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Tensile behavior of 3D printed polylactic acid (PLA) based composites reinforced with natural fiber

Eliana M Agaliotis BALTAZAR DAVID AKE CONCHA ALEJANDRO MAY PAT Juan Pablo Morales Arias Celina Bernal Alex Valadez González Pedro Jesús Herrera Franco Gwenaelle Proust JUAN FRANCISCO KOH DZUL José Gonzalo Carrillo Baeza Emmanuel Alejandro Flores Johnson (2022)

Natural fiber-reinforced composite (NFRC) filaments for 3D printing were fabricated using polylactic acid (PLA) reinforced with 1–5 wt% henequen flour comprising particles with sizes between 90–250 μm. The flour was obtained from natural henequen fibers. NFRCs and pristine PLA specimens were printed with a 0° raster angle for tension tests. The results showed that the NFRCs’ measured density, porosity, and degree of crystallinity increased with flour content. The tensile tests showed that the NFRC Young’s modulus was lower than that of the printed pristine PLA. For 1 wt% flour content, the NFRCs’ maximum stress and strain to failure were higher than those of the printed PLA, which was attributed to the henequen fibers acting as reinforcement and delaying crack growth. However, for 2 wt% and higher flour contents, the NFRCs’ maximum stress was lower than that of the printed PLA. Microscopic characterization after testing showed an increase in voids and defects, with the increase in flour content attributed to particle agglomeration. For 1 wt% flour content, the NFRCs were also printed with raster angles of ±45° and 90° for comparison; the highest tensile properties were obtained with a 0° raster angle. Finally, adding 3 wt% content of maleic anhydride to the NFRC with 1 wt% flour content slightly increased the maximum stress. The results presented herein warrant further research to fully understand the mechanical properties of printed NFRCs made of PLA reinforced with natural henequen fibers. © 2022 by the authors.



Preparation and characterization of strongly sulfonated acid block and random copolymer membranes for acetic acid esterification with 2-Propanol

Verónica Rosiles González Ronan Le Lagadec ARELLY PAULINA VARGUEZ CATZIM María Isabel de los Dolores Loría Bastarrachea Abigail Gonzalez Diaz EMANUEL HERNANDEZ NUÑEZ Manuel de Jesús Aguilar Vega MARIA ORTENCIA GONZALEZ DIAZ (2022)

In this paper, we report the synthesis of block and random copolymers of 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propane sulfonic acid (AMPS) and methyl methacrylate (MMA), with different AMPS feed ratios. These solution-processable copolymers with strongly sulfonated acid groups resulted in membranes with tunable ion exchange (IEC) and water absorption capacities. AFM images confirmed the microphase separation of PAMPS-b-PMMA-1:1 block copolymer membrane, annealed under the appropriate conditions. The resulting copolymers from the random combination of a 1:1 molar ratio of AMPS and MMA monomers are effective at enhancing the esterification conversion of acetic acid, when compared with a reaction catalyzed by PAMPS-b-PMMA block copolymers and the previously studied catalytic membranes. With the PAMPS-co-PMMA-1:1 membrane, the esterification reaction using acetic acid achieved 85% isopropyl acetate. These results are closely correlated with the increase in IEC (2.63 mmol H+ g−1 ) and the relationship between weight loss (20.3%) and swelling degree (68%) in 2-propanol. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.



Análisis a escala atómica de interfases magnéticas con aplicaciones en espintrónica

Atomic scale analysis of magnetic interfases with spintronics applications

Rocio González Díaz (2023)

La espintrónica es un área de la nanociencia que tiene por cometido el estudio y manipulación del espín de los electrones para el desarrollo y mejoramiento de dispositivos electrónicos. De manera particular, se ha orientado a la búsqueda de materiales para la fabricación de memorias magnéticas de acceso aleatorio (MRAM), diseñadas a partir de uniones túnel magnéticas (MTJ). Dichas uniones son heteroestructuras construidas a partir de un material aislante en cuya capa superior e inferior se dispone un compuesto ferromagnético. Una de las características de estos dispositivos es que presentan una anisotropía magnética perpendicular (PMA) y un efecto de torque por transferencia de espín (STT). Recientemente, un estudio experimental señala que la heteroestructura B2-CoAl/L10-MnAl es un candidato idóneo para la fabricación de MRAM, pues presenta PMA y STT. Sin embargo, en el trabajo experimental no se reporta un análisis de la estabilidad termodinámica de la heteroestructura. Dicho lo anterior, en este trabajo se hizo un estudio de la estabilidad termodinámica y estructural de B2-CoAl/L10-MnAl usando la teoría del funcional de la densidad (DFT). Se propusieron diferentes modelos de interfaz CoAl/MnAl y se determinó a través de un análisis energético cuál es la interfaz más estable. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la interfaz más estable sucede entre la última capa de Al del CoAl y la primera capa de Mn del MnAl. Además, se comprobó un efecto PMA en la heteroestructura B2-CoAl/L10-MnAl y se determinó que este comportamiento se origina esencialmente debido a la naturaleza ferromagnética de MnAl, pues CoAl no presenta características ferromagnéticas.

Spintronics is nanoscience area whose aim is the study and manipulation of electrons spin to development and improvement of electronic devices. In a particular way, the spintronics has focused to search of new materials to fabrication of magnetic random-access memory (MRAM), which are designed from devices call magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ). This devices are heterostructures built from an insulating material with a ferromagnetic compound on top and bottom layers and characterized by the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and spin-transfer torque (STT) effects prensent on it. Recently, an experimental study indicates the B2-CoAl/L10-MnAl heterostructure is a suitable candidate for the fabrication of MRAM based on MTJ devices. Nevertheless, the thermodynamic stability of the heteroestructure is not reported in the experimental work. Therefore, in this work a study of the thermodynamic and structural stability of B2-CoAl/L10-MnAl was performed using density functional theory (DFT). Different CoAl/MnAl interface models were proposed and the most stable interface was determined by an energy analysis. The results obtained, indicate that the most stable interface occurs between the last Al layer of CoAl and the first Mn layer of MnAl. In addition, a PMA effect in the B2-CoAl/L10-MnAl heterostructure was demonstrated and it was determined that this behaviour is essentially due to the ferromagnetic nature of MnAl, since CoAl does not present ferromagnetic characteristics.

Master thesis

simulaciones computacionales, interfases magnéticas, estabilidad termodinámica computational simulation, magnetic interfaces, termodinamic stability INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS TECNOLOGÍA DE MATERIALES PROPIEDADES DE LOS MATERIALES PROPIEDADES DE LOS MATERIALES

Effect of the noble metals addition on the oxidation behavior of Ni3Al

Jose Juan Ramos-Hernandez JESUS PORCAYO-CALDERON Jan Mayen Chaires GABRIEL ANGEL LARA RODRIGUEZ victor salinas JOSE-GONZALO GONZALEZ-RODRIGUEZ Lorenzo Martínez Gómez (2018)

This paper discusses the e1ect of the addition of noble metals on the microstructure, mechanism, and oxidation kinetics of the Ni3Al intermetallic alloy. Ni3Al was doped with 1% (atomic percent) of Au, Ag, Pd, and Pt. Oxidation behavior of the alloys was evaluated at 900, 1000, and 1100°C in O2 for 24 hours. XRD analysis showed that the addition of noble metals favored the oxide growth on preferential crystallographic planes. In addition, the preferential substitution of the noble metals in the Ni3Al structure modi>es the surface composition by increasing the Al/Ni ratio. It was observed that most of the alloys showed a subparabolic behavior, and only the intermetallic base and the alloy doped with Ag show a parabolic behavior at 900°C. ,e developed oxides were analyzed both super>cially and in cross section by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA). It was evident that only the intermetallic base showed the formation of a duplex oxide scale (Al2O3/NiO). ,e alloys doped with noble metals showed the oxide growth practically of pure Al2O3. ,is was due to a decrease in the di1usion of the Ni cations because of the presence of the noble metals in the crystalline structure.

Financial support from Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACYT, Mexico) (Project no. 159898 and Ph.D. scholarship to J. J. Ramos-Hernandez, Registration no. 202898) is gratefully acknowledged.



