn and Se fertilizer. Treatments were replicated across five farms per landscape position and over two cropping seasons (2018 and 2019). Grain Zn concentration ranged from 26.6 to 36.4 mg kg−1 in wheat and 28.5–31.2 mg kg−1 in teff. Grain Se concentration ranged from 0.02 to 0.59 mg kg−1 in wheat while larger concentrations of between 1.01 and 1.55 mg kg−1 were attained in teff. Larger concentrations of Zn and Se were consistently attained when a foliar fertilizer was applied. Application of ⅓ nitrogen (N) yielded significantly larger grain Se concentration in wheat compared to a recommended N application rate. A moderate landscape effect on grain Zn concentration was observed in wheat but not in teff. In contrast, strong evidence of a landscape effect was observed for wheat and teff grain Se concentration. There was no evidence for any interaction of the treatment contrasts with landscape position except in teff, where an interaction effect between landscape position and Se application was observed. Our findings indicate an effect of Zn, Se, N, landscape position, and its interaction effect with Se on grain micronutrient concentrations. Agronomic biofortification of wheat and teff with micronutrient fertilizers is influenced by landscape position, the micronutrient fertilizer application method and N fertilizer management. The complexity of smallholder environmental settings and different farmer socio-economic opportunities calls for the optimization of nutritional agronomy landscape trials. Targeted application of micronutrient fertilizers across a landscape gradient is therefore required in ongoing agronomic biofortification interventions, in addition to the micronutrient fertilizer application method and the N fertilizer management strategy.
Mirja Michalscheck Fred Kizito Carl Timler Jeroen Groot (2023, [Artículo])
Frédéric Baudron Ken Giller (2022, [Artículo])
Do provisioning ecosystem services change along gradients of increasing agricultural production?
Ronju Ahammad Stephanie Tomscha Sarah Gergel Frédéric Baudron Jean-Yves Duriaux Chavarría Samson Foli Dominic Rowland Josh Van Vianen Terence Sunderland (2024, [Artículo])
Context: Increasing agricultural production shapes the flow of ecosystem services (ES), including provisioning services that support the livelihoods and nutrition of people in tropical developing countries. Although our broad understanding of the social-ecological consequences of agricultural intensification is growing, how it impacts provisioning ES is still unknown. Objectives: We examined the household use of provisioning ES across a gradient of increasing agricultural production in seven tropical countries (Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Nicaragua and Zambia). We answered two overarching questions: (1) does the use of provisioning ES differ along gradients of agriculture production ranging from zones of subsistence to moderate and to high agriculture production? and (2) are there synergies and/or trade-offs within and among groups of ES within these zones? Methods: Using structured surveys, we asked 1900 households about their assets, livestock, crops, and collection of forest products. These questions allowed us to assess the number of provisioning ES households used, and whether the ES used are functionally substitutable (i.e., used similarly for nutrition, material, and energy). Finally, we explored synergies and trade-offs among household use of provisioning ES. Results: As agricultural production increased, provisioning ES declined both in total number and in different functional groups used. We found more severe decreases in ES for relatively poorer households. Within the functional groups of ES, synergistic relationships were more often found than trade-offs in all zones, including significant synergies among livestock products (dairy, eggs, meat) and fruits. Conclusions: Considering landscape context provides opportunities to enhance synergies among provisioning services for households, supporting resilient food systems and human well-being.
Propuesta paisajística integral para la UAM, Unidad Azcapotzalco
Cynthia García Marín (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
315 páginas. Maestría en Diseño, Planificación y Conservación de Paisajes y Jardines.
En México, la educación superior comienza en 1521 cuando la universidad se crea como institución educativa, inaugurando en 1553 La Real y Pontificia Universidad de México. En 1910 se funda la Universidad Nacional de México y en 1954 fue inaugurada la Ciudad Universitaria de la UNAM, esta fecha representa un hito en la historia de los espacios físicos de las universidades mexicanas. Debido a la demanda de educación superior y al movimiento estudiantil de 1968, se concibe la idea de crear una nueva universidad en la ZONA METROPOLITANA de la Ciudad de México, la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana con sus Unidades al norte, al oriente y al sur, posteriormente se abrieron 2 Unidades más. Cada una de estas Unidades funciona de manera independiente, teniendo sus propios órganos de decisión, lo que se refleja en la planta física de conjunto. Es al norte de la ciudad donde surge la Unidad Azcapotzalco, que con el paso de los años se ha ido conformando de acuerdo a sus necesidades inmediatas tratando de seguir el proyecto inicial, sin embargo, debido a los ajustes en sus diferentes intervenciones arquitectónicas, se ha propiciado una falta de integración entre el espacio arquitectónico y el espacio abierto impactando directamente en el paisaje y en la pérdida gradual de identidad de la Unidad. Este trabajo reúne la información que describe la conformación del paisaje en la Unidad a lo largo de casi 50 años, en donde se analizan los componentes del paisaje en sus diferentes sistemas; ecológico-conformación medioambiental, sociocultural-conformación de la estructura urbana, polisensorial-conformación a través de los sentidos y su contexto histórico-conformación a través del tiempo. Esta identificación, permite realizar el análisis detallado de los factores que intervienen directa e indirectamente en el estado actual del paisaje de la Unidad, con este diagnóstico se elabora una síntesis creativa que especifica las limitaciones y potencialidades que afectan la conformación del espacio abierto. A partir de esto se elaboró un plan maestro, que integra las principales líneas de acción, estructuradas en ejes de diseño que tienen como propósito ordenar y facilitar la programación para mejorar las condiciones actuales por medio de acciones específicas que contribuyan al mejoramiento, conservación y creación de un paisaje que se integre en su conjunto y permita a la UAM-Azcapotzalco ser revalorizada como un sitio con identidad y con valores históricos, sociales, estéticos, biológicos y paisajísticos.
In Mexico, higher education began in 1521 when the university was created as an educational institution, inaugurating in 1553 La Real y Pontificia Universidad de México. The National University of Mexico was founded in 1910 and the UNAM University City was inaugurated in 1954, this date represents a milestone in the history of the physical spaces of Mexican universities. Due to the demand for higher education and the student movement of 1968, the idea of creating a new university in the METROPOLITAN ZONE of Mexico City was conceived, the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana with its Units to the north, east and south, later 2 more Units were opened. Each one of these Units works independently, having its own decision-making bodies, which is reflected in the physical plant as a whole. It is to the north of the city where the Azcapotzalco Unit arises, which over the years has had to conform according to its immediate needs trying to follow the initial project, however, due to adjustments in its different architectural interventions, a lack of integration between the architectural space and the open space has been fostered, directly impacting the landscape and the gradual loss of identity of the Unit. This work gathers the information that describes the conformation of the landscape in the Unit over almost 50 years, where the components of the landscape in its different systems are analyzed; ecological-environmental conformation, sociocultural-conformation of the urban structure, polysensory-conformation through the senses and its historical context-conformation through time. This identification allows a detailed analysis of the factors that intervene directly and indirectly in the current state of the landscape of the Unit, with this diagnosis a creative synthesis is elaborated that specifies the limitations and potentialities that affect the conformation of the open space. Based on this, a master plan was prepared, which integrates the main lines of action, structured into design axes whose purpose is to order and facilitate programming to improve current conditions through specific actions that contribute to the improvement, conservation and creation of a landscape that is integrated as a whole and allows the UAM-Azcapotzalco to be revalued as a site with identity and with historical, social, aesthetic, biological and landscape values.
Paisaje, universidad, conformación, diagnóstico, lineamientos, identidad, integrar, revalorizar, plan maestro, propuesta. Landscape, university, conformation, diagnosis, guidelines, identity, integrate, revalue, master plan, proposal. Landscape design. Landscape assessment. Landscape changes. Landscapes--Social aspects. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Diseño de paisajes. Evaluación del paisaje. Cambios de paisaje. SB472.45 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS ARQUITECTURA JARDINES Y PARQUES
El paisaje maya en la experiencia turística de finales del siglo XX en el territorio yucateco
Daniel Jesús Reyes Magaña (2023, [Capítulo de libro])
Los recorridos turísticos de miles de visitantes por año en el territorio maya yucateco, al norte de la Península de Yucatán, son herencia de los primeros viajeros extranjeros del siglo XIX. Desde esa época, estos aventureros se establecieron como los guías que, a través de su legado, conducen la mirada hacia la contemplación del pasado. Los turistas en la actualidad caminan por los pasos de dichos viajeros, atestiguando la mirada del paisaje depositada en los vestigios mayas ancestrales, que articulan cada uno de los elementos del paisaje del territorio. Sin embargo, la velocidad del viaje en el escenario turístico contemporáneo ha detonado la pérdida de la integralidad paisajística originaria debido a la actual búsqueda de emociones efímeras en el turismo. La parafernalia turística ha cubierto el patrimonio paisajístico maya de consumismo y mercantilización, enfocados a la venta de experiencias. En contraparte, el encuentro profundo entre el hombre y el paisaje, condicionado determinantemente por la dinámica turística, es posible en la experiencia humana como se descubre en la poética paisajística de la obra literaria “Palmeras de la brisa rápida” de Juan Villoro publicada por primera vez en 1989, y que revela las pautas del acontecimiento paisajístico en los viajeros contemporáneos.
