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Tratamiento de aguas de la desalación del petróleo para su aprovechamiento en inyección al subsuelo.


En el proceso de desalación del petróleo crudo se generan aguas residuales (aguas congénitas). Estas aguas pueden ser utilizadas en los pozos de inyección al subsuelo, sustituyendo el agua de primer uso requerida en la recuperación secundaria de los yacimientos. Para lograr esta reutilización, se necesita aplicar un tratamiento a las aguas residuales. El objetivo de este estudio fue definir y desarrollar el mejor sistema de tratamiento de las aguas congénitas que permite obtener un efluente con la calidad adecuada para su aprovechamiento en los pozos de inyección.

Aguas residuales Tratamiento del agua Desalación del petróleo INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA

Regional analysis of the wage discrimination in the indigenous workers in Mexico

Christian De la Luz-Tovar SIBYL ITALIA PINEDA SALAZAR (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

The objective of this research is to estimate and decompose the wage gap between indigenous and non-indigenous workers by region in Mexico, to examine whether there are regional differences in the existing wage inequality that a priori affects the indigenous population and whether these differences can be attributed to the job profile of this group or by systematic labor discrimination against them. Using the data from the 2018 National Household Expenditure Revenue Survey (ENIGH-N) and the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition, it was found that indigenous workers face a wage gap in all regions of the county. But, this gap is more pronounced in the center and south regions, where, on average, the associated component with labor discrimination has a percentage greater than 56. In contrast, in the north-central and northern regions of Mexico, the residual component is on average less than 33%, which suggests that the wage gap is explained by differences in productivity between groups.                         

Labor economics Ethnicity wage gap Indigenous population Regions Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition Economía laboral Brecha salarial étnica Población indígena Regiones Descomposición de Oaxaca-Blinder CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

La limnología, una revisión del concepto


Esta revisión presenta un análisis retrospectivo del concepto limnología. Se citan cronológicamente las definiciones de los autores de la mayoría de los textos limnológicos disponibles en las bibliotecas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, haciendo una comparación del objeto de estudio y los enfoques y métodos para abordarlo de la manera como lo propone cada autor.


Análisis de las conexiones matemáticas en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la derivada basado en un networking of theories entre la Teoría de las conexiones y el Enfoque ontosemiótico.

CAMILO ANDRES RODRIGUEZ NIETO (2021, [Tesis de doctorado])

Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología No. 602990

In research in Mathematics Education, models have been reported to analyze mathematical connections in which specific connection categories are considered. In the literature, it was identified that the most used model is the Businskas with contributions from other researchers. However, the problem refers to the fact that some categories of connections limit the analysis of mathematical activity and, therefore, the research suggests that the established categories are validated and, if possible, new categories of connections are reported. Other investigations focused on exploring mathematical connections and understanding the derivative reveal that high school students, pre-service teachers, and some in-service mathematics teachers have difficulty connecting multiple representations of the derivative (e.g., algebraic, or symbolic, verbal, graphic, tabular) and establish connections between partial meanings about this concept.

Networking of theories Mathematical connections Onto-semiotic approach semiotic function derivative teacher students HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA PEDAGOGÍA TEORÍA Y MÉTODOS EDUCATIVOS TEORÍAS EDUCATIVAS

Economic inequality and the impact of cash transfers in the state of Veracruz, México, 2008 to 2020

José Alejandro Pérez-Nájera Rogelio Javier Rendón Hernández (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

Income inequality in Mexico is extremely high and the federal states are considerably heterogeneous, which is why a regional analysis allows us to identify the fundamental characteristics, trends, and regional conditions for the implementation of redistributive policies.  We used microdata from the National Household Income and Expenditure Survey (ENIGH) to analyze the evolution of income inequality in the state of Veracruz during the 2008-2020 period; To identify its sources and investigate how it was affected by monetary transfers, the income decomposition method is used to identify the ENIGH income sources and investigate preliminary COVID-19 effects. The results show evidence of a decrease in inequality in the period; relatively and marginally, it is identified that the observed decrease can be attributed to cash transfers. In recent years, transfers represented 30% of the income of the lowest deciles (I, II, and III) and the income elasticity of the Gini coefficient indicates that their increase represents a decrease in inequality.

Desigualdad ingresos monetarios elasticidad del ingreso Políticas Sociales distribución del ingreso CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES Cash transfers income elasticities inequality monetary income


Julián Andrés Gil Reyes (2023, [Tesis de maestría])

"Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal analizar los procesos de criminalización desarrollados contra un líder y una lideresa social del congreso de los pueblos de las regiones de Arauca y sur de Bolívar durante el periodo 2015-2022, buscando comprender las estrategias necropolítica de criminalización y judicialización que han vivido y las duras amenazas que actualmente enfrentan contra sus vidas. Esta tesis es entonces un esfuerzo por narrar la realidad de las y los líderes sociales en Colombia desde su propia voz, un tema que ha sido poco explorado desde los espacios académicos, dados los altos riesgos para la vida que representa la denuncia o investigación de estos temas. Sin embargo, es imperativo ético, académico y político aportar estas reflexiones que pueden ser significativas para los movimientos sociales de Colombia y otros lugares que padecen situaciones similares, así mismo ubica una pieza más en el puente entre la academia y los movimientos sociales".

