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Mulch application as the overarching factor explaining increase in soil organic carbon stocks under conservation agriculture in two 8-year-old experiments in Zimbabwe

Regis Chikowo Christian Thierfelder Marc Corbeels (2024, [Artículo])

Conservation agriculture (CA), combining reduced or no tillage, permanent soil cover, and improved rotations, is often promoted as a climate-smart practice. However, our understanding of the impact of CA and its respective three principles on top- and subsoil organic carbon stocks in the low-input cropping systems of sub-Saharan Africa is rather limited. This study was conducted at two long-term experimental sites established in Zimbabwe in 2013. The soil types were abruptic Lixisols at Domboshava Training Centre (DTC) and xanthic Ferralsol at the University of Zimbabwe farm (UZF). The following six treatments, which were replicated four times, were investigated: conventional tillage (CT), conventional tillage with rotation (CTR), no tillage (NT), no tillage with mulch (NTM), no tillage with rotation (NTR), and no tillage with mulch and rotation (NTMR). Maize (Zea mays L.) was the main crop, and treatments with rotation included cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.). The soil organic carbon (SOC) concentration and soil bulk density were determined for samples taken from depths of 0–5, 5–10, 10–15, 15–20, 20–30, 30–40, 40–50, 50–75 and 75–100 cm. Cumulative organic inputs to the soil were also estimated for all treatments. SOC stocks at equivalent soil mass were significantly (p<0.05) higher in the NTM, NTR and NTMR treatments compared with the NT and CT treatments in the top 5 cm and top 10 cm layers at UZF, while SOC stocks were only significantly higher in the NTM and NTMR treatments compared with the NT and CT treatments in the top 5 cm at DTC. NT alone had a slightly negative impact on the top SOC stocks. Cumulative SOC stocks were not significantly different between treatments when considering the whole 100 cm soil profile. Our results show the overarching role of crop residue mulching in CA cropping systems with respect to enhancing SOC stocks but also that this effect is limited to the topsoil. The highest cumulative organic carbon inputs to the soil were observed in NTM treatments at the two sites, and this could probably explain the positive effect on SOC stocks. Moreover, our results show that the combination of at least two CA principles including mulch is required to increase SOC stocks in these low-nitrogen-input cropping systems.


Situated learning through local stories: positioning socio-ecological concerns, knowledge and practices in school

Rosa Guadalupe Mendoza Zuany Juan Carlos A. Sandoval Rivera Paula Martínez Bautista (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

The article analyzes the importance of the local stories, which contain concerns, knowledge and practices to look after the socio-ecological environment, to trigger situated and pertinent teaching and learning processes in primary education in rural and indigenous contexts in Veracruz, Mexico. In particular, it focuses on the stories about care in the framework of a deep socio-ecological crisis in two Nahua communities of the Huasteca region. Interview-conversations were carried out with community actors in the two communities in which 32 stories emerged. The analysis allowed the identification of socio-ecological concerns of the community, characteristics of the stories that show their potential in the learning processes, as well as types of knowledge and practices that are rarely considered in the classroom, which are capable of being linked to curricular content, in order to contribute to reflection and action on the socio-ecological crisis of the communities.

aprendizaje narración de historias medio ambiente ambiente socio-cultural escuela rural CIENCIAS SOCIALES; HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS SOCIALES HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA Learning story telling environment socio-cultural environment rural school

Entre la solidaridad y el capital: niveles de subsunción de las experiencias de economía popular


"El presente trabajo abona al debate sobre la disputa conceptual y de sentido de las economías populares. Este proceso de reflexión está fundamentado en los resultados de entrevistas semiestructuradas y la observación participante de proyectos de economía popular en Jalisco, que analizo mediante categorías de economía política para comprender los diferentes niveles de subsunción al sistema de producción capitalista. Como conclusión del trabajo, visibilizo que, dentro del ámbito material, las experiencias de economía popular con mayor composición orgánica de capital, como la cooperativa llantera, tienen una subsunción real al sistema, mientras que aquellas iniciativas de baja composición, como las iniciativas agroecológicas, están subsumidas a éste de manera formal".


On-farm assessment of yield and quality traits in durum wheat

Facundo Tabbita Iván Ortíz-Monasterios Francisco Javier Pinera-Chavez Maria Itria Ibba Carlos Guzman (2023, [Artículo])

BACKGROUND: Durum wheat is key source of calories and nutrients for many regions of the world. Demand for it is predicted to increase. Further efforts are therefore needed to develop new cultivars adapted to different future scenarios. Developing a novel cultivar takes, on average, 10 years and advanced lines are tested during the process, in general, under standardized conditions. Although evaluating candidate genotypes for commercial release under different on-farm conditions is a strategy that is strongly recommended, its application for durum wheat and particularly for quality traits has been limited. This study evaluated the grain yield and quality performance of eight different genotypes across five contrasting farmers’ fields over two seasons. Combining different analysis strategies, the most outstanding and stable genotypes were identified. RESULTS: The analyses revealed that some traits were mainly explained by the genotype effect (thousand kernel weight, flour sodium dodecyl sulfate sedimentation volume, and flour yellowness), others by the management practices (yield and grain protein content), and others (test weight) by the year effect. In general, yield showed the highest range of variation across genotypes, management practices, and years and test weight the narrowest range. Flour yellowness was the most stable trait across management conditions, while yield-related traits were the most unstable. We also determined the most representative and discriminative field conditions, which is a beneficial strategy when breeders are constrained in their ability to develop multi-environment experiments. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that assessing genotypes in different farming systems is a valid and complementary strategy for on-station trials for determining the performance of future commercial cultivars in heterogeneous environments to improve the breeding process and resources.


Pathways from information to the adoption of conservation agriculture practices in Malawi and Tanzania

Paswel Marenya Dil Bahadur Rahut (2023, [Artículo])

To reduce agriculture's carbon, land and water footprint, the diffusion of conservation farming methods is one commonly cited proposition. Yet the process of translating available information on new conservation farming methods into farmers' practices is often a black box in many studies. This understanding is critical to inform strategies for scaling these complex, knowledge-intensive, but necessary practices for improving agriculture's resource and climate balance sheet. By implementing a series of mediation analysis using data from 700 households in Malawi and 930 households in Tanzania, this study examines how an improved understanding of conservation agriculture (CA) principles is an important mediator in the pathway from extension contact to the adoption of two of the CA practices examined. For the adoption of conservation tillage, the share of the mediated treatment effect was in the 31.5–34.4% range, while it was 31.6–46.9% for the adoption of soil cover (mulching). Our results suggest that unless learning from external sources strongly correlates with improved farmers' technical understanding of new farming practices, private learning by doing must be a critical adjunct to other avenues of learning. Beyond the basic promotional goals, improving farmers' technical know-how needs to be the centerpiece of holistic efforts in support of conservation farming and similar knowledge-intensive practices necessary for agriculture's sustinability goals.


El cuerpoestigma: identidad corpórea a partir de lo repugnante y la violencia en El monstruo pentápodo, de Liliana Blum

Omar Armando Paredes Crespo (2023, [Otro, Trabajo terminal, especialidad])

58 páginas. Especialización en Literatura Mexicana del Siglo XX.

Esta investigación recibió el apoyo del Sistema Nacional de Posgrados del Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnologías (CONAHCYT).

La presente investigación analiza la construcción de la identidad corpórea en El monstruo pentápodo (Tusquets, 2017), de Liliana Blum (Durango, 1974), a partir de las nociones de repugnancia y violencia. La relación entre cuerpo, repugnancia y violencia es una recurrente establecida en parte de su obra: Pandora (Tusquets, 2015) y Cara de liebre (Seix Barral, 2020) son otras narrativas que dan cuenta sobre esta preocupación, debido a que en ellas se advierte un planteamiento vinculado con lo que en esta tesina conceptualizo como cuerpoestigma, idea que engloba la construcción física y simbólica del cuerpo femenino a partir de un rasgo que lo particulariza despersonalizándolo; en consecuencia, lo hace vulnerable. Se trata de una sinécdoque corpórea que potencializa una característica física con la finalidad de que lo diferente se constituya como el cuerpo mismo. De esta manera, la gordura (en el caso de Pandora), la cicatriz del labio (en Cara de liebre) o el enanismo (en El monstruo pentápodo) se transforman en marcas totales que crean identidades corpóreas femeninas. Así, el cuerpo es utilizado por la narradora como un elemento retórico de lo repugnante, lo (in)visible y lo violen(tado)to, mismo que funciona para crear personajes que interiorizan sobre su condición física, psico-emocional y sexual. Los rasgos físicos de éstos propician situaciones crueles y agresivas en ambos sentidos: Aimeé es una mujer que provoca y siente repugnancia; asimismo, es violenta y violentada. La relación cuerpo-repugnancia-violencia es uno de los mayores rasgos a explorar en esta novela de Liliana Blum. Con El monstruo pentápodo, la autora explora la violencia atroz y el machismo imperante en México, temas que ocupan las páginas de su literatura.

Human body in literature--History and criticism. Self-acceptance in literature. Violence in literature. Short stories, Mexican. Cuerpo humano en la literatura. Autoaceptación (Psicología) Violencia en la literatura. PN3435 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS TEORÍA, ANÁLISIS Y CRÍTICA LITERARIAS

Las patologías de los recubrimientos en muros y su repercusión en la salud respiratoria de los usuarios

Rosario Tovar (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])

251 páginas. Doctorado en Diseño Bioclimático.

El nivel de calidad del aire interior (CAI) tiene incidencia directa en la salud humana, por eso, es objeto de estudio del diseño bioclimático, toda vez que éste promueve el aprovechamiento de los factores ambientales para la creación y acondicionamiento de espacios en los que los usuarios experimenten confort y bienestar. Además, de impulsar la construcción con sentido común, en donde prevalezca el uso racional de los recursos y una baja dependencia energética. En la presente tesis se pudieron identificar las propiedades de los materiales más comunes que conforman los recubrimientos de muros (cal, cemento, mortero de cemento y yeso) para reconocer los que mejor se adaptan al clima en la Cd. de México, mismos que según se pudo constatar, contribuyen en el control de algunos factores de riesgo (físico: humedad, químico: tóxicos y biológico: microbios) relacionados con una baja calidad del aire al interior de las viviendas. Tal función mitiga o reduce la aparición de algunos de los padecimientos respiratorios más frecuentes en los usuarios como: alergias, asma, rinitis, gripe y sinusitis. Los análisis a los que fueron sometidos los recubrimientos de cuatro materiales ligantes, permitieron evaluar su desempeño ante factores ambientales semi-controlados (temperatura, humedad relativa y concentración de dióxido de carbono) inherentes al funcionamiento del propio espacio interior y al lugar de emplazamiento del mismo. Obviamente, todos los recubrimientos reaccionaron de forma distinta y acorde con las propiedades físicas y químicas de los materiales presentes en cada uno de ellos. Siendo las variaciones más representativas y satisfactorias, las relacionadas con la permeabilidad y el efecto biocida de los recubrimientos hechos con mezcla de cal. Las patