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User manual: How to use Agvisely to generate climate service advisories for livestock in Bangladesh

T.S Amjath-Babu Timothy Joseph Krupnik (2023, [Libro])

The Agvisely digital service for livestock integrates location-specific meteorological forecasts generated by the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) with species specific biological thresholds for weather variables (Temperature, rainfall, and temperature-humidity index (THI). When a biological threshold is to be breached in next five days' forecast, the system automatically generates location-specific management advice for livestock farmers. Advisories are based on a decision tree developed by the Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute (BLRI) and CIMMYT. Agvisely is a smart phone app and web-based service developed by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) CIMMYT with the support of USAID, securing the Food Systems of Asian Mega- Deltas (AMD) for Climate and Livelihood Resilience and the Transforming Agrifood Systems in South Asia (TAFSSA) initiatives in collaboration with Bangladesh Dept. of Agricultural Extension (DAE) and Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD).


Near-real-time welfare and livelihood impacts of an active war: Evidence from Ethiopia

Kibrom  Abay Guush Berhane Jordan Chamberlin Mehari Hiluf Abay (2023, [Artículo])

Ethiopia recently experienced a large-scale war that lasted for more than two years. Using unique High-Frequency Phone Survey (HFPS) data, which span several months before and after the outbreak of the war, this paper provides evidence on the immediate impacts of the conflict on households’ food security. We also assess potential mechanisms and evaluate impacts on proximate outcomes, including on livelihood activities and access to food markets. We use difference-in-differences and two-way fixed effects estimation to compare trends across affected and unaffected regions (households) and before and after the outbreak of the war. Seven months into the conflict, we find that the war was associated with a 37 percentage points increase in the probability of moderate to severe food insecurity. Using the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data (ACLED), we show that exposure to an additional battle leads to a 1 percentage point increase in the probability of moderate or severe food insecurity. The conflict was associated with significant reduction in access to food through supply chain disruptions and by curtailing non-farm livelihood activities. Non-farm and wage related activities were affected the most, whereas farming activities were relatively more resilient. Our estimates, which likely underestimate the true average effects on the population, constitute novel evidence on the near-real-time impacts of large-scale conflict. Our work highlights the potential of HFPS to monitor active and large-scale conflicts, especially in contexts where conventional data sources are not immediately available.


Instruments, allies or adversaries: the presence of the media in the legislations of Mexican states

Salvador De-León-Vázquez (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

In this article, we analyze how the media are conceptualized in the legislation of Mexican states. Our starting point is the consideration that the rights of information and communication are recognized and guaranteed by General Constitution and federal laws, who has been thoroughly examined. However, there are very few studies focusing on state or local laws. The theoretical basis comes from discussions on media development and public communication. The methodology consisted of a cartography and subsequent argumentative analysis of a corpus of media-related articles in Mexican state legislations. The findings reveal three general media conceptualizations in the legal instruments examined: as instruments, as allies or as adversaries. The conclusions discuss the implications for democratic development.

Legislation Communication rights Media Media development Public communication Legislación Derechos de la comunicación Medios de comunicación Desarrollo mediático Comunicación pública CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Metodología Value Stream Mapping (VSM) aplicada a procesos de perforación de pozos petroleros en México

Value Stream Mapping (VSM) methodology applied to oil well drilling processes in Mexico


Con los cambios recientes en el sector energético a nivel mundial, la industria petrolera enfrenta retos importantes en la extracción de hidrocarburos, por lo que se ha priorizado la implementación de operaciones que permitan esta actividad de forma eficiente y optimizada. En este trabajo se analizará la aplicación de una de las herramientas del Lean Manufacturing, el VSM (Value Stream Mapping) con la finalidad de identificar posibles mejoras y disminución de tiempos no productivos en los procesos de perforación de pozos petroleros, de acuerdo a las experiencias previas en campos desarrollados en México. Se pretende demostrar que herramientas de análisis de eficiencia para la manufactura pueden adaptarse a industrias pesadas como la petrolera y en particular del área de perforación.

With recent changes in the energy sector worldwide, the oil industry faces significant challenges in the extraction of hydrocarbons, which is why the implementation of operations that allow this activity in an efficient and optimized manner has been prioritized. In this work, the application of one of the Lean Manufacturing tools, VSM (Value Stream Mapping) will be analyzed with the purpose of identifying possible improvements and reduction of non-productive times in the oil well drilling processes, according to experiences. previous ones in developed fields in Mexico. The aim is to demonstrate that efficiency analysis tools for manufacturing can be adapted to heavy industries such as the oil industry and in particular the drilling area.


Estudio de la calidad del agua de las subdivisiones del cuerpo de agua Laguna de Cuyutlán, Manzanillo, Colima

JUAN LEODEGARIO GARCIA ROJAS (2011, [Documento de trabajo])

El objetivo general del proyecto fue determinar la calidad del agua en los cuerpos de agua de la laguna de Cuyutlán, Las Garzas y San Pedrito. Los objetivos específicos, selección

Calidad del agua Lagunas Informes de proyectos Manzanillo, Colima INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA

Discussion on sustainable water technologies for peri-urban areas of Mexico City: balancing urbanization and environmental conservation


This paper shows and demonstrates examples of different types of sustainable technologies that can be implemented in the peri-urban areas of Mexico City [rainwater harvesting, EcoSan and biofiltros (small constructed wetlands), and (vermi-)composting]. An innovative participatory planning method, combining scenario development with a participatory planning workshop with key stakeholders, was applied and resulted in three concept scenarios. Specific technologies were then selected for each concept scenario that the technical feasibility and applicability was assessed. Following this, the resulting resource flows (nutrients, water and energy) were determined and analyzed. The results show that decentralized technologies not only have the potential to deliver adequate water supply, sanitation and solid waste services in peri-urban areas and lessen environmental pollution, but also can recover significant amounts of resources thereby saving costs and providing valuable inputs in, for instance, the agricultural sector. Social acceptance of the technologies and institutional cooperation, however, is key for successful implementation.

Participación social Tecnología apropiada Abastecimiento de agua Saneamiento Zonas periurbanas Humedales Lombricultura CIENCIAS SOCIALES