Autor: Sarah Hearne

Taller: "Aprovechamiento De Los Atlas Moleculares De Maíz Y Trigo." Diciembre 2015

Carolina Sansaloni Cesar Petroli Jorge Franco Gordon Stephen Sebastian Raubach Sarah Hearne Kate Dreher (2015)

PROPÓSITO GENERAL DE APRENDIZAJE: Al finalizar el taller, los participantes serán capaces de utilizar los atlas moleculares de maíz y trigo para el estudio, conservac ión y aprovechamiento de la diversidad genética. A través de un taller se desarrollarán capacidades en los participantes para que aprovechen los atlas moleculares de maíz y trigo generados por el proyecto MasAgro-Biodiversidad; para lo cual se utilizará la exposición, demostraciones prácticas, análisis de casos y discusiones grupales. Se desarrollarán los siguientes ejes temáticos: 1. Fundamentos de la técnica de genotipificación por secuenciación (GbS) 2. An álisis de la diversidad genética para su conservación y aprovechamiento 3. Utilización de los atlas moleculares de maíz y trigo desarrollados por MasAgro - Biodiversidad



Imputed GbS-derived SNPs for Maize Landrace Accessions Represented in the SeeD-Maize GWAS Panel Recalled Using the B73 v.4 Reference Genome

Sarah Hearne Charles Chen Edward Buckler Sharon Mitchell Jose Arcadio Valdes Franco (2023)

This study presents the imputed SNP profiles from genotyping-by-sequencing of the accession parents of the SeeD GWAS testcross panel. The positions in the VCF files have been mapped against version 4 of the maize genome. The imputation was performed using the Beagle software.



Replication Data for: Genetic diversity and population structure of early and extra-early maturing maize germplasm adapted to sub-Saharan Africa

BAFFOUR BADU-APRAKU Ana Luisa Garcia-Oliveira Cesar Petroli Sarah Hearne Melaku Gedil (2020)

DArTSeq SNPs were generated for 436 early and extra-early maturing maize inbreds developed by the IITA maize improvement program as well as three inbred maize lines developed by CIMMYT. SNP calling was done using a proprietary analytical pipeline developed by DArT P/L. The study aimed at investigating genetic diversity and the population structure of this specific set of samples.



Replication Data for: Identifying loci with breeding potential across temperate and tropical adaptation via EigenGWAS and EnvGWAS

Guo-Bo Chen awais rasheed Kai Sonder Cristian Zavala Espinosa Denise Costich Patrick Schnable Sarah Hearne Huihui Li (2019)

This dataset contains the genotypic data obtained using genotyping-by-sequencing (tGBS®) technology (Data2Bio LLC) and the passport data of a total of 1,143 maize accessions, which were collected from 20 countries, including 11 teosinte inbred lines, 764 landraces sampled from the maize collection of the CIMMYT germplasm bank (MGB), 290 CIMMYT elite maize lines (CMLs), and 78 popcorn lines from the USDA Ames inbred collection (Romay et al., 2013).



Significant SNPs from SeeD GWAS Analysis of Flowering Time

Jorge Alberto Romero Navarro Martha Willcox Juan Burgueño Cinta Romay Kelly Swarts Samuel Trachsel Iván Ortíz-Monasterios Felix San Vicente Garcia Gary Atlin Peter Wenzl Sarah Hearne Edward Buckler (2017)

The files included in this study provide significant SNPs from the gene-level analysis for days to anthesis, days to silking, altitude, and latitude within the SeeD GWAS panel. Markers shown are only those found outside high LD regions as defined in the paper: A study of allelic diversity underlying flowering-time adaptation in maize landraces. Nature Genetics. 2017: 49, 476–480. doi:10.1038/ng.3784, and included in the file: HighLD ranges.txt.



Significant SNPs from SeeD GWAS Analysis of Flowering Time

Jorge Alberto Romero Navarro Martha Willcox Juan Burgueño Cinta Romay Kelly Swarts Samuel Trachsel Iván Ortíz-Monasterios Felix San Vicente Garcia Gary Atlin Peter Wenzl Sarah Hearne Edward Buckler (2017)

The files included in this study provide significant SNPs from the gene-level analysis for days to anthesis, days to silking, altitude, and latitude within the SeeD GWAS panel. Markers shown are only those found outside high LD regions as defined in the paper: A study of allelic diversity underlying flowering-time adaptation in maize landraces. Nature Genetics. 2017: 49, 476–480. doi:10.1038/ng.3784, and included in the file: HighLD ranges.txt.
