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Una articulación fundamental: la emancipación

Nicolás Amoroso Boelcke (2023, [Capítulo de libro])

El concepto, la circunstancia de la enseñanza que aquí abordaremos, tiene el propósito de restituir ciertas situaciones que corresponden al propio ejercicio de la instrucción y a aquellas otras que hablan del acontecer, por ello el trabajo. Tiene las variables tanto de la experiencia real como de las otras sobre las que se han escrito, una de ellas, al final, plantea una situación paradójica que se refiere a la del maestro ignorante que, básicamente, tiene como propósito mostrar que el conocimiento es algo que está en el alumno y que el docente debe limitarse a tratar de que aflore y se exprese de la mejor manera posible. Nos habla de la independencia y de las características que puede tener una educación rigurosa y rígida, en contraposición con una más flexible. Lo mismo sucede con el pensamiento desde nuestra América, de la educación dependiente a una educación libertaria.

The concept, the circumstance of the teaching that we will address here has the purpose of restoring certain situations that correspond to the exercise itself as those others that speak of the happening for it the work. It has the variables of real experience as of the others about which they have been written, one of them, in the end, poses a paradoxical situation that refers to that of the ignorant teacher that, basically, has the purpose of showing that knowledge is something that is in the student and that the teacher must limit himself to trying to bring it out and express itself in the best possible way. It tells us about independence and the characteristics that a rigorous and rigid education can have with a more flexible one and the same happens with the thought from our America, from dependent education to a libertarian education.

Emancipación, docencia, alumnos, investigación, juego. Emancipation, teaching, students, research, play. Interaction analysis in education. Microteaching. Teacher-student relationships. Transformative learning. Educational innovations. Análisis de interacción en la educación. Relaciones maestro-estudiante. Aprendizaje transformador. Cambio educativo. LB1034 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA PEDAGOGÍA TEORÍA Y MÉTODOS EDUCATIVOS

Big data, small explanatory and predictive power: Lessons from random forest modeling of on-farm yield variability and implications for data-driven agronomy

Martin van Ittersum (2023, [Artículo])

Context: Collection and analysis of large volumes of on-farm production data are widely seen as key to understanding yield variability among farmers and improving resource-use efficiency. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the performance of statistical and machine learning methods to explain and predict crop yield across thousands of farmers’ fields in contrasting farming systems worldwide. Methods: A large database of 10,940 field-year combinations from three countries in different stages of agricultural intensification was analyzed. Random effects models were used to partition crop yield variability and random forest models were used to explain and predict crop yield within a cross-validation scheme with data re-sampling over space and time. Results: Yield variability in relative terms was smallest for wheat and barley in the Netherlands and for wheat in Ethiopia, intermediate for rice in the Philippines, and greatest for maize in Ethiopia. Random forest models comprising a total of 87 variables explained a maximum of 65 % of cereal yield variability in the Netherlands and less than 45 % of cereal yield variability in Ethiopia and in the Philippines. Crop management related variables were important to explain and predict cereal yields in Ethiopia, while predictive (i.e., known before the growing season) climatic variables and explanatory (i.e., known during or after the growing season) climatic variables were most important to explain and predict cereal yield variability in the Philippines and in the Netherlands, respectively. Finally, model cross-validation for regions or years not seen during model training reduced the R2 considerably for most crop x country combinations, while for wheat in the Netherlands this was model dependent. Conclusion: Big data from farmers’ fields is useful to explain on-farm yield variability to some extent, but not to predict it across time and space. Significance: The results call for moderate expectations towards big data and machine learning in agronomic studies, particularly for smallholder farms in the tropics where model performance was poorest independently of the variables considered and the cross-validation scheme used.


A line follower robot implementation using Lego's Mindstorms Kit and Q-Learning


Un problema común al trabajar con robots móviles es que la fase de programación puede ser un proceso largo, costoso y difícil para los programadores. Los Algoritmos de Aprendizaje por Refuerzo ofrecen uno de los marcos de trabajo más generales en el ámbito de aprendizaje de máquina. Este trabajo presenta un enfoque usando el algoritmo de Q-Learning en un robot Lego para que aprenda "por sí mismo" a seguir una línea negra dibujada en una superficie blanca. El entorno de programación utilizado en este trabajo es Matlab.

INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA Algoritmos de aprendizaje reforzado Q-learning (Algoritmo de aprendizaje reforzado) Lego Mindstorms (Robótica) Matlab Reinforcement learning algorithms Q-Learning (Reinforcement learning algorithm) Lego Mindstorms (Robotics) Matlab


Rafael Arturo Muñoz-Marquez Trujillo Juan Valente Hidalgo Contreras (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])

This article shows the amount and location of Urban Green (VU) in Amatlán, Córdoba and Fortín, Veracruz, Mexico, in the context of urban resilience to global warming. The objectives of this work are: 1) to know the situation of this resource in terms of its availability (endowment) by present area; 2) measure the distances that separate the green from the population; and 3) determine the population served through the Public Urban Green (VUP) and Urban Green in general (VU-NDVI), as well as contrast with the endowment and distance recommendations of the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU).. The working hypotheses are: a) Fortn, Córdoba and Amatlán have a VUP allocation below that recommended by the WHO, but have the possibility of higher allocations, considering the VU-NDVI; and b) Fortín, Córdoba and Amatlán have a VUP system at a maximum distance of 400 meters from each block, and contain VU-NDVI areas at smaller distances. With census and cartographic data, satellite image processing, use of Geographic Information Systems, field verification of the data, and statistical analysis, the amount of VUP and VU-NDVI, the green area endowments per inhabitant, and the distances that separate the two types of green in the population. The results showed, on the one hand, that the allocation of VUP per inhabitant is below the WHO recommendations, but not the VU-NDVI and, on the other hand, that the VUP exceeds the maximum distance recommended by SEDATU, but not thus the VU-NDVI. Finally, it is pointed out that, although the majority of the population is served with VUP in accordance with SEDATU (although with very varied surfaces), the VU-NDVI serves 100% of it. The results show the potential of the latter to increase the share of green in cities such as those analyzed.

Urban green, resilience, endowment, distance, global warming Verde urbano resiliencia dotación distancia calentamiento global CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Predicción de actividad antimicrobiana usando modelos de escala evolutiva a través de un flujo de trabajo en la plataforma KNIME

Prediction of antimicrobial activity using models of evolutionary scale through a workflow in the KNIME platform

Karla Lorena MartÍnez Mauricio (2023, [Tesis de maestría])

Dentro de las estrategias para combatir la resistencia antimicrobiana, se está llevando a cabo investigación para la creación de nuevos fármacos basados en péptidos antimicrobianos. En los últimos años, se han realizado esfuerzos para incorporar herramientas computacionales que ayuden a acelerar la identificación de péptidos con actividad antimicrobiana. Una de estas herramientas son los modelos QSAR basados en aprendizaje tradicional, que permiten predecir la actividad antimicrobiana en péptidos a partir de información basada en su secuencia. Un componente clave en este proceso es el tipo de características moleculares a utilizar. Recientemente, ha surgido una familia de modelos pre-entrenados llamados ESM-2, los cuales generan incrustaciones (características) que fueron aprendidas a partir de 65 millones de secuencias que abarcan diversidad evolutiva. En este trabajo de tesis, se analiza la contribución de las incrustaciones ESM-2 de diferentes dimensiones de forma individual y en conjunto en el desarrollo de modelos QSAR basados en aprendizaje tradicional para la clasificación de péptidos antimicrobianos, así como sus tipos funcionales, como antibacteriano, antifúngico y antiviral. A partir de este estudio se concluye que aumentar la capacidad de los modelos ESM-2 no implica una mejora en el rendimiento de los modelos para predecir péptidos antimicrobianos. Los modelos ESM-2 t30 y ESM-2 t33 son los más apropiados para extraer características y mejorar la exactitud en las predicciones de péptidos antimicrobianos. Además, fusionar características de diferentes incrustaciones ESM-2 es una estrategia efectiva para construir mejores modelos QSAR que el uso exclusivo de características derivadas de un modelo ESM-2 específico. Se construyeron modelos más simples con un rendimiento comparable o superior a los modelos basados en aprendizaje profundo reportados en la literatura. Para llevar a cabo este estudio se implementó un flujo de trabajo en KNIME que genera de forma automática hasta 1980 modelos de clasificación binaria basados en aprendizaje tradicional. Incorpora diversas técnicas de selección de características, algoritmos de clasificación, métricas de desempeño y una fase de limpieza de datos. Este flujo de trabajo se encuentra disponible en https://github.com/cicese-biocom/classification-QSAR-bioKom.

Molecular features play an important role in different bio-chem-informatics tasks, such as the Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR) modeling. Several pre-trained models have been recently created to be used in downstream tasks either by fine-tuning a specific model or by extracting features to feed traditional classifiers. In this sense, a new family of Evolutionary Scale Modeling models (termed as ESM-2 models) has been recently introduced, demonstrating outstanding results in structure protein prediction benchmarks. Herein, we are devoted to assessing the usefulness of different-dimensional embeddings derived from ESM-2 models in the prediction of antimicrobial peptides, given the great deal of attention received because of their potential to become a plausible option to mainly fight multi-drug resistant bacteria. To this end, we created a KNIME workflow to guarantee using the same modeling methodology, and consequently, carrying out fair comparisons. As a result, it can be drawn that the 640- and 1,280- dimensional embeddings are the most appropriate to be used in modeling because statistically better results were achieved from them. We also combined features from different embeddings, and we can draw that the fusion of features of different embeddings contributes to getting better models than only using a specific model ESM-2. Comparisons regarding state-of-the-art deep learning models confirm that when performing methodologically principled studies in the prediction of AMPs, non-DL based models yield comparable-to-superior results to DL-based models. The implemented KNIME workflow is availablefreely at https://github.com/cicese-biocom/classification-QSAR-bioKom. We consider that this workflow can be valuable to prevent unfair comparisons regarding new computational methods, as well as to propose new non-DL based models.


Interfaces hápticas para identificar marcadores digitales del Trastorno del Espectro Autista

Haptic interfaces to identify digital markers of Autism Spectrum Disorder

GLORIA IVONNE MONARCA PINTLE (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])

El uso de herramientas de cribado durante la infancia es de suma importancia para identificar a niños que pueden Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA); sin embargo, las pruebas que existen en la actualidad se basan en cuestionarios y observaciones contestadas por los padres por lo que el resultado puede ser subjetivo. Además, la mayoría de las pruebas de cribado se enfocan en el área social y de comunicación, dejando a un lado las características sensoriales, un área donde los padres notan las primeras señales de un desarrollo atípico. En los últimos años, ha crecido el interés por identificar marcadores digitales del TEA que puedan apoyar el cribado de dicho trastorno, usando tecnología que pueda ser usada en cualquier lugar y momento para agilizar el proceso de cribado. Hasta el momento, la investigación en torno a marcadores digitales del TEA relacionados con el procesamiento táctil, ha sido poco explorada debido a que la investigación se ha centrado en explorar otros comportamientos, como la atención visual, movimientos motores, y voz. El crecimiento de las interfaces hápticas abre la posibilidad de explorar el procesamiento táctil e identificar marcadores digitales del TEA. En esta tesis exploramos si las interfaces hápticas pueden ser usadas para promover y recolectar interacciones táctiles que revelen marcadores digitales del TEA. Para tener un mejor entendimiento de las interfaces hápticas, en este trabajo de tesis exploramos dos interfaces hápticas. Una interfaz háptica pasiva llamada BendableSound, la cual cuenta con una retroalimentación por textura y espacio; y una interfaz háptica activa llamada Feel and Touch, la cual es un juego móvil que utiliza patrones vibrotactiles para retroalimentar las interacciones de los niños. Los resultados muestran que las interfaces hápticas tienen la capacidad recolectar interacciones táctiles y revelar marcadores digitales que pueden estar asociados al TEA. En el caso pasivo, participaron 37 niños neurotípicos (NT) y 22 niños con TEA quienes interactuar con BendableSound; los resultados muestran que existen diferencias entre los niños NT y TEA en cuanto al ancho de las interacciones táctiles, la fuerza que aplican y el tiempo que utilizan para realizar interacciones táctiles. En el caso activo, participaron 36 niños NT y 19 niños con TEA quienes interactuaron con Feel and Touch; los resultados muestran que existen diferencias entre los niños NT y TEA en cuanto a la ...

The use of screening tools during infancy is crucial to identify children who are likely to have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); however, the current screening tests are based on questionnaires and observations that parents answer bases on their observations; however, the results might be subjective. In addition, most screening tests focus on the assessment of social and communication skills, disregard sensory skills, an area where parents often notice the first signals of ASD. In recent years, there has been growing interest in identifying digital markers of ASD that can support screening, particularly those that that can be used at any time and any place to speed up the screening process. So far, research on digital markers of ASD related to tactile processing has been little explored due to the lack of tools to assess it. The growth of haptic interfaces opens the possibility to explore tactile processing and identify digital markers of ASD. In this thesis, we propose to investigate the use of haptic interfaces to promote and collect tactile interactions that can reveal digital markers of ASD. To have a better understanding of haptic interfaces, in this thesis work we explore two types of haptic interface. A passive haptic interface called BendableSound, which features texture and spatial feedback; and an active haptic interface called Feel and Touch, which is a mobile game that uses vibrotactile patterns to provide feedback on children’s interactions. The results show that haptic interfaces have the potential to collect touch interactions and reveal digital markers that may be associated with ASD. In the first case, 37 neurotypical (NT) children and 22 children with ASD participated and interacted with BendableSound; the results show that there are differences between NT and ASD children in the width of tactile interactions, the force they apply, and the time they use to perform tactile interactions. In the second case, 36 NT children and 19 children with ASD participated and interacted with Feel and Touch; the results show that there are differences between NT and ASD children in terms of the tilt they produce on the mobile when performing tactile interactions, the total acceleration they produce, and the closeness to the center of the screen of their tactile interactions. The results of this thesis indicate that haptic interfaces have the ability to gather touch interactions and uncover digital markers associated with ASD. The findings of this ...

autismo, cribado, marcadores digitales, interfaces hápticas, aprendizaje automático autism, screnning, digital markers, haptic interfaces, machine learning INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ORDENADORES ORDENADORES DIGITALES ORDENADORES DIGITALES