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Abduction according to Peirce: reflections from the south on the crisis of representation brought on by COVID-19

Paulina Aroch (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

In this article, I reflect on the importance of abductive thinking for processes of material and conceptual reinvention in the context of the current public health crisis. Inseparable from the climate change engulfing the planet, this crisis provides the basis for a semiotic revolution. Therefore, I interrogate Peirce’s work without losing sight of my own time and place of interlocution. COVID-19 has brought with it a crisis of representation which, in contrast to that unleashed by the Holocaust and World War II, and to which the Frankfurt School responded, demands responses from the Global South. Beginning from Dussel’s call to defend life as a matter of ethical urgency in the face of its irresponsible objectification within colonial capitalist modernity –which arguably triggered the pandemic–, I trace a “nocturnal map” that registers the present meaning-making crisis, and allows for a reimagining and remaking of the world from elsewhere.

estudios de la comunicación semiótica crítica Sur Global crisis de representación COVID-19 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA Critical theory interdisciplinarity Global South crisis of representation

Gobernanza de múltiple escala para la gestión local del agua de consumo humano en América Latina: estudios de caso en Costa Rica, Honduras y México

Multilevel governance for local management of drinking water in Latin America: case studies from Costa Rica, Honduras and Mexico


El abastecimiento del agua para consumo humano a escala local puede depender de la participación social. Se compararon tres regímenes de gobernanza para gestión del agua basado en acción colectiva y en entidades anidadas: 1) Asociaciones Administradoras de Sistemas de Acueductos y Alcantarillados Sanitario (ASADAS) en Costa Rica, 2) Juntas Ad-ministradoras del Agua (JAA) en Honduras y 3) Comités de Agua (CA) en Oaxaca, México. Se analizaron el marco legal, la estructura y operatividad y la eficiencia en la provisión y conservación de los recursos hídricos mediante revisión documental, observación partici-pativa y entrevistas informales.ASADAS y JAA son reconocidas legalmente, mientras que los CA no tienen soporte en el marco legal mexicano. Los regímenes mostraron estructuras y operatividad análoga, así como tendencias similares hacia eficiencia en la provisión del agua y en asegurar la recarga hídrica, pero capacidades económicas diferentes. Reconocer y empoderar los CA en México podría aumentar y garantizar el abastecimiento de agua a el largo plazo

Adequate supply of drinking water at local level depends, in many cases on community participation. We compare three governance regimes for drinking water management based on multilevel collective action: 1) ASADAS in Costa Rica, 2) Water Boards (JAA, for its acronym in spanish) in Honduras and 3) Water User Committees (CA, for its acronym in spanish) in Mexico. Our data is based on participant observation, and formal and informal interviews. Legal framework, structure and operation, and efficiency for provision and conservation of water resources are analyzed. ASADAS and Water Boards are legal entities with recog-nized community participation and collective action, while Water Committees have no legal support by the Mexican Government. Regimens showed similar structures and operation, but different economic capabilities and efficiencies in the provision of water and in ensur-ing water recharge. Recognition and empowerment of the Water Committees in Mexico could increase and ensure water provision in the long- term

HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA Abasto de agua Gobernanza local Comités de agua Oaxaca Sustentabilidad de agua Water supply Local governance Water committees Oaxaca Sustainability of water

Historical use of water resources. Civil works evolution in Zacatecas state

Carlos Bautista-Capetillo Georgia González-Pérez Hiram Badillo-Almaraz (2021, [Artículo, Artículo])

Availability and demand are essential aspects for the human being when planning is made to provide water to the different sectors that may have need of it; still, the demand of suitable volume of water increases day by day, while the supply decreases gradually. In this inverse relationship, anthropogenic and environmental dynamics are decisive to guarantee the needs of the population, specifically due to the climatic transformations evidenced in recent decades. Throughout history, the state of Zacatecas has suffered the ravages of extreme environmental events, mainly those related to drought. Likewise, but on a lesser extent, severe floods have occurred that have caused socioeconomic damage. In this work, the climatic variations of temperature and precipitation and their influence on the evolution of hydraulic systems for the supply of drinking water in the municipality of Nochistlán de Mejía, Zacatecas are analyzed during the period 1930-2015.

drinking water supply historical development of waterworks climate and its transformations Abasto de agua potable desarrollo histórico de obras hidráulicas clima y sus transformaciones CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA

The new proletariat of the north at Ciudad Juarez: Current trends.

