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Revitalización y renovación en las formas dramáticas. Algunos casos particulares


Artículo número 2 de la Sección Variaciones. 18 páginas. tyvlliii

En este artículo se establecen algunas consideraciones relacionadas con las transformaciones que en las últimas décadas ha tenido la literatura dramática en Hispanoamérica y particularmente en México. Se reflexiona acerca de los procesos de hibridación y de diversificación en los modelos de creación teatral, como es el caso de las interacciones entre narrativa y drama; así como las variables del llamado microteatro, y sus posibles vínculos con la tradición del poema breve y el haikú.

This article establishes some considerations related to the transformations that the dramatic literature in Hispanic America and particularly in Mexico has had in recent decades. It reflects on the processes of hybridization and diversification in models of theatrical creation, as is the case of the interactions between narrative and drama; as well as the variables of the so-called microtheatre, and its possible links with the tradition of the short poem and the haiku.

Teoría dramática, microteatro, hibridez, dramaturgia. Dramatic theorie, hibridity, microtheatre, dramaturgy. HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS TEORÍA, ANÁLISIS Y CRÍTICA LITERARIAS

Low thermal conductivity solar domestic water heater


"Solar domestic water heaters (SWH) with thermosyphon circulation are the most common commercial applications of solar energy in Mexico. They are also becoming popular in the rest of the world, given their simplicity, good economic returns, and sustainability. Traditionally the solar collector, the piping, and the storage tank are built of copper and steel. However, wáter quality in many parts of the Mexican Northwest has high mineral contents and, when heated, results in early metal pitting corrosion of SWH parts. Short-lived water heaters are bad promoters of the technology. In this work, a SWH thermoplastic Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) is built and tested under real operating conditions in La Paz, BCS, Mexico. The optimal design is detected with the aid of a suitable numerical model. Results reveal that a full SWH-CPVC can be technically and economically convenient for the weather conditions of the Northwestern states of Mexico."

Low thermal conductivity solar water heater CPVC solar water heater Solar water heater cooper pitting corrosion Thermosiphon circulation INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS TECNOLOGÍA ELECTRÓNICA DISPOSITIVOS TERMOELÉCTRICOS DISPOSITIVOS TERMOELÉCTRICOS

Offshore wind energy climate projection using UPSCALE climate data under the RCP8.5 emission scenario


In previous work, the authors demonstrated how data from climate simulations can be utilized to estimate regional wind power densities. In particular, it was shown that the quality of wind power densities, estimated from the UPSCALE global dataset in offshore regions of Mexico, compared well with regional high resolution studies. Additionally, a link between surface temperature and moist air density in the estimates was presented. UPSCALE is an acronym for UK on PRACE (the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe)-weather-resolving Simulations of Climate for globAL Environmental risk. The UPSCALE experiment was performed in 2012 by NCAS (National Centre for Atmospheric Science)- Climate, at the University of Reading and the UK Met Office Hadley Centre. The study included a 25.6-year, five-member ensemble simulation of the HadGEM3 global atmosphere, at 25km resolution for present climate conditions. The initial conditions for the ensemble runs were taken from consecutive days of a test configuration. In the present paper, the emphasis is placed on the single climate run for a potential future climate scenario in the UPSCALE experiment dataset, using the Representation Concentrations Pathways (RCP) 8.5 climate change scenario. Firstly, some tests were performed to ensure that the results using only one instantiation of the current climate dataset are as robust as possible within the constraints of the available data. In order to achieve this, an artificial time series over a longer sampling period was created. Then, it was shown that these longer time series provided almost the same results than the short ones, thus leading to the argument that the short time series is sufficient to capture the climate. Finally, with the confidence that one instantiation is sufficient, the future climate dataset was analysed to provide, for the first time, a projection of future changes in wind power resources using the UPSCALE dataset. It is hoped that this, in turn, will provide some guidance for wind power developers and policy makers to prepare and adapt for climate change impacts on wind energy production. Although offshore locations around Mexico were used as a case study, the dataset is global and hence the methodology presented can be readily applied at any desired location. © Copyright 2016 Gross, Magar. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reprod

atmosphere, climate change, Europe, Mexico, sampling, time series analysis, university, weather, wind power, climate, risk, theoretical model, wind, Climate, Models, Theoretical, Risk, Wind CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA

Del bosque a la cocina: los hongos comestibles silvestres


La cocina mexicana es reflejo de nuestra historia, costumbres y tradiciones, así como de la biodiversidad y la cultura. En el territorio nacional se encuentra una gran variedad de ingredientes y recursos alimentarios, entre ellos, los hongos silvestres. Muchas comunidades tienen una antigua tradición asociada a su recolección, preparación, consumo y venta. En términos de nutrición, son un alimento de alta calidad y propiedades funcionales para incorporar a la dieta, pero también un importante medio de subsistencia. En este artículo se aborda el aprovechamiento tradicional de hongos comestibles silvestres en el Corredor Biológico Chichinautzin, área natural protegida ubicada al norte del estado de Morelos.

Mexican cuisine is a reflection of our history, customs and traditions, as well as biodiversity and culture. In the national territory there is a wide variety of ingredients and food resources, including wild mushrooms. Many communities have an ancient tradition associated with their collection, preparation, consumption and sale. In terms of nutrition, they are a high-quality food and functional properties to incorporate into the diet, but also an important means of subsistence. This article discusses the traditional use of wild edible mushrooms in the Chichinautzin Biological Corridor, a protected natural area located in the north of the state of Morelos.

BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA hongos comestibles silvestres, conocimiento tradicional, Corredor Biológico Chichinautzin, cocina tradicional mexicana

Hot Extremes and Climatological Drought Indicators in the Transitional Semiarid-Subtropical Region of Sinaloa, Northwest Mexico


"The main goal of this study was to explore the historical and recent spatial concurrence between the frequency (F), duration (D) and intensity (I) of hot extremes (HEs) and the frequency and evolution of meteorological drought in the region of Sinaloa. Based on the values of daily maximum temperatura (Tmax) and precipitation obtained from CLImate COMputing for the interval April–October of a historical period (1963–2000) and a recent period (1982–2014), the HE and the standardized precipitation index (SPI) were calculated on one-month (SPI-1) and four-month (SPI-4) timescales. Spearman rank correlation coefficients (Sr) were used to obtain the significant concurrences (SCs) between HEs and SPI-1, and HEs and SPI-4. El Quelite weather station showed the highest historical SCs between HEs and SPI-1 (−0.66≤Sr≤−0.57). Jaina is the only station that showed SCs with all four indicators of HEs and SPI-4 (−0.47≤Sr≤−0.34). In this study, the concurrence between HEs and SPI-1, and HEs and SPI-4 was determined for the first time. These are phenomena that can decrease the crop yield, particularly for rainfed crops such as maize, sesame and sorghum in the region commonly known as “the breadbasket of Mexico."


“Mexico half way of making”: Carlos Chávez and the foundation of the National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA) (1945-1947)

Ana Garduño (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

I am focusing on the interaction between a cultural agent, Carlos Chávez, and the government elite, related to the circumstances of the enunciation of a public and official organism, INBA (The National Institute of Fine Arts), because I assume that political relations are fundamental to understand a process that endorsed the official culture as an appendage of politics. In spite of its relevance, this subject has not been studied. Based on archival documentation (at the National Archive of Mexico and the archive of INBA) I am examining the cultural policies derived from the foundation of INBA. Due to the current pandemic situation, it was not possible to consult other documental sources. I am formulating that the concept of “high culture” was at the core of a wider conflict between governmental interests and those of representative social actors, and I conclude that this obstacle would have conferred a major political and symbolical importance to the Institute, and consequently, would restrict its budget.

Carlos Chávez INBA Agentes culturales Políticas institucionales Centralización artística HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA Foundation of the National Institute of Fine Arts in Mexico (INBA), Cultural agents Institutional policies Artistic centralization

Variaciones en un transecto profundo frente a la costa de Nayarit, México


"Six oceanographic cruises in a NE-SW transect were made nearshore of southern Sinaloa and Nayarit from March 2006 through May 2008, where no in situ hydrographic data are available. Applying the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10) to the observations, the hydrography and geostrophic currents of the region were characterized. Results indicate that surface variability (0-50 m) emerged mainly from seasonal atmospheric forcing. A relative salinity maximum was present during all cruises below this surface layer, which is attributed to a water mass intrusion of Subtropical Subsurface Water that could be associated with the Mexican Coastal Current. Another water mass intrusion is from the California Current. Samples from the 2007-2008 La Niña produced an uncommon circulation, where water flowing from the Gulf of California along the coast of Sinaloa was observed, opposite to what is commonly known as a mean circulation. This uncommon circulation matches the generation of anticyclonic eddies around the Islas Marias archipelago."


La patria en fuga. Violencia, memoria y desaparecidos en la literatura mexicana actual


En los últimos quince años ha aumentado considerablemente el número de obras literarias dedicadas al tema de la violencia y los desaparecidos en México. A diferencia de los productos de la denominada narcoliteratura, en estas manifestaciones predomina una intención de denuncia, reivindicación y memoria.

Ante el vacío o la manipulación de información, la literatura se presenta como un espacio que desafía el silencio y el miedo impuesto, en la construcción de unas narrativas de lo invisible. Estas composiciones se acercan a lo documental y lo testimonial, pero sin olvidar el aspecto estético, combinando la dureza del tema tratado con el cuidado formal y la búsqueda de nuevos caminos expresivos. Este trabajo reflexiona, entre otras cosas, sobre lo que implica hablar de la violencia y los desaparecidos desde la literatura y observa las posibilidades y límites del lenguaje en relación con el dolor y lo emocional. La literatura consigue expresar y significar de otra manera; expandir su significado en varios niveles simultáneos y no excluyentes, más allá de los hechos, más allá de lo literal. Junto a los datos, los textos literarios ofrecen reflexiones, conjeturas, visiones, interpretaciones, valoraciones. Los juegos de la imaginación, en forma de metáforas, símbolos, comparaciones y otras figuras retóricas, permiten ampliar la significación y matizar lo enunciado; hacer al lenguaje decir más, poniendo de relieve la eficacia del discurso literario y su función liberadora.

HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS Violencia en la literatura, Desaparición de personas – México, Literatura mexicana – Siglo XXI, Narrativa documental

A simple extension to the CMASA method for the prediction of catalytic residues in the presence of single point mutations

David Israel Flores Granados (2014, [Artículo])

The automatic identification of catalytic residues still remains an important challenge in structural bioinformatics. Sequence-based methods are good alternatives when the query shares a high percentage of identity with a well-annotated enzyme. However, when the homology is not apparent, which occurs with many structures from the structural genome initiative, structural information should be exploited. A local structural comparison is preferred to a global structural comparison when predicting functional residues. CMASA is a recently proposed method for predicting catalytic residues based on a local structure comparison. The method achieves high accuracy and a high value for the Matthews correlation coefficient. However, point substitutions or a lack of relevant data strongly affect the performance of the method. In the present study, we propose a simple extension to the CMASA method to overcome this difficulty. Extensive computational experiments are shown as proof of concept instances, as well as for a few real cases. The results show that the extension performs well when the catalytic site contains mutated residues or when some residues are missing. The proposed modification could correctly predict the catalytic residues of a mutant thymidylate synthase, 1EVF. It also successfully predicted the catalytic residues for 3HRC despite the lack of information for a relevant side chain atom in the PDB file. © 2014 Flores et al.

1UU9 protein, 3HRC protein, protein, thymidylate synthase, unclassified drug, protein kinase, thymidylate synthase, accuracy, algorithm, Article, CMASA, CMASA Substitution Matrix, Contact Matrix Average Deviation, controlled study, correlation coeffi CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA MATEMÁTICAS ANÁLISIS NUMÉRICO ANÁLISIS NUMÉRICO

Desarrollo de interfaces de electrodos para la detección electroquímica de Bisfenol A: Estudio teórico

JAZMIN DELGADO AVILEZ (2023, [Tesis de maestría])

El bisfenol A (BPA), es un contaminante de origen industrial presente en efluentes y

aguas naturales, que representa un alto riesgo para el entorno ambiental y para la salud humana debido a su inherente toxicidad y su limitada capacidad de degradación. En este contexto, los sensores electroquímicos, generalmente basados en electrodos de carbono, son herramientas fundamentales con el propósito de detectar y cuantificar esta molécula. Sin embargo, estos dispositivos enfrentan desafíos sustanciales derivados de la inactivación electroquímica, un fenómeno atribuido a la formación de una capa aislante o polimerización durante el proceso de detección. La descripción de los mecanismos de reacción BPA/superficie del electrodo puede ser útil para identificar los sitios activos y contribuir a la elucidación del proceso de polimerización.

En esta investigación, se implementó un estudio teórico mediante Teoría de Funcionales de la Densidad (DFT) con el propósito de analizar con profundidad las interacciones entre el BPA en sus diversos estados de oxidación: oxidada (O), reducida (R) y monoprotonada (r*) y materiales de carbono. A tal efecto, se empleó el grafeno funcionalizado (plano basal, borde tipo silla y zigzag) como modelo representativo de la superficie del electrodo. Finalmente se evalúan las posibilidades de la dimerización del BPA o polimerización sobre varios grupos funcionales. El objetivo principal radica en la detección de grupos funcionales específicos que puedan inducir procesos secundarios, los cuales actúan como obstáculos para la eficaz detección electroquímica del BPA. La información resultante se instituye como un recurso valioso con miras al diseño y la optimización de sensores electroquímicos con un desempeño más robusto y sofisticado.

A continuación, se detalla la sinopsis general de este trabajo describiendo cada capítulo y las etapas involucradas en el estudio del modelo teórico de DFT para el sistema de reacción BPA/superficie del electrodo.

Capítulo 1. Estado del arte tanto de los usos industriales como las implicaciones

ambientales asociadas al Bisfenol A. Una de las problemáticas que se destacan es la necesidad de una detección precisa de esta molécula mediante sensores electroquímicos cuya limitación es la inactivación que presentan. También se describe la justificación del trabajo, así como el uso del modelo computacional, además de los objetivos y la hipótesis del mismo.

Capítulo 2. Descripción de los fundamentos teóricos basados en primeros principios, de la Teoría de Funcionales de la Densidad (DFT), con un enfoque especial en las aproximaciones para desarrollar modelos representativos que optimicen el tiempo de cálculo. Además, se detallan las características de la estructura y la superficie de los materiales de carbono considerados en el proceso de modelado.

Capítulo 3. Detalle del proceso de construcción del modelo de superficie para el estudio de las interacciones BPA/superficie del electrodo, donde se empleó el modelo del plano basal,así como los bordes tipo silla y zigzag del grafeno, con funcionalizaciones que incluyen COOH, OH, éter, epóxido, cetona y terminaciones de hidrógeno.

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a contaminant of industrial origin present in effluents and natural waters. It represents a high environmental and human health risk due to its inherent toxicity and limited degradation capacity. In this context, electrochemical sensors, generally based on carbon electrodes, are fundamental to detecting and quantifying this molecule. However, these devices face substantial challenges from electrochemical inactivation, a phenomenon attributed to forming an insulating layer or polymerization during the sensing process. The description of the BPA/electrode surface reaction mechanisms can be helpful to identify the active sites and contribute to the elucidation of the polymerization process.

In this research, a theoretical study was implemented using Density Functional Theory (DFT) to analyze in depth the interactions between BPA in its various oxidation states: oxidized (O), reduced (R), and monoprotonated (r*) and carbon materials. For this purpose, functionalized graphene (basal plane, saddle edge, and zigzag) was used as a representative model of the electrode surface. Finally, the possibilities of BPA dimerization or polymerization on various functional groups are evaluated. The main objective is detecting specific functional groups that can induce secondary processes, which act as obstacles to the effective electrochemical detection of BPA. The resulting information is a valuable resource for designing and optimizing electrochemical sensors with more robust and sophisticated performance.

The general synopsis of this work is detailed below, describing each chapter and the

stages involved in the study of the theoretical DFT model for the BPA/electrode surface reaction system.

Chapter 1. State of the art of industrial uses and the environmental implications associated with Bisphenol A. One of the problems that stands out is the need for precise detection of this molecule using electrochemical sensors, whose limitation is the inactivation they present. The justification of the work is also described, as well as the use of the computational model, in addition to its objectives and hypothesis.

Chapter 2. Description of the theoretical foundations based on first principles of Density Functional Theory (DFT), focusing on approaches to develop representative models that optimize calculation time. Additionally, the structure and surface characteristics of the carbon materials considered in the modeling process are detailed.

Chapter 3. Detail of the construction process of the surface model for the study of BPA/electrode surface interactions, where the basal plane model was used, as well as the chair- type and zigzag edges of graphene, with functionalizations that include COOH, OH, ether, epoxide, ketone, and hydrogen endings.

INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS Oxidación de fenoles, Teoría de funcionales de la densidad (DFT), electrodos de carbono, desactivación electroquímica, Bisfenol A (BPA). Phenol oxidation, Density Functional Theory (DFT), carbon electrodes, electrochemical deactivation, Bisphenol A (BPA).