Thermal and mechanical properties of PLA-based multiscale cellulosic biocomposites

MIGUEL ANGEL RUZ CRUZ Pedro Jesús Herrera Franco Emmanuel Alejandro Flores Johnson MARIA VERONICA MORENO CHULIM LUCIANO MIGUEL GALERA MANZANO Alex Valadez González (2022)

In this work polylactic acid (PLA) based multiscale cellulosic biocomposites were prepared with the aim to evaluate the effect of the incorporation of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) on the PLA biocomposites reinforced with cellulose microfibers (MFCs). For this, PLA composite materials reinforced with both MFCs and with a combination of MFCs and CNCs were prepared, while keeping the content of cellulosic reinforcements constant. The thermal and mechanical properties of these multiscale PLA biocomposites were characterized by thermogravimetry (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), flexural mechanical and, dynamic mechanical (DMA) tests. Likewise, they were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show that the replacement of MFCs by CNCs in the 1–5% range appreciably modifies the thermal and mechanical properties of multiscale compounds. For example, they increase the thermal stability of the materials, modify the PLA crystallization process and play the role of adhesion promoters since the mechanical properties in flexure increase in the order of 40% and the storage modulus increases in the order of 35% at room temperature. Also, the addition of CNCs increases the relaxation temperature of the material from 50 to 60 °C, thereby expanding the temperature range for its use. © 2022 The Author(s)



Obtención de materiales nanocompuestos semiconductorsemiconductor para producción de hidrógeno por fotocatálisis heterogénea

Obtaining semiconductor-semiconductor nanocomposite materials for hydrogen production by heterogeneous photocatalysis

Yilmair Rodríguez Santillán (2023)

La producción de hidrógeno mediante fotocatálisis heterogénea a través del fotorreformado de metanol ha surgido como una estrategia para abordar los desafíos energéticos y ambientales actuales. Este proceso combina la conversión de una mezcla metanol/agua, con la eficiencia de la fotocatálisis para generar hidrógeno limpio y renovable. Uno de los factores más importantes en el proceso de la fotocatálisis heterogénea, es la capacidad que presenta un semiconductor para absorber luz con energía dentro del rango del espectro visible. El g-C3N4 es uno de los materiales más estudiados recientemente para la producción de hidrógeno, ya que presenta una banda prohibida de 2.7 eV, aparte de una alta estabilidad química y térmica, así como un bajo costo de producción. Sin embargo, el g-C3N4 tiene limitaciones en su eficiencia debido a la rápida recombinación del par electrón/hueco (e- /h+), lo que reduce la tasa de producción de H2. Para superar esta limitación se suelen hacer modificaciones por medio de dopantes o formando uniones con otros semiconductores, como las que se hicieron en este trabajo. El nanocompuesto que se utilizó para la producción de H2 mediante el fotorreformado de metanol es el Pt/MnCo2S4/B-g-C3N4 que consiste en una estructura formada por nitruro de carbono grafítico dopado con boro (B-g-C3N4), sulfuro de manganeso-cobalto (MnCo2S4) y platino (Pt). El B-g-C3N4 actúa como el fotocatalizador clave en la reacción de producción de H2 ya que cuenta con una estructura de banda electrónica adecuada que le permite absorber luz solar y generar pares (e-/h+) para activar la reacción. El MnCo2S4 se empleó para favorecer la separación y migración de los portadores de carga. El papel del Pt fue el de acelerar la reacción de reducción para la formación de la molécula de H2. La serie de fotocatalizadores de Pt/MnCo2S4/B-g-C3N4 que fueron sintetizados, demostraron una alta estabilidad y actividad fotocatalítica en la producción de hidrógeno a partir del fotorreformado de metanol/agua, tanto en condiciones con luz UV como en condiciones con luz visible, permitiendo alcanzar una producción de 947.9 μmol g-1 h-1 y 716.4 μmol g-1 h- respectivamente.

Hydrogen production through heterogeneous photocatalysis via methanol photoreforming has emerged as a strategy to address current energy and environmental challenges. This process combines the conversion of a methanol/water mixture with the efficiency of photocatalyst to generate clean and renewable hydrogen. One of the most crucial factors in the heterogeneous photocatalysis process is the semiconductor's ability to absorb light within the visible spectrum energy range. Recently, g-C3N4 has been extensively studied for hydrogen production due to its 2.7 eV bandgap, high chemical and thermal stability, and low production cost. However, g-C3N4 has limitations in its efficiency due to the rapid recombination of electron/hole pairs (e-/h+), which reduces the H2 production rate. To overcome this limitation, modifications are often made through dopants or forming junctions with other semiconductors, as is done in this study. The nanocomposite used for hydrogen production via methanol photoreforming is Pt/MnCo2S4/B-g-C3N4, which consists of a structure composed of borondoped graphitic carbon nitride (B-g-C3N4), manganese-cobalt sulfide (MnCo2S4) and platinum (Pt). B-gC3N4 acts as the critical photocatalyst in the H2 production reaction. It possesses an appropriate electronic band structure that absorbs solar light and generates electron-hole pairs (e-/h+) to activate the reaction. MnCo2S4 was used to promote the separation and migration of charge carriers. The role of Pt is to accelerate the reduction reaction to form H2 molecules. The series of synthesized Pt/MnCo2S4/B-g-C3N4 photocatalysts demonstrated high stability and photocatalytic activity in hydrogen production via methanol/water photoreforming, both under UV and visible light conditions, achieving a production rate of 947.9 μmol g-1 h-1 and 716.4 μmol g-1 h-1, respectively.

Master thesis

hidrógeno, fotocatálisis, fotorreformado, metanol, nanocompuesto hydrogen, photocatalyst, photoreforming, methanol, nanocomposite INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS TECNOLOGÍA DE MATERIALES PROPIEDADES DE LOS MATERIALES PROPIEDADES DE LOS MATERIALES

Ensamble de aerogeles e hidrogeles a partir de óxido de grafeno reducido (rGO)

Assembly of reduced graphene oxide hydrogels and aerogels (rGO)

Deiby Jael Espinoza Hernández (2023)

En los últimos años se ha propuesto diseñar, ensamblar y evaluar materiales a base de nanoestructuras, buscándole conferir las propiedades de los nanomateriales al material macroscópico final. Para lograr obtener este tipo de material macroscópico 3D, es necesario ensamblar nanoestructuras a manera de “ladrillos” (bloques constructores) con ciertas propiedades deseadas, en un cierto tipo de arreglo 3D (arquitectura) requerido. En particular, el grafeno es un candidato ideal para la obtención de este tipo de arreglos, dada su elevada área superficial, así como sus propiedades físicas y químicas. En el presente trabajo, se han obtenido hidrogeles y aerogeles con grafeno, como dos tipos de ensamblajes macroscópicos tridimensionales (3D); se han evaluado sus propiedades y se ha propuesto los mecanismos a nivel molecular de sus metodologías de ensamblaje. Es importante resaltar la propuesta realizada, para conferirle propiedades hidrofílicas al óxido de grafeno reducido (OGr), lo cual abre las puertas y permite la obtención de estos dos tipos de arreglos (hidrogel y aerogel). En particular, el ensamble de óxido de grafeno reducido (OGr) en hidrogeles de alginato cargados con OGr-PDDA lograron absorber hasta más de veinte veces su peso en agua. Por su parte, los aerogeles a base de OGr resultaron en materiales con bajas densidades (11 veces la densidad del aire) y resistencia a la compresión con una marcada tendencia a mejorar su flexibilidad y cantidad de peso soportado antes del colapso, como función de la temperatura del tratamiento térmico aplicado. Más aún, los aerogeles pudieron absorber selectivamente manchas de aceite de maíz presentes en medio acuoso, logrando absorber y retener hasta 200 μL de aceite por mg de aerogel.

In recent years, it has been proposed to design, assemble and evaluate materials based in nanostructures, seeking to give the final macroscopic material properties from the nanomaterials. In order to obtain this type of macroscopic 3D material based on nanostructures, it is necessary to assemble nanostructures as "bricks" (building blocks) with certain desired properties in a certain type of 3D arrangement (architecture) that is desired. In particular, graphene is an ideal candidate for obtaining this type of arrays, due to its high surface area, as well as its physical and chemical properties. In the present work, hydrogels and aerogels have been obtained from graphene as two types of three-dimensional (3D) macroscopic assemblies; their properties have been evaluated and their assembly mechanisms at the molecular level have been proposed. It is important to highlight the proposal made here, to confer hydrophilic properties to reduced graphene oxide (rGO), which allows obtaining these two types of arrangements (hydrogel and aerogel). Specifically, the assembly of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) in alginate hydrogels by loading it with rGO-PDDA were able to absorb more than a ten times their weight in wáter. For the rGO-based aerogels they turned out as materials with low densities (~7 times the air density) and resistance to compression with a tendency to improve its flexibility and amount of weight supported before collapsing, as function of the heat treatment temperature applied. Moreover, the aerogels were able to absorb selectively corn oil present in aqueous media, being able to absorb and retain even 200 μL of oil per mg of aerogel.

Master thesis