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- UNAM, IGEF, SSN, Grupo de Trabajo (4582)
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (644)
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- Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua (245)
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- Repositorio Institucional de Datos y Software de Investigación del CIMMYT (682)
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Performance of maize inbred lines under artificial inoculation with aflatoxin
Dan Makumbi Prasanna Boddupalli (2021, [Dataset])
This dataset contains information about the performance of maize inbred lines in Eastern Africa following inoculation with aflatoxin. The aflatoxin-related traits described in the dataset are: AFLTXB1 = Aflatoxin B1; AFLTXB2 = Aflatoxin B2; AFLTXG1 = Aflatoxin G1; AFLTXG2 = Aflatoxin G2, and AFLTXPPB = Aflatoxin Total.
Philomin Juliana Ravi Singh Jesse Poland Sandesh Kumar Shrestha JULIO HUERTA_ESPINO Govindan Velu Suchismita Mondal Leonardo Abdiel Crespo Herrera UTTAM KUMAR arun joshi Thomas Payne Pradeep Kumar Bhati Vipin Tomar (2021, [Dataset])
A large-scale genome-wide association study was carried out to dissect the genetic architecture of wheat grain yield potential and stress-resilience. Based on the findings, grain yield-associated marker profiles were generated for a large panel of 73,142 wheat lines and the grain-yield favorable allele frequencies were also determined. The marker profile data are presented in this dataset.
BAFFOUR BADU-APRAKU Ana Luisa Garcia-Oliveira Cesar Petroli Sarah Hearne Melaku Gedil (2020, [Dataset])
DArTSeq SNPs were generated for 436 early and extra-early maturing maize inbreds developed by the IITA maize improvement program as well as three inbred maize lines developed by CIMMYT. SNP calling was done using a proprietary analytical pipeline developed by DArT P/L. The study aimed at investigating genetic diversity and the population structure of this specific set of samples.
40th Elite Selection Wheat Yield Trial
Ravi Singh Thomas Payne (2020, [Dataset])
The Elite Selection Wheat Yield Trial (ESWYT) is a replicated yield trial that contains spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm adapted to Mega-environment 1 (ME1) which represents the optimally irrigated, low rainfall areas. Major stresses include leaf, stem and yellow rusts, Karnal bunt, and lodging. Representative areas include the Gangetic Valley (India), the Indus Valley (Pakistan), the Nile Valley (Egypt), irrigated river valleys in parts of China (e.g. Chengdu), and the Yaqui Valley (Mexico). This ME encompasses 36 million hectares spread primarily over Asia and Africa between 350S -350N latitudes. White (amber)-grained types are preferred by consumers of wheat in the vast majority of the areas. It is distributed to upto 200 locations and contains 50 entries.
15th Stem Rust Resistance Screening Nursery
Thomas Payne (2023, [Dataset])
The Stem Rust Resistance Screening Nursery is a single replicate nursery that contains diverse spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm adapted to all mega-environments with total 50-100 entries and white/red grain color.
7th Helminthium Leaf Blight Screening Nursery
Pawan Singh Thomas Payne (2020, [Dataset])
The Helminthium Leaf Blight Screening Nursery is a single replicate nursery that contains diverse spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm with total 50-100 entries and 2 REPs.
Sudha Nair Biswanath Das MacDonald Jumbo Dan Makumbi Suresh L.M. Yoseph Beyene Michael Olsen Prasanna Boddupalli Manje Gowda (2020, [Dataset])
Gray leaf spot (GLS) is a major maize foliar disease in sub-Saharan Africa that can substantially reduce yields for farmers. This dataset contains supporting phenotypic and genotypic data used in the analysis of the genetic architecture of GLS resistance in maize. The data in this paper relate to several different sets of germplasm: (1) The IMAS (Improved Maize for Africa Soils) panel with 430 lines assembled from diverse breeding programs from Africa, Asia and Latin America. (2) A DH population developed from crossing CML550 with CML494; (3) A DH population developed from crossing CML550 with CML504; (4) A DH population developed from crossing CML550 with CML511; and (5) several F3 populations The IMAS panel is a good source for genetic studies on resistance for several maize diseases and also for abiotic stress like low N conditions. The DH populations are a good source for low N discovery studies as well as for MLN and other disease resistance studies.
24th International Septoria Observation Nursery
Thomas Payne Pawan Singh (2020, [Dataset])
The International Septoria Observation Nursery (earlier Septoria Monitoring Nursery – SMN) is a single replicate nursery that contains diverse spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm adapted to ME2 (High rainfall environment) and ME4 (Low rainfall, semi-arid environment) with total 50-100 entries and white/red grain color.
20th International Septoria Observation Nursery
Pawan Singh Thomas Payne (2020, [Dataset])
The International Septoria Observation Nursery (earlier Septoria Monitoring Nursery – SMN) is a single replicate nursery that contains diverse spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm adapted to ME2 (High rainfall environment) and ME4 (Low rainfall, semi-arid environment) with total 50-100 entries and white/red grain color.
1st Stem Rust Resistance Screening Nursery
Ravi Singh Thomas Payne (2020, [Dataset])
The Stem Rust Resistance Screening Nursery is a single replicate nursery that contains diverse spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm adapted to all mega-environments with total 50-100 entries and white/red grain color.