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Shopping centers at zmcm. The companies, location and production of a neoliberal urban space
Dante-Guillermo Celis-Galindo (2021, [Artículo, Artículo])
This work aims to analyze different aspects of shopping center at the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City as location, opening year and developer company. Also it will identify diverse characteristics, economic and political phases in the country as well as the role of the development companies and shopping centers as a producers of a neoliberal urban space. This paper presents the way shopping centers importance has growth and how it had become in a neoliberal city characteristic; with this the characteristics of these urban works are visualized and related with their construction companies and local governments which has caused the transformation of the city. After conducting a census, with more than two hundred shopping centers, the study was delimited to those with the greatest significance by size, location and developer. At the beginning of the paper, the characteristics that shopping malls should have for the realization of this work are mentioned. In a first section an approach is made to the theoretical elements of the city and the shopping center and therefore identifying the developers that most nfluence this process; the second section addresses the characteristics of places by location and the characteristics that urban planners have depending on the area where they are; the third section discusses the years of opening, the squares and relates to government administrations and the economic characteristics of the country; and finally, a tour of the urban regulations in Mexico City and its latest modifications is made.
shopping center neoliberalism space urban space construction company centro comercial neoliberalismo espacio espacio urbano empresa constructora HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA
Política de lo materno de dirigentes barriales en el espacio público
David Luján Veron ANÍBAL PÉREZ CONTRERAS (2023, [Artículo])
"En este artículo se analiza un conjunto de relatos de dirigentes vecinales, recabados a partir de dos investigaciones doctorales concluidas, con el objetivo de desvelar los distintos modos en que las mujeres invocan roles tradicionalmente asociados a lo femenino —protección, cuidado, maternidad— para legitimarse en el espacio público y participar en la política local. Se argumentará que las mujeres observadas participan en la configuración de una “política de lo materno” que, pese a reforzar estereotipos tradicionales sobre el rol de las mujeres, constituye un reservorio de experiencias, aprendizajes y prácticas que pueden ser leídas en clave de politización y construcción de ciudadanía".
Carlos Alejandro Custodio González Tania Ortiz Patricia Catalina Medina Pérez (2024, [Artículo, Artículo])
The current development model's accumulation logic has resulted in the emergence and consolidation of social processes like segregation, leading to differentiated access and availability of urban goods and services among social groups based on socioeconomic, ethnic, or societal standing. The current development model's accumulation logic has resulted in the emergence and consolidation of social processes like segregation, leading to differentiated access and availability of urban goods and services among social groups based on socioeconomic, ethnic, or societal standing. This disparity impacts employment levels, educational performance, urban decay, and environmental degradation. In this context, the article aims to examine the socio-spatial segregation in the access to socio-environmental amenities provided by public green spaces (EVP) in a medium-sized city, specifically Durango, Mexico. The analysis utilizes spatial analysis and statistical methods that involve five variables associated with EVPs: surface area, percentage, number, density, and the socioeconomic level of the population. A spatial pattern of segregation was identified through these variables, resulting in four clusters that impact how the city of Durango is inhabited, produced, reproduced, lived, and constructed.
sociospatial exclusion public space spatial autocorrelation spatial patterns spatial justice exclusión socioespacial espacio público autocorrelación espacial patrones espaciales justicia espacial CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES
The listening in the contemporary city. Theoretical approaches
Gustavo Alfonso Galván Cázares José Guadalupe Rivera González (2021, [Artículo, Artículo])
The present article sets out different theoretical approaches around the sound and the act of listening in the contemporary city as well as the processes of production and significance of the city through the mentioned act. The central goal of this writing is to contribute to the interdisciplinary discussions about the coupling of sound/ listening in the field of urban studies since the aforementioned dissertations are still scarce in the Latin American context. To this effect, firstly, listening as an epistemic means by which the city is learned is discussed. Afterwards, some implications about different global processes in the urbanites’ aural practices are analyzed. Lastly, the necessity of appealing to citizen’s listening as an essential element to consider throughout the planning, construction, remodeling and the plans of territorial restructuring as well as in every physical and symbolic transformation of the city is presented. In this context some theoretical premises about the experimentation of the public space through hearing, being aware of the sound as a component that allows an appropriation and significance of the space as well as an element of social cohesion and generator of identities are analyzed.