Movimientos sociales - Colombia. Organizaciones sociales - Colombia. Tesis - Maestría en Antropología Social, Pacífico Sur. CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIA POLÍTICA SOCIOLOGÍA POLÍTICA DERECHOS HUMANOS DERECHOS HUMANOS

Universal fixation system for pad printing of plastic parts


Pad printing is used in automotive, medical, electrical and other industries, employing diverse materials to transfer a 2D image onto a 3D object with different sizes and geometries. This work presents a universal fixation system for pad printing of plastic parts (UFSP4) in response to the needs of small companies that cannot afford to invest in the latest technological advances. The UFSP4 comprises two main subsystems: a mechanical support system (i.e., support structure, jig matrix and braking system) and a control system (i.e., an electronic system and an electric-hydraulic system). A relevant feature is the combination of a jig matrix and jig pins to fixate complex workpieces with different sizes. Using finite element analysis (FEA), in the mesh convergence, the total displacement converges to 0.00028781 m after 12,000 elements. The maximum equivalent stress value is 1.22 MPa for the polycarbonate plate in compliance with the safety factor. In a functionality test of the prototype performed in a production environment for one hour, the jigs fixed by the plate did not loosen, maintaining the satisfactory operation of the device. This is consistent with the displacement distribution of the creep analysis and shows the absence of the creep phenomenon. Based on FEA that underpinned the structural health computation of the braking system, the prototype was designed and built, seeking to ensure a reliable and safe device to fixate plastic parts, showing portability, low-cost maintenance and adaptability to the requirements of pad printing of automotive plastic parts.

Use of AI tools declaration: The authors declare they have not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.

Acknowledgments: To the company Plásticos Decorados and Centro de Tecnología Avanzada (CIATEQ A.C.) for the facilities and support to carry out this work. To the Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnologías (CONAHCYT) for a Ph.D. scholarship support number 500839 and CONAHCYT SNI.

Conflict of interest: The authors declare there are no conflicts of interest.


Wheat seed demand assessment assisted by genotyping in Ethiopia

Moti Jaleta Kindie Tesfaye Olaf Erenstein (2023, [Artículo])

This study examines the extent to which wheat varieties supplied by the formal seed system align with the varieties demanded and used by farmers in Ethiopia. The framework of stated and revealed preferences drawn from the consumer preference theory is used to analyze farmer demand for different wheat varieties. We used official data from the formal seed sector and representative survey data from wheat farm households in Ethiopia. The survey data allow to contrast the farmer reported varietal use with genotyping by sequencing (also known as DNA fingerprinting). Farmers' reliance on informal seed sources and own saved seed, among others, contributes to the misidentification of the varieties they grow. Consequently, farmers are likely to misinform the formal seed demand assessment leading to either an over- or underestimation of actual seed demand for specific wheat varieties. Genotyping by sequencing, as opposed to farmer reports, established the persistence of old varieties. This also implies vulnerability of wheat production to disease dynamics depending on the longevity of disease resistance by the variety in use. Apart from narrowing the gap between the actual and stated demand and ensuring timely replacement of wheat varieties, genotyping-assisted estimates can save seed carry-over cost. Genotyping by sequencing is increasingly used as the new benchmark and gold standard for identifying and tracking the adoption of crop varieties. The technique has potential to enhance the performance of the seed sector through effective planning that can optimize resource commitments and accelerate the rate of varietal replacement.


Local markets and food security. The case of the Milpera and Puuc regions in Yucatan

Ana Laura Bojórquez Carrillo Monserrat Vargas Jiménez Mireya Noemi Hernández Islas (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

Food insecurity is a complex problem worldwide. A major part of this problem is the food supply. Local markets can represent a strategy for building social capital, as well as strategies for subsistence and sustainability of food value chains, contributing to food security and its effects. The objective of this research is to determine if the existence of a municipal market in the Milpera and Puuc regions of Yucatán favors the existence of food security, the consumption or the expense of natural foods. The population is located in 18 municipalities of Yucatán, Mexico. To carry out this study, a cross-sectional, non-experimental study, with a quantitative approach and correlational scope. The main techniques that were applied were descriptive statistics and contingency tables with respect to 6 hypotheses. This work shows that the existence of markets in the communities makes a significant difference because it positively impacts the food security of the inhabitants, since it allows them to have access to a wider variety of products and at the same time, favors the active dynamics of the economy of the community.

Local markets Food safety Local development Food sovereignty Rural areas Mercados locales Seguridad alimentaria Desarrollo local Soberanía alimentaria Zonas rurales CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES