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The impact of 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C global warming on global maize production and trade
Wei Xiong Tariq Ali (2022, [Artículo])
The spatial control of migrants on the Chihuahua border
EDGAR ABEL CASTRO (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
This article tries to link the immigration policies of the United States and Mexico with the narrative developed by Michel Foucault. It shows how racism is the axis on which the State of biopower exercises its claims and its effects of power on bodies and on life. Thus, the current political rationality goes through the management of the living body of people, their health, and their spatiality. This principle extends to the homicidal function of the State. Two events that occurred on the Chihuahua border demonstrate this.
migrant control Foucault border racism migrante frontera racismo HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA
LUIS DANTE MELENDEZ MORALES (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])
El transporte de hidrocarburos por ductos enterrados es la forma más segura, confiable y económica para su suministro, estos pueden extenderse grandes longitudes territoriales e inclusive atravesar países con tal de satisfacer la demanda energética. No obstante, los ductos pueden sufrir daños provocados por el ambiente, su operación o bien provocados por terceros, siendo necesario que sean intervenidos reemplazando las secciones dañadas. Las regulaciones nacionales y tratados internacionales desalientan la liberación de grandes cantidades de gas natural a la atmósfera, por demás de que un paro de suministro conlleva a desabasto energético, multas y a costosas operaciones asociadas con la rehabilitación del ducto, forzando a soldar envolventes y accesorios sin detener la operación de los ductos, esto se conoce como “soldadura en servicio”. La soldadura en servicio es un proceso tecnológico, por el cual se puede efectuar la interconexión y la reparación de ductos mientras están en operación, previo a realizar estas actividades, se requiere que dos riesgos sean evaluados: agrietamiento por hidrógeno y quemada pasante. Las simulaciones actuales y validaciones evalúan estos riesgos de forma independiente, pero debido a su interdependencia estos riesgos deben evaluarse en conjunto. Un método de reparación que no es normalmente empleado, pero con un alto potencial debido a su simplicidad y versatilidad, es la deposición directa de soldadura. En la presente investigación, se realizó una simulación numérica fluido-termo-mecánica acoplada con validación experimental, de la reparación de un tubo con flujo presurizado conteniendo un defecto interno por la deposición directa de soldadura. Por medio de la cual, es posible predecir el comportamiento estructural del ducto mientras se realiza la reparación.
La simulación numérica se efectuó con el apoyo del software ANSYS versión académica 22R2, siendo esta una herramienta de última generación capaz de contribuir en la predicción de mecanismos complejos como lo es la soldadura en servicio, incrementando con ello la seguridad y confiabilidad de estas operaciones. Cabe hacer mención, que la regulación nacional prohíbe la reparación de defectos internos por la deposición directa de soldadura, esto se debe principalmente a la falta de investigaciones validadas que respalden su viabilidad. Los resultados demostraron la efectividad de emplear este método de reparación para restaurar la resistencia mecánica de los ductos. Las inspecciones por pruebas no destructivas superficiales, subsuperficiales y volumétricas, evidenciaron que no ocurrió agrietamiento inmediatamente al finalizar la reparación y retardada (posterior a por lo menos 12 horas después de haberse finalizada la reparación, tiempo suficiente para permitir la difusión de hidrógeno atómico a hidrógeno molecular). Las curvas de tendencia de temperatura mostraron buena aproximación teniéndose una diferencia máxima de 5.09% entre los resultados numéricos y experimental. Los resultados numéricos y experimentales de la deformación perimetral a lo largo de la longitud de la tubería mostraron un comportamiento similar con una diferencia significativa del 17.7% entre los valores numéricos atribuidos a la falta de información de entrada para las propiedades de la soldadura. El análisis estructural efectuado en este estudio emplea la estimación del riesgo de quemada pasante bajo presión interna, determinado por la ocurrencia de abultamiento radial localizado. Los resultados numéricos indican que no ocurre deformación plástica relevante. Se hace una fuerte recomendación para que las evaluaciones de análisis térmico empleen la morfología actual del defecto y no solo consideren el espesor remanente del tubo. De acuerdo con la revisión bibliográfica realizada y recientemente publicada, este tipo de simulación numérica acoplada con validación experimental de la reparación de ductos en servicio por deposición directa de soldadura para la reparación de defectos internos contemplando la prevención de quemada pasante y agrietamiento por hidrógeno no ha sido realizada con anterioridad.
Hydrocarbon transportation by buried pipelines is the safest, most reliable, and economical way for its supply; these can extend long territorial distances and even cross countries with the purpose of satisfying the energy demand. However, the pipelines can suffer damages caused by their environment, their operation, or provoked by third parties, making necessary interventions to replace the damaged sections. National regulations and international agreements discourage the release of large quantities of natural gas into the atmosphere; moreover, a stop in its supply entails an energetic shortage, fines, and expensive operations associated with the pipeline rehabilitation, forcing to weld sleeves and fittings without stop the pipeline operation, this is known as “In-Service Welding”. In-Service welding is a technological process for which interconnection and repair of pipelines can be made while they are in operation; before making it, two main risks need to be assessed: hydrogen cracking and burn-through. Current simulations and validations assess these risks independently, but due to their interdependence, these risks need to be assessed in conjunction. A repair method not normally used but with high potential due to its simplicity and versatility is the direct deposition of the weld. In the present research, a fluid-thermo-mechanical coupled numerical simulation with experimental validation was done of a repair on a pipe with pressurized flow having an internal defect by direct deposition of the weld. It is possible predict the structural behavior of a pipeline while the reparation is performed.
The numerical simulation was done with the support of ANSYS software academic version 22R2, the latest generation tool able to contribute to the prediction of complex mechanisms, as is in-service welding, increasing the security and confidence of these operations. It is worth mentioning that national regulation forbids the reparation of internal defects for direct deposition of the weld; the main reason is the lack of validated investigations supporting its viability. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of using this repair method to restore the mechanical strength of pipelines. Surface, sub-surface, and volumetric non-destructive inspections evidenced no cracking immediately to finish the repair and delayed (after at least 12 hours of having finished the repair, time enough to allow the hydrogen diffusion from atomic hydrogen to molecular hydrogen). Temperature tendency curves showed good approximations, having a maximum difference of 5.09 % between numerical and experimental. Perimeter deformation along the pipe length between numerical and experimental results displayed a similar behavior with a significant difference of 17.7% against numerical values attributed to the lack of input data for weld properties. The structural analysis performed in this study used the approach of the risk of burn-through under internal pressure determined by the occurrence of localized radial bulging. Numerical results indicated no relevant plastic strain occurs. It is strongly recommended that thermal analysis assessments using the actual defect morphology be performed, not only considering the remaining thickness of the pipe. According to the bibliographic revision performed and recently published, this kind of coupled numerical simulation of in-service repair or pipelines by direct deposition for repairing internal defects considering the prevention of burn-through and hydrogen cracking has not been done.
Ducto Soldadura en servicio Quemada pasante Agrietamiento por hidrógeno Reparación de soldadura Simulación numérica Pipeline In-service welding Burn-through Hydrogen cracking Weld repair Numerical simulation INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS
C.M. Parihar Dipaka Ranjan Sena Prakash Chand Ghasal Shankar Lal Jat Yashpal Singh Saharawat Mahesh Gathala Upendra Singh Hari Sankar Nayak (2024, [Artículo])
Context: Agricultural field experiments are costly and time-consuming, and their site-specific nature limits their ability to capture spatial and temporal variability. This hinders the transfer of crop management information across different locations, impeding effective agricultural decision-making. Further, accurate estimates of the benefits and risks of alternative crop and nutrient management options are crucial for effective decision-making in agriculture. Objective: The objective of this study was to utilize the Crop Environment Resource Synthesis CERES-Wheat model to simulate crop growth, yield, and nitrogen dynamics in a long-term conservation agriculture (CA) based wheat system. The study aimed to calibrate the model using data from a field experiment conducted during the 2019-20-2020-21 growing seasons and evaluation it with independent data from the year 2021–22. Method: Crop simulation models, such as the Crop Environment Resource Synthesis CERES-Wheat (DSSAT v 4.8), may provide valuable insights into crop growth and nitrogen dynamics, enabling decision makers to understand and manage production risk more effectively. Therefore, the present study employed the CERES-Wheat (DSSAT v 4.8) model and calibrated it using field data, including plant phenological phases, leaf area index, aboveground biomass, and grain yield from the 2019-20-2020-21 growing seasons. An independent dataset from the year 2021–22 was used for model evaluation. The model was used to investigate the relationship between growing degree days (GDD), temperature, nitrate and ammonical concentration in soil, and nitrogen uptake by the crop. Additionally, the study explored the impact of contrasting tillage practices and fertilizer nitrogen management options on wheat yields. The experimental site is situated at ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, representing Indian Trans-Gangetic Plains Zone (28o 40’N latitude, 77o 11’E longitude and an altitude of 228 m above sea level). The treatments consist of four nitrogen management options, viz., N0 (zero nitrogen), N150 (150 kg N ha−1 through urea), GS (Green seeker based urea application) and USG (urea super granules @150 kg N ha−1) in two contrasting tillage systems, i.e., CA-based zero tillage (ZT) and conventional tillage (CT). Result: The outcomes exhibited favorable agreement between the model’s simulations and the observed data for crop phenology (With less than 2 days variation in 50% onset of flowering), grain and biomass yield (Root mean square error; RMSE 336 kg ha−1 and 649 kg ha−1, respectively), and leaf area index (LAI) (RMSE 0.28 & normalized RMSE; nRMSE 6.69%). The model effectively captured the nitrate-N (NO3−-N) dynamics in the soil profile, exhibiting a remarkable concordance with observed data, as evident from its low RMSE = 12.39 kg ha−1 and nRMSE = 13.69%. Moreover, as it successfully simulated the N balance in the production system, the nitrate leaching and ammonia volatilization pattern as described by the model are highly useful to understand these critical phenomena under both conventional tillage (CT) and CA-based Zero Tillage (ZT) treatments. Conclusion: The study concludes that the DSSAT-CERES-Wheat model has significant potential to assess the impacts of tillage and nitrogen management practices on crop growth, yield, and soil nitrogen dynamics in the western Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) region. By providing reliable forecasts within the growing season, this modeling approach can facilitate better planning and more efficient resource management. Future implications: The successful implementation of the DSSAT-CERES-Wheat model in this study highlights its applicability in assessing crop performance and soil dynamics. Future research should focus on expanding the model’s capabilities by reducing its sensitivity to initial soil nitrogen levels to refine its predictions further. Moreover, the model’s integration with decision support systems and real-time data can enhance its usefulness in aiding agricultural decision-making and supporting sustainable crop management practices.
Manual para la cría masiva de Neochetina spp utilizado en el control biológico de lirio acuático
Tabla de contenido: Introducción -- Antecedentes: definición de control biológico; Control biológico de lirio acuático; Ciclo biológico y características del género Neochetina; Especificidad del género Neochetina; Principales patógenos del género Neochetina; Cuarentena de insectos para el control biológico de malezas acuáticas; Cría masiva de insectos -- Metodología: cría masina de Neochetina; Liberación de Neochetina; Monitoreo -- Literatura citada -- Anexo fotográfico.
Se describen las bases para el control biológico del lirio acuático, así como una metodología para la cría masiva de dos especies de gorgojos: Neochetina eichhorniae y Neochetina bruchi, utilizados en el control biológico de esta maleza.
Introducción -- Antecedentes: definición de control biológico; Control biológico de lirio acuático; Ciclo biológico y características del género Neochetina; Especificidad del género Neochetina; Principales patógenos del género Neochetina; Cuarentena de insectos para el control biológico de malezas acuáticas; Cría masiva de insectos -- Metodología: cría masina de Neochetina; Liberación de Neochetina; Monitoreo -- Literatura citada -- Anexo fotográfico.
Propaganda against Mexican women married to Chinese immigrants in Chihuahua 1920-1940
Vladimir Alejandro Armendáriz Romero Jesús Adolfo Trujillo Holguín (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
At the turn of the 20th century and at the beginning of the new revolutionary government stage in Mexico, the press was an effective way to disseminate propaganda for the nationalist ideology of the State. An important part of this diffusion covered the question of the racial constitution of the mexicans, which led to the need to convince the public that it was important to determine controls over women and with whom they married since they were responsible for the reproduction of the Mexican race. Therefore, a mixture of races considered undesirable, such as the Chinese, was detestable. This propaganda occurred in the context of national anti-Chinese and anti-Jewish campaigns in which they wanted to expel these foreigners on the pretext that their presence and mixing with them would result in degeneration. In Chihuahua there are indications of this propaganda, but also that women married to Chinese resisted this campaign against their families.
Racism gender social control mestizophobia propaganda Racismo género control social mestizofobia HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA
Alison Bentley Charles Chen Nunzio D'Agostino (2022, [Artículo])
Hymenopteran parasitoid complex and fall armyworm: a case study in eastern India
Tapamay Dhar PRATEEK MADHAB BHATTACHARYA Mahesh Gathala Alison Laing (2024, [Artículo])
Fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) has significantly affected maize crop yields, production efficiency, and farmers’ incomes in the Indian Eastern Gangetic Plains region since it was first observed in India in 2018. A lack of awareness by maize growers of the appropriate selection, method, and timing of insecticide application not only creates a barrier to sustainable FAW control but also contributes to increased environmental pollution, reduced human health and increased production costs. We demonstrated that FAW inflicted the most damage in early whorl growth stage of maize, regardless of whether chemical insecticides were applied. FAW egg masses and larvae collected from maize fields in which no insecticides had been sprayed showed high parasitism rates by parasitoid wasps; in contrast fields that had been sprayed had much lower rates of parasitism on FAW. Ten hymenopteran parasitoids were observed in maize fields across the study region, suggesting a diversity of natural methods to suppress FAW in maize at different growth stages. These included two FAW egg parasitoids and eight FAW larval parasitoids. Microplitis manilae Ashmead was the most abundant FAW larval parasitoid species, and Telenomus cf. remus was the dominant FAW egg parasitoid species. Endemic FAW parasitoids such as those observed in this study have great potential as part of a sustainable, cost-effective agroecological management strategy, which can be integrated with other methods to achieve effective control of FAW.
EGS planning, production, maintenance of inbred lines and Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)
Fidelis Owino Berhanu Tadesse Ertiro (2022, [Objeto de congreso])
Christian Thierfelder Blessing Mhlanga Hambulo Ngoma Paswel Marenya Md Abdul Matin Adane Tufa (2024, [Artículo])
Production and utilization of crop residues as mulch and effective weed management are two central elements in the successful implementation of Conservation Agriculture (CA) systems in southern Africa. Yet, the challenges of crop residue availability for mulch or the difficulties in managing weed proliferation in CA systems are bigger than a micro-level focus on weeds and crop residues themselves. The bottlenecks are symptoms of broader systemic complications that cannot be resolved without appreciating the interactions between the current scientific understanding of CA and its application in smallholder systems, private incentives, social norms, institutions, and government policy. In this paper, we elucidate a series of areas that represent some unquestioned answers about chemical weed control and unanswered questions about how to maintain groundcover demanding more research along the natural and social sciences continuum. In some communities, traditional rules that allow free-range grazing of livestock after harvesting present a barrier in surface crop residue management. On the other hand, many of the communities either burn, remove, or incorporate the residues into the soil thus hindering the near-permanent soil cover required in CA systems. The lack of soil cover also means that weed management through soil mulch is unachievable. Herbicides are often a successful stopgap solution to weed control, but they are costly, and most farmers do not use them as recommended, which reduces efficacy. Besides, the use of herbicides can cause environmental hazards and may affect human health. Here, we suggest further assessment of the manipulation of crop competition, the use of vigorously growing cover crops, exploration of allelopathy, and use of microorganisms in managing weeds and reducing seed production to deplete the soil weed seed bank. We also suggest in situ production of plant biomass, use of unpalatable species for mulch generation and change of grazing by-laws towards a holistic management of pastures to reduce the competition for crop residues. However, these depend on the socio-economic status dynamics at farmer and community level.