listening sound city public space escucha sonido ciudad espacio público HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA
The pedestrian trajectories derived from the barriers of the public space
Amanda Casillas Ana Victoria Casillas Zapata (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
Walking behavior respond to various factors, both internal and external, the first one is linked to the pedestrian's motivation, and the second one is linked to the opportunity offered by the built environment. The public space in the cities represents the main articulator of pedestrian movements, allowing flexible or fixed types of trips to be carried out. Therefore, those urban spaces that are detached from the network conformed by the pedestrian infrastructure could limit accessibility and alter the paths of travel. This study addresses the cases of three neighborhood parks that in recent years have had their configuration transformed by closing their perimeters in a partial or total way; the main objective of this study is to identify the types of pedestrian trajectories that derive from these barriers, as for those who move from within the neighborhoods and those who move from outside. These trajectories were analyzed under a qualitative approach and a descriptive scope. This allow us to determine that the parks, according to their disposition, have the potential to attract or repel the pedestrian movement, whether they were used as a destination or a connection place for displacement. In this way, it was possible to determine that the pedestrian trajectories are conditioned by the reduced permeability of these spaces.
Pedestrian mobility Public space Parks Barriers movilidad peatonal espacio público parques barreras conectividad HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA
Jorge Gabriel Ortiz Leroux (2023, [Capítulo de libro])
Capítulo número 5 de la Sección Imágenes y representaciones.
El objetivo del presente texto es el de mostrar como la obra emanada de colectivos de análisis del espacio social de la protesta, permite reconocer las claves que relacionan al espacio con los actores que lo ocupan. Asimismo, se pretende abordar cómo el conflicto que se interpone entre los actores de la protesta define sus magnitudes y reelabora sus disposiciones y sus formas de entrecruzamiento en relación con la presencia de la imagen. Asimismo, la representación imaginaria y visual del espacio permite ver a la ciudad como un laboratorio, que puede también ser registrado, interpretado y resituado respecto a los discursos hegemónicos. Los proyectos visuales que aquí abordamos representan un trabajo que a través de los años ha expresado su visión sobre las realidades sociales y políticas de nuestro país, en las que el conflicto aparece como telón de fondo de la creación e interpretación visual de esas realidades. La interacción entre política y estética tiene como escenario el espacio público y la ciudad, que fungen como trasfondo para la expresión de formas imaginarias y que conforman en sí mismas el sentido de los reclamos y las transformaciones gestadas. Mirando a la ciudad, observamos sus cambios y las formas de relación, cada vez más complejas, que se viven en ella.
Public spaces--Social aspects--Mexico. Dissident art. Protest movements--Mexico--Posters. Graphic arts--Political aspects--Mexico. Political posters, Mexican--20th century. Espacios públicos -- México. Arte disidente. Movimientos de protesta. Carteles políticos mexicanos. HT185 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS TEORÍA, ANÁLISIS Y CRÍTICA DE LAS BELLAS ARTES
Héctor Rodríguez-Nava (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
"Se estudió teóricamente un Hamiltoniano que describe dos procesos paramétricos en un cristal no-lineal que, bajo condiciones geométricas específicas, generan correlaciones cuánticas no locales en cuatro modos de luz en las cantidades llamadas cuadraturas del campo. Se utilizaron dos metodologías para este estudio: métodos de espacio fase y ecuaciones de evolución de Heisenberg. Ambas técnicas generaron sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales que describen el comportamiento dinámico de los operadores de creación y aniquilación de los cuatro modos de luz. Estos valores se utilizaron para certificar las correlaciones cuánticas por medio de testigos de enredamiento y steering."
Fotónica Óptica cuántica Enredamiento Correlaciones cuánticas Métodos de espacio fase Ecuaciones diferenciales estocásticas Steering CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA FÍSICA ÓPTICA ÓPTICA
Percepción sobre espacios incluyentes en universitarios del oriente de Morelos
El trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la percepción que tiene la comunidad estudiantil del oriente de Morelos con respecto a la habilitación de un baño incluyente, como parte de una política institucional de corte progresista. Mediante un diseño metodológico cuantitativo, se aplicaron 131 encuestas conformadas por cuestionarios estructurados de tipo mixto. En el análisis se estudian los efectos de la socialización de dos agencias: la familia y la educación escolar. El estudio concluye que la educación familiar y escolar y el contacto con grupos de pares vinculados a la comunidad OSIG LGBTQ+ incidieron en la disminución de estereotipos y roles de género e incrementaron la valoración positiva de las estrategias implementadas por las autoridades universitarias para la habilitación del baño incluyente.
The objective of the work is to analyze the perception that the student community located in the East of Morelos has regarding the habilitation of an inclusive bathroom, as part of a progressive institutional policy. Using a quantitative methodological design, 131 surveys made up of mixed-type structured questionnaires were applied. The analysis studies the effects of the socialization of two agencies: the family and the school education. The study concludes that family and school education and contact with peer groups linked to the lgbtq+ community, had an impact on the reduction of stereotypes and gender roles and in-creased the positive assessment of the strategies implemented by the university authorities for the empowerment of the inclusive bathroom.
CIENCIAS SOCIALES SOCIOLOGÍA espacios incluyentes, universidad, jóvenes, percepción
Petrología y geoquímica isotópica del complejo alcalino La Vasca, noroeste de Coahuila
Petrology and isotope geochemistry of the La Vasca Alkaline Complex, northwestern Coahuila
Edgar Alan Martínez Salinas (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
En el complejo alcalino La Vasca (CALV), afloran cuerpos ígneos con afinidad peralcalina y mineralizaciones de eudialita, los cuales no se habían considerado previamente en el magmatismo regional, en especial respecto a la Provincia Alcalina Oriental Mexicana (PAOM). La Vasca estaba pobremente documentada y no se conocía su vínculo con esta provincia magmática, además que los minerales del grupo de eudialita son de elevado interés por su contenido de elementos de tierras raras. En este trabajo se realizaron descripciones petrográficas, análisis geoquímicos de elementos mayores, traza, e isótopos de Sr, Nd, y Pb, así como geocronología U-Pb en zircones. En el CALV, se identificaron granitoides ferroanos, alcalinos, clasificados en dos grupos por su saturación de alúmina: metaluminoso y peralcalino. Un grupo de diques, sills y rocas volcánicas vistas en el Ejido San Miguel, localidad cercana al CALV, muestran semejanzas con las rocas metaluminosas, mientras que los diques y sills que afloran en las periferias del CALV son casi exclusivamente peralcalinos. Las rocas metaluminosas muestran firmas geoquímicas de ambiente post-colisional e intraplaca, mientras que las peralcalinas poseen firmas intraplaca. Ambos grupos muestran poca contaminación cortical, afinidad con una fuente de manto tipo OIB, y atravesaron un basamento Fanerozoico a Precámbrico asociado a la zona interior de la sutura Ouachita. Zircones en las rocas metaluminosas arrojan edades de ca. 48 y 45 Ma, y las condiciones de formación de las rocas indican que las rocas peralcalinas son cogenéticas. Las rocas del CALV se ajustan al modelo de formación de magmas en la PAOM, en el que se propone que el retroceso de la subducción plana de la placa Farallón ocurrió debido a la ruptura del conjugado de Hess, causando el ascenso de la astenósfera y la fusión de un manto litosférico modificado por subducción. Concluida la ruptura y el hundimiento del conjugado de Hess, comienza a contribuir un manto astenosférico metasomatizado a la formación de magmas. El CALV marca la extensión de la PAOM en el noroeste de Coahuila.
At the La Vasca Alkaline Complex (LVAC), outcrops of igneous bodies with peralkaline affinity and eudialyte mineralization were reported, which were not previously considered within the regional magmatism regarding the Eastern Mexican Alkaline Province (EMAP). La Vasca was poorly documented and no link with this magmatic province was properly defined, and additionally, the eudialyte group minerals are of great interest due to its content of rare earth elements. In this work, petrographic descriptions, major and trace element, and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope geochemical analysis, as well as U-Pb zircon geochronology were carried out. At the LVAC, two groups of ferroan, alkaline granitoids were identified and classified according to their alumina saturation: metaluminous and peralkaline. A group of dikes, sills, and volcanic rocks at the neighboring locality of Ejido San Miguel show similarities with the metaluminous rocks, while the dikes and sills outcropping at the LVAC periphery are almost exclusively peralkaline. The metaluminous rocks show geochemical signatures of post-collisional and intraplate settings, while the peralkaline ones have intraplate signatures. Both groups show little crustal contamination, affinity to an OIB-type mantle source, and traversed a Precambrian to Phanerozoic basement related to the interior zone of the Ouachita suture. Zircons from the metaluminous rocks have dates of ca. 48 and 45 Ma, and the conditions of rock formation show that the peralkaline rocks are cogenetic. Rocks from the LVAC fit within the model of magma formation in the EMAP, in which it is proposed that the flat-slab roll-back of the Farallon Plate occurred due to the Hess conjugate tearing, causing asthenospheric upwelling and the melting of the subduction-modified lithospheric mantle. Concluding the tearing and foundering of the Hess conjugate, a metasomatized asthenospheric mantle begins to contribute to magma generation. The LVAC marks the extension of the EMAP in northwestern Coahuila.
noroeste de Coahuila, PAOM, magmatismo peralcalino, magmatismo intraplaca, geoquímica, geocronología northwestern Coahuila, EMAP, peralkaline magmatism, intraplate magmatism, geochemistry, geochronology CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO GEOLOGÍA PETROLOGÍA ÍGNEA Y METAMÓRFICA PETROLOGÍA ÍGNEA Y METAMÓRFICA
Elena Nalesso (2019, [Artículo])
Many species of sharks form aggregations around oceanic islands, yet their levels of residency and their site specificity around these islands may vary. In some cases, the waters around oceanic islands have been designated as marine protected areas, yet the conservation value for threatened shark species will depend greatly on how much time they spend within these protected waters. Eighty-four scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini Griffith & Smith), were tagged with acoustic transmitters at Cocos Island between 2005–2013. The average residence index, expressed as a proportion of days present in our receiver array at the island over the entire monitoring period, was 0.52±0.31, implying that overall the sharks are strongly associated with the island. Residency was significantly greater at Alcyone, a shallow seamount located 3.6 km offshore from the main island, than at the other sites. Timing of presence at the receiver locations was mostly during daytime hours. Although only a single individual from Cocos was detected on a region-wide array, nine hammerheads tagged at Galapagos and Malpelo travelled to Cocos. The hammerheads tagged at Cocos were more resident than those visiting from elsewhere, suggesting that the Galapagos and Malpelo populations may use Cocos as a navigational waypoint or stopover during seasonal migrations to the coastal Central and South America. Our study demonstrates the importance of oceanic islands for this species, and shows that they may form a network of hotspots in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. © 2019 Nalesso et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
article, Cocos Island, human, monitoring, nonhuman, resident, shark, South America, animal, Costa Rica, environmental protection, island (geological), movement (physiology), physiology, season, shark, Animals, Conservation of Natural Resources, Costa CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA