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Women, economic resilience, gender norms in a time of climate change: what do we know?

Cathy Farnworth Anne Rietveld Rachel Voss Angela Meentzen (2023, [Artículo])

This literature delves into 82 research articles, published between 2016 and 2022, to develop a deep understanding of how women manage their lives and livelihoods within their agrifood systems when these systems are being affected, sometimes devastatingly, by climate change. The Findings show that four core gender norms affect the ability of women to achieve economic resilience in the face of climate change operate in agrifood production systems. Each of these gender norms speaks to male privilege: (i) Men are primary decision-makers, (ii) Men are breadwinners, (iii) Men control assets, and (iv) Men are food system actors. These gender norms are widely held and challenge women’s abilities to become economically resilient. These norms are made more powerful still because they fuse with each other and act on multiple levels, and they serve to support other norms which limit women’s scope to act. It is particularly noteworthy that many institutional actors, ranging from community decision-makers to development partners, tend to reinforce rather than challenge gender norms because they do not critically review their own assumptions.

However, the four gender norms cited are not hegemonic. First, there is limited and intriguing evidence that intersectional identities can influence women’s resilience in significant ways. Second, gender norms governing women’s roles and power in agrifood systems are changing in response to climate change and other forces, with implications for how women respond to future climate shocks. Third, paying attention to local realities is important – behaviours do not necessarily substantiate local norms. Fourth, women experience strong support from other women in savings groups, religious organisations, reciprocal labour, and others. Fifth, critical moments, such as climate disasters, offer potentially pivotal moments of change which could permit women unusually high levels of agency to overcome restrictive gender norms without being negatively sanctioned. The article concludes with recommendations for further research.


Innovative approaches to integrating gender into conventional maize breeding: lessons from the Seed Production Technology for Africa project

Rachel Voss Jill Cairns Michael Olsen Esnath Tatenda Hamadziripi (2023, [Artículo])

The integration of gender concerns in crop breeding programs aims to improve the suitability and appeal of new varieties to both women and men, in response to concerns about unequal adoption of improved seed. However, few conventional breeding programs have sought to center social inclusion concerns. This community case study documents efforts to integrate gender into the maize-focused Seed Production Technology for Africa (SPTA) project using innovation history analysis drawing on project documents and the authors’ experiences. These efforts included deliberate exploration of potential gendered impacts of project technologies and innovations in the project’s approach to variety evaluation, culminating in the use of decentralized on-farm trials using the tricot approach. Through this case study, we illustrate the power of active and respectful collaborations between breeders and social scientists, spurred by donor mandates to address gender and social inclusion. Gender integration in this case was further facilitated by open-minded project leaders and allocation of funding for gender research. SPTA proved to be fertile ground for experimentation and interdisciplinary collaboration around gender and maize breeding, and has provided proof of concept for larger breeding projects seeking to integrate gender considerations.


Development of a thermoelectric test for electrical contactors


In the economic model in which we develop, there is a dependence on the means of transport that every day is increasing and due to the importance of electrification in the issue of efficient and clean transportation, has caused the need for companies supplying components for automotive manufacturers to evolve and develop new technologies to stay ahead of the needs of their customers being in full evolution towards electrified transport. This evolution extends not only to manufacturing but to the test methods that currently exist, since automotive standards require suppliers to test in laboratory, the components they sell to their customers to ensure their correct operation.

Electrical contactors Powered thermal cycle endurance Busbars Electrification industry INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS

Impact of automation on enhancing energy quality in grid-connected photovoltaic systems

Virgilio Alfonso Murillo Rodríguez NOE VILLA VILLASEÑOR José Manuel Robles Solís OA Guirette-Barbosa (2023, [Artículo])

Rapid growth in the integration of new consumers into the electricity sector, particularly in the industrial sector, has necessitated better control of the electricity supply and of the users’ op-erating conditions to guarantee an adequate quality of service as well as the unregulated dis-turbances that have been generated in the electrical network that can cause significant failures, breakdowns and interruptions, causing considerable expenses and economic losses. This research examines the characteristics of electrical variations in equipment within a company in the industrial sector, analyzes the impact generated within the electrical system according to the need for operation in manufacturing systems, and proposes a new solution through automation of the regulation elements to maintain an optimal system quality and prevent damage and equipment failures while offering a cost-effective model. The proposed solution is evaluated through a reliable simulation in ETAP (Energy Systems Modeling, Analysis and Optimization) software, which emulates the interaction of control elements and simulates the design of electric flow equipment operation. The results demonstrate an improvement in system performance in the presence of disturbances when two automation schemes are applied as well as the exclusive operation of the capacitor bank, which improves the total system current fluctuations and improves the power factor from 85.83% to 93.42%. Such a scheme also improves the waveform in the main power system; another improvement result is when simultaneously operating the voltage and current filter together with the PV system, further improving the current fluctuations, improving the power factor from 85.83% to 94.81%, achieving better stability and improving the quality of the waveform in the main power grid.

This article belongs to Special Issue Advances and Optimization of Electric Energy System.


Diseño y activismo artístico

Olivia Fragoso-Susunaga (2023, [Capítulo de libro])

En el 2015, las Naciones Unidas proponen una serie de objetivos dirigidos a convocar a los habitantes del mundo a realizar acciones orientadas a acabar con la pobreza, mejorar las condiciones del planeta y lograr que, para el 2030, todas las personas puedan gozar de paz y bienestar. A estos objetivos se les conoce como los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). La educación superior juega un papel fundamental en el logro de los ODS. La UAM y, en el caso que nos compete, el CyAD están llamados a colaborar en esta tarea que nos involucra a todos y todas quienes formamos la comunidad universitaria. Este trabajo es una reflexión sobre la importancia que tiene la formación en activismo artístico en la educación del diseño para el logro de los ODS. Se propone que enfatizar el vínculo entre el diseño y el activismo artístico es parte de un escenario futuro indiscutiblemente necesario en el currículo de licenciatura en el CyAD.

In 2015, the United Nations proposed a series of goals aimed at calling on the world’s inhabitants to take action to end poverty, improve the conditions of the planet and ensure that by 2030 all people can enjoy peace and well-being. These goals are known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Higher education plays a fundamental role in the achievement of the SDGs, the UAM and, in the case that concerns us, the CyAD are called to collaborate in this task that involves all of us who form the university community. This work is a reflection on the importance of training in artistic activism in design education for the achievement of the SDGs. It is proposed that emphasizing the link between design and art activism is part of an indisputably necessary future scenario in the undergraduate curriculum at CyAD.

Activismo artístico, educación del diseño, cultura. Artistic activism, design education, culture. Sustainable Development Goals. Art and social action. Education, Higher--Social aspects. Educational change. Artists--Political activity. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño. Desarrollo sustentable. Participación social. Cambio educativo. NX180.P64 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS

Competencia socioemocional y toma de decisiones en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes universitarios

MAYRA DELGADO VILLALOBOS (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])

Las emociones sociales forman parte de la complejidad interna de una sociedad donde

confluyen niveles de estructura social: las interacciones entre sus individuos, los patrones

de relación entre ellos y sus principios de organización. Las emociones sociales subyacen

a esta complejidad e incluyen mecanismos de autorregulación que permiten a los

individuos desarrollar habilidades socioemocionales para evaluar cuándo y con quién

cooperar o competir, regular las respuestas emocionales y el comportamiento en

situaciones sociales, mantener relaciones de largo plazo, favorecer la prosocialidad y la

cohesión grupal. Estas habilidades son fundamentales en nuestros entornos culturales

dinámicos. Por ello, la OECD las considera habilidades del siglo XXI.

Desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar con énfasis en la cognición social, en la

presente investigación se revisó la importancia y la función de las emociones sociales, y

con base en los diferentes niveles de complejidad social se propone una distinción entre

habilidades y competencias socioemocionales. También se revisaron diversos enfoques

teóricos sobre estas competencias, así como la metodología para su evaluación en la

educación universitaria. Asimismo, se realizó un estudio exploratorio con un diseño

transversal y la muestra se conformó por 104 estudiantes universitarios. El modelo teórico

propuesto se probó mediante ecuaciones estructurales, encontrándose diferencias

significativas entre el compromiso académico y el rendimiento académico, la resiliencia

y el razonamiento.

Social emotions are part of the internal complexity of a society where levels of social

structure converge: the interactions between its individuals, the relationships patterns

between them and their organizational principles. Social emotions underlie this

complexity and include self-regulation mechanisms that allow individuals to develop

socioemotional skills to assess when and with whom to cooperate or compete, regulate

emotional responses and behavior in social situations, maintain long-term relationships,

promote prosociality and group cohesion. These skills are essential in our dynamic

cultural environments. For this reason, the OECD considers them 21st century skills.

From an interdisciplinary perspective with an emphasis on social cognition, this

research reviewed the importance and function of social emotions, and based on the

different levels of social complexity, a distinction between socio-emotional skills and

competencies is proposed. Various theoretical approaches to these competencies were

also reviewed, as well as the methodology for their evaluation in university education.

Likewise, an exploratory study was carried out with a cross-sectional design and the

sample consisted of 104 university students. The proposed theoretical model was tested

using structural equations, finding significant differences between academic commitment

and academic performance, resilience and reasoning.

HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA PEDAGOGÍA cognición social, desarrollo socioemocional, competencias socioemocionales, evaluación socioemocional y aprendizaje socioemocional. social cognition, social-emotional development, social-emotional competencies, social-emotional assessment and social-emotional learning