The sightseeing tours of thousands of visitors per year in the Yucatan Mayan territory, north of the Yucatan Peninsula, are the heritage of the first foreign travelers of the nineteenth century. From that time on, these adventurers established themselves as the guides who, through their legacy, printed in travel books, engravings, and holiday triptychs, turn their gaze to the contemplation of the past. Tourists today walk through the footsteps of such travelers, attesting to the view of the landscape deposited in the ancestral Mayan vestiges, which articulate each of the elements of the landscape of the territory. However, the speed of travel on the contemporary tourist stage has detonated the loss of original landscape integrality due to the current search for ephemeral emotions in tourism. Tourist paraphernalia has covered the Mayan landscape heritage of consumerism and commodization, focused on the sale of experiences. In contrast, the deep encounter between man and landscape, conditioned decisively by tourist dynamics, is possible in the human experience as discovered in the poetic landscape of Juan Villoro’s literary work “Palmeras de la brisa rápida” first published in 1989, and which reveals the patterns of the landscape event in contemporary travelers.
Yucatán, turismo, experiencia paisajística, Juan Villoro, paisaje maya. Yucatan, tourism, landscape experience, Mayan landscape. Yucatán (Mexico : State) Cultural landscapes--Mexico. Tourism--Mexico--Yucatán (State) Yucatán (Mexico : State)--Commerce. Paisajes culturales. Turismo. F1376 CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS ECONÓMICAS ECONOMÍA SECTORIAL ECONOMÍA SECTORIAL. TURISMO
Emilio Carballido: un viaje en el paisaje mexicano
TOMAS BERNAL ALANIS (2020, [Artículo])
Artículo número 7 de la Sección Tema. 12 páginas. tyvllv
Este artículo es un análisis de la novela corta El tren que corría de Emilio Carballido, donde cinco personajes van a tener una odisea para llegar a Monterrey después que el tren los dejo. En esta aventura expondrán sus deseos e ilusiones a través de los paisajes mexicanos que recorrerán en un taxi para alcanzar el tren, con su viajar se mostrará parte de la geografía y de la historia de diversos paisajes de este México rico en culturas y formas de vida.
This article is an analysis of the short novel El tren que corría of Emilio Carballido, in it, five characters experimented an odyssey before they get to Monterrey, after the train left them. In this adventure they will expose their desires and illusions trough the Mexicans landscapes, which they will travel in a taxicab to reach the train. With their journey it will show part of the geography and history of several Mexican landscapes, full of cultures and lifestyles.
ERIC MELLINK BIJTEL (2017, [Artículo])
One of the most typical agro-ecosystems in the Llanos de Ojuelos, a semi-arid region of central Mexico, is that of fruit-production orchards of nopales (prickly pear cacti). This perennial habitat with complex vertical structure provides refuge and food for at least 112 species of birds throughout the year. Nopal orchards vary in their internal structure, size and shrub/ tree composition, yet these factors have unknown effects on the animals that use them. To further understand the conservation potential of this agro-ecosystem, we evaluated the effects of patch-size and the presence of trees on bird community composition, as well as several habitat variables, through an information-theoretical modelling approach. Community composition was obtained through a year of census transects in 12 orchards. The presence of trees in the orchards was the major driver of bird communities followed by seasonality; bird communities are independent of patch size, except for small orchard patches that benefit black-chin sparrows, which are considered a sensitive species. At least 55 species of six trophic guilds (insectivores, granivores, carnivores, nectivores, omnivores, and frugivores) used the orchards. Orchards provide adequate habitat and food resources for several sensitive species of resident and migratory sparrows. The attributes that make orchards important for birds: trees, shrubs, herb seeds, and open patches can be managed to maintain native biodiversity in highly anthropized regions with an urgent need to find convergence between production and biological conservation. © 2017 Mellink et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
agroecosystem, carnivore, chin, conservation biology, driver, frugivore, granivore, habitat, human, insectivore, landscape, nonhuman, omnivore, orchard, resident, seasonal variation, shrub, sparrow, theoretical model, agriculture, animal, biodiversit CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA