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20 resultados, página 2 de 2

Research for development approaches in mixed crop-livestock systems of the Ethiopian highlands

Million Gebreyes James Hammond Lulseged Tamene Getachew Agegnehu Rabe Yahaya Anthony Whitbread (2023, [Artículo])

This study presents processes and success stories that emerged from Africa RISING's Research for Development project in the Ethiopian Highlands. The project has tested a combination of participatory tools at multiple levels, with systems thinking and concern for sustainable and diversified livelihoods. Bottom-up approaches guided the selection of technological interventions that could address the priority farming system challenges of the communities, leading to higher uptake levels and increased impact. Joint learning, appropriate technology selection, and the creation of an enabling environment such as the formation of farmer research groups, the establishment of innovation platforms, and capacity development for institutional and technical innovations were key to this study. The study concludes by identifying key lessons that focus more on matching innovations to community needs and geographies, systems orientation/integration of innovations, stepwise approaches to enhance the adoption of innovations, documenting farmers' capacity to modify innovations, building successful partnerships, and facilitating wider scaling of innovations for future implementation of agricultural research for development projects.


A Novel Technique for Classifying Bird Damage to Rapeseed Plants Based on a Deep Learning Algorithm.

Ali Mirzazadeh Afshin Azizi Yousef Abbaspour_Gilandeh José Luis Hernández-Hernández Mario Hernández Hernández Iván Gallardo Bernal (2021, [Artículo])

Estimation of crop damage plays a vital role in the management of fields in the agricultura sector. An accurate measure of it provides key guidance to support agricultural decision-making systems. The objective of the study was to propose a novel technique for classifying damaged crops based on a state-of-the-art deep learning algorithm. To this end, a dataset of rapeseed field images was gathered from the field after birds¿ attacks. The dataset consisted of three classes including undamaged, partially damaged, and fully damaged crops. Vgg16 and Res-Net50 as pre-trained deep convolutional neural networks were used to classify these classes. The overall classification accuracy reached 93.7% and 98.2% for the Vgg16 and the ResNet50 algorithms, respectively. The results indicated that a deep neural network has a high ability in distinguishing and categorizing different image-based datasets of rapeseed. The findings also revealed a great potential of Deep learning-based models to classify other damaged crops.

rapeseed classification damaged crops deep neural networks INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS

Innovative approaches to integrating gender into conventional maize breeding: lessons from the Seed Production Technology for Africa project

Rachel Voss Jill Cairns Michael Olsen Esnath Tatenda Hamadziripi (2023, [Artículo])

The integration of gender concerns in crop breeding programs aims to improve the suitability and appeal of new varieties to both women and men, in response to concerns about unequal adoption of improved seed. However, few conventional breeding programs have sought to center social inclusion concerns. This community case study documents efforts to integrate gender into the maize-focused Seed Production Technology for Africa (SPTA) project using innovation history analysis drawing on project documents and the authors’ experiences. These efforts included deliberate exploration of potential gendered impacts of project technologies and innovations in the project’s approach to variety evaluation, culminating in the use of decentralized on-farm trials using the tricot approach. Through this case study, we illustrate the power of active and respectful collaborations between breeders and social scientists, spurred by donor mandates to address gender and social inclusion. Gender integration in this case was further facilitated by open-minded project leaders and allocation of funding for gender research. SPTA proved to be fertile ground for experimentation and interdisciplinary collaboration around gender and maize breeding, and has provided proof of concept for larger breeding projects seeking to integrate gender considerations.


Una articulación fundamental: la emancipación

Nicolás Amoroso Boelcke (2023, [Capítulo de libro])

El concepto, la circunstancia de la enseñanza que aquí abordaremos, tiene el propósito de restituir ciertas situaciones que corresponden al propio ejercicio de la instrucción y a aquellas otras que hablan del acontecer, por ello el trabajo. Tiene las variables tanto de la experiencia real como de las otras sobre las que se han escrito, una de ellas, al final, plantea una situación paradójica que se refiere a la del maestro ignorante que, básicamente, tiene como propósito mostrar que el conocimiento es algo que está en el alumno y que el docente debe limitarse a tratar de que aflore y se exprese de la mejor manera posible. Nos habla de la independencia y de las características que puede tener una educación rigurosa y rígida, en contraposición con una más flexible. Lo mismo sucede con el pensamiento desde nuestra América, de la educación dependiente a una educación libertaria.

The concept, the circumstance of the teaching that we will address here has the purpose of restoring certain situations that correspond to the exercise itself as those others that speak of the happening for it the work. It has the variables of real experience as of the others about which they have been written, one of them, in the end, poses a paradoxical situation that refers to that of the ignorant teacher that, basically, has the purpose of showing that knowledge is something that is in the student and that the teacher must limit himself to trying to bring it out and express itself in the best possible way. It tells us about independence and the characteristics that a rigorous and rigid education can have with a more flexible one and the same happens with the thought from our America, from dependent education to a libertarian education.

Emancipación, docencia, alumnos, investigación, juego. Emancipation, teaching, students, research, play. Interaction analysis in education. Microteaching. Teacher-student relationships. Transformative learning. Educational innovations. Análisis de interacción en la educación. Relaciones maestro-estudiante. Aprendizaje transformador. Cambio educativo. LB1034 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA PEDAGOGÍA TEORÍA Y MÉTODOS EDUCATIVOS

Detección de eventos violentos en publicaciones de redes sociales

Detection of violent events in social media publications

Esteban Ponce León (2023, [Tesis de maestría])

En los últimos años, ha habido un interés creciente en el monitoreo de redes sociales para recopilar información y, en algunos casos, para examinar la ocurrencia de delitos. Sin embargo, gran parte de las investigaciones hasta ahora solo se han centrado en ciudades de EE. UU. o extranjeras, y por ende, en publicaciones y conjuntos de datos en inglés El objetivo principal de esta tesis es diseñar un método que permita la identificación de publicaciones de eventos violentos en español y en Twitter, utilizando información multimodal y técnicas de aumento de datos que mejoren el rendimiento de los modelos. Para esto, el trabajo de investigación se dividió en dos fases experimentales. La primera orientada a identificar publicaciones a partir de solo texto, explorando diferentes técnicas de aumento de datos para texto y modelos de aprendizaje máquina y profundo. En la segunda fase, se extendió el método propuesto para abordar la identificación en un contexto multimodal, es decir, considerando tanto los textos de los tweets como las imágenes compartidas que los acompañan. En este caso el método propuesto consideró utilizar descripciones textuales de las imágenes y abordar la problemática desde el dominio textual, además se hicieron 2 tipos de aumento de datos para cada tipo de información. La evaluación de los métodos se hizo utilizando las colecciones de la tarea de evaluación DA-VINCIS 2022 y 2023. Los resultados demostraron una mejora en el rendimiento de los modelos al considerar el uso de información multimodal y el uso de aumento de datos.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in monitoring social networks to gather information and, in some cases, to examine the occurrence of crime. However, much of the research so far has only focused on US or foreign cities, and thus on English-language publications and data sets. The main objective of this thesis is to design a method that allows the identification of publications of violent events in Spanish and on Twitter, using multimodal information and data augmentation techniques that improve the performance of the models. For this, the research work was divided into two experimental phases. The first aimed at identifying publications from only text, exploring different data augmentation techniques for text and machine and deep learning models. In the second phase, the proposed method was extended to address identification in a multimodal context, that is, considering both the texts of the tweets and the shared images that accompany them. In this case, the proposed method considered using textual descriptions of the images and addressing the problem from the textual domain, in addition, 2 types of data augmentation were made for each type of information. The evaluation of the methods was done using the collections of the DA-VINCIS 2022 and 2023 evaluation task. The results demonstrated an improvement in the performance of the models when considering the use of multimodal information and the use of data augmentation.

Detección de Violencia, Redes Sociales, Aumento de Datos, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, BERT, BETO, Descripción de Imágenes Violence Detection, Social Networks, Data Augmentation, Natural Language Processing, BERT, BETO, Image Captioning INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ORDENADORES MODELOS CAUSALES MODELOS CAUSALES