Nolberto Tlacaelel Acosta Pérez (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])

The arrival of the nowadays renamed Manufacturing, Maquiladora and Export Service Industry brought within the formation of a new labor subject in the region: the new proletariat of the north. The proposal of the present article is to identify and describe the specific traits of this working class sub-fraction, by a reevaluation of its meaning, the most relevant socioeconomic indicators which serve to understand it, the political organization chapters that it has undertaken in the past years, and its most characteristic cultural attributes.

new proletariat of the north maquiladora U.S.-Mexico border social classes Ciudad Juarez nuevo proletariado del norte frontera norte clases sociales Ciudad Juárez CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Habitability conditions for floods: the case of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico

MARCELINO GARCIA BENITEZ Saul Nucamendi Hernandez Omar Ávila Flores (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])

At present, there are changes in the environment that favor the presence of extreme climatic phenomena such as floods, this exposure implies that the populations of urban areas suffer effects on their material assets, which limits their capacity for individual and / or family development. Given the lack of local territorial planning, the establishment of colonies was allowed on the banks of the Sabinal river and its tributaries that present episodes of flooding during the rainy season (Sistema Municipal de Protección Civil, 2015).


The study evaluates the habitability conditions of the urban population exposed to flooding, the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas is taken as a reference, since historically it is a recurring problem during the summer. The methodology interrelates geostatistical, spatial and cartographic databases with hemerographic information sources based on the review of the literature for the construction of the general index, determined in dimensions that group social, economic, educational aspects, availability of basic services, goods with those that count the dwellings and their accessibility, etc., on a geographical scale of Urban Geostatistical Areas (AGEB).


The results obtained generated an index on the distribution of habitability conditions by urban Ageb, they are interrelated with spatial data on floods and their relationship with Sustainable Development Goal 11 (ODS), which proposes to improve infrastructure conditions in cities and towns. sustainable communities so that the inequality originated among the population exposed to future extreme flood events that occur in the different areas that make up the city is reduced.

Habitability conditions floods Sustainable Development Goals urban Ageb city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas AGEB urbana ciudad de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas condiciones de habitabilidad inundaciones CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Elevación del piso del seno maxilar con técnica transcrestal.


Introduction: the elevation of the transcrestal floor of the maxillary sinus consists of the vertical reconstruction of the atrophic alveolar ridge in an apical direction, with which it is possible to place the correct number and length of oral implants. Objective: to describe the procedure of a case of transcrestal maxillary sinus floor elevation with the placement of three dental implants. Clinical case: 62 year old female patient with missing teeth 16, 25 and 26. Treatment: three implants were placed to replace the missing teeth. Due to the decrease in height of the remaining alveolar ridge due to pneumatization of the maxillary sinuses, elevation of the sinus floor was planned with the transcrestal Summers¿s technique and placement of graft material. Results: by means of the grafts, sufficient height was achieved for the correct stability of the implants, each área had an average gain of 3 mm in bone height, with which length was obtained to give the implants adequate primary stability. Conclusion: sinus floor elevation with a transcrestal approach is a good alternative for rehabilitation with implants in the posterior edentulous sector, associated with pneumatization of the maxillary sinuses.

Elevation of the floor of the maxillary sinus Transcrestal technique Implants Graft Bone height MEDICINA Y CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD CIENCIAS MÉDICAS CIRUGÍA ORTODONCIA-ESTOMATOLOGÍA

“Vengo a ver a Santito Dios”: Nociones y prácticas en torno a la religiosidad infantil en Tultepec Estado de México

NORMA CASAS SANCHEZ (2021, [Tesis de doctorado])

"Esta tesis tiene como objetivo describir las prácticas religiosas que realizan los niños, así como identificar las nociones que tienen sobre lo religioso, y analizarlas en el contexto sociocultural específico del municipio de Tultepec."

Niños -- Vida religiosa -- Tultepec -- Estado de México Educación religiosa de niños Vida social y costumbres -- Estado de México Fiesta patronal -- Pirotecnia -- San Juan de Dios CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

La superación del indígena : la política de la modernización entre las élites indígenas de Comalapa, siglo XX

Edgar Arturo Esquit Choy (2008, [Tesis de doctorado])

En este trabajo argumentaré que las luchas de ciertos sectores indígenas por la superación o la modernización y las transformaciones culturales que ellos vivieron, por lo menos en algunos pueblos del altiplano central y en Comalapa, no estuvieron limitadas a los procesos nacionales y mundiales de mediados del siglo XX, sino tuvieron un vínculo importante con el proceso de formación nacional liberal y capitalista guatemalteco y mundial, gestados desde finales del siglo XIX y durante el XX. Esta primera aseveración se vincula a otras conclusiones que afirman, que la comunidad corporativa indígena en Guatemala se formó no como una respuesta a la explotación económica en sí misma, sino como un rechazo al intento del Estado de eliminar la autonomía indígena local.

Indios de América Central -- Guatemala -- Condiciones Sociales Cambio Social -- Comalapa, Guatemala Comalapa, Guatemala -- Vida Social y Costumbres Comalapa, Guatemala -- Política y Gobierno HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA ANTROPOLOGÍA ANTROPOLOGÍA CULTURAL ANTROPOLOGÍA CULTURAL