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La ventaja revelada de exportación de la fresa mexicana, su estructura productiva e índices de protección

Karla Anahí Amador García (2008, [Tesis de maestría])

Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Empresariales. Maestría en Ciencias en Comercio Exterior

An interest renovated in the natural foods in the world population that puts more attention in its diet exists and in its health. The strawberry is a fruit appreciated by its color, perfume, flavor and benefits for the health since are an anti-rust one and he/she has high quantities of vitamin C, vitamin B, natural sugar, potassium and iron. According to the Association of Warm Supreme TO. C. the consumption of this fruit has associated with a reduction of the cancer prostático and the reduction of the cholesterol LDL (lipoproteína of low density). There is strawberry readiness during the whole year thanks to the development and implementation of new cultivation techniques and of more resistant varieties to almost all the climates. The sector fresero occupies an important place in the economy of Mexico from half-filled of last century for its national and regional great impact as generator of foreign currencies and of employments.

Existe un interés renovado en los alimentos naturales en la población mundial que pone más atención en su dieta y en su salud. La fresa es una fruta apreciada por su color, perfume, sabor y beneficios para la salud ya que es un antioxidante y tiene elevadas cantidades de vitamina C, vitamina B, azúcar natural, potasio y hierro. Según la Asociación de Calidad Suprema A. C. el consumo de esta fruta se ha asociado con una reducción del cáncer prostático y la reducción del colesterol LDL (lipoproteína de baja densidad). Hay disponibilidad de fresa durante todo el año gracias al desarrollo e implementación de nuevas técnicas de cultivo y de variedades más resistentes a casi todos los climas. El sector fresero ocupa un lugar importante en la economía de México desde mediados del siglo pasado por su gran impacto nacional y regional como generador de divisas y de empleos.

CIENCIAS SOCIALES ININEE-M-2008-0006 Exportación Fresa Ventaja comparativa Competitividad VRE

Regional analysis of the wage discrimination in the indigenous workers in Mexico

Christian De la Luz-Tovar SIBYL ITALIA PINEDA SALAZAR (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

The objective of this research is to estimate and decompose the wage gap between indigenous and non-indigenous workers by region in Mexico, to examine whether there are regional differences in the existing wage inequality that a priori affects the indigenous population and whether these differences can be attributed to the job profile of this group or by systematic labor discrimination against them. Using the data from the 2018 National Household Expenditure Revenue Survey (ENIGH-N) and the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition, it was found that indigenous workers face a wage gap in all regions of the county. But, this gap is more pronounced in the center and south regions, where, on average, the associated component with labor discrimination has a percentage greater than 56. In contrast, in the north-central and northern regions of Mexico, the residual component is on average less than 33%, which suggests that the wage gap is explained by differences in productivity between groups.                         

Labor economics Ethnicity wage gap Indigenous population Regions Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition Economía laboral Brecha salarial étnica Población indígena Regiones Descomposición de Oaxaca-Blinder CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Gender parity and socioeconomic representation in subnational legislatures in Mexico: more equitable congresses?

Fernando Patron Katya Rodríguez Gómez (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

The article analyzes if gender parity in subnational legislatures in México has produced a more equitable social representation. It explores the plurality of gender parity in terms of socioeconomic differences, and female and male representation. Using data from Censo de Poderes legislativos Estatales 2020, the article classifies subnational legislators by socioeconomic levels and compared with CONEVAL’s methodology of social stratification in Mexico. The tested hypothesis is that gender parity has not produced a favorable impact on a more equitable political representation in socioeconomic terms so far. Female and male political representation continues to be dominated by upper socioeconomic levels.

Congresos locales México Representación política Paridad de género Clase social CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES Subnational Legislatures, social divisions, descriptive representation, gender parity, social class

Instruments, allies or adversaries: the presence of the media in the legislations of Mexican states

Salvador De-León-Vázquez (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

In this article, we analyze how the media are conceptualized in the legislation of Mexican states. Our starting point is the consideration that the rights of information and communication are recognized and guaranteed by General Constitution and federal laws, who has been thoroughly examined. However, there are very few studies focusing on state or local laws. The theoretical basis comes from discussions on media development and public communication. The methodology consisted of a cartography and subsequent argumentative analysis of a corpus of media-related articles in Mexican state legislations. The findings reveal three general media conceptualizations in the legal instruments examined: as instruments, as allies or as adversaries. The conclusions discuss the implications for democratic development.

Legislation Communication rights Media Media development Public communication Legislación Derechos de la comunicación Medios de comunicación Desarrollo mediático Comunicación pública CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

El Estado en la sociedad : análisis interpretativo de tres casos en México

EDER DE JESUS PEREA CASANOVA (2019, [Tesis de maestría])

Estudio de casos

Estado, El

Política de vivienda

Movimiento obrero



Las relaciones internacionales de los gobiernos locales : el caso de México


Política exterior

Gobierno local

Relaciones exteriores


Entre la tradición y el cambio : el proceso de aprendizaje político de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación

ALBERTO DIAZ ALAVEZ (2019, [Tesis de maestría])

Administración de la justicia

México. Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación


Las relaciones internacionales de los gobiernos locales : el caso de México


Política exterior

Gobierno local

Relaciones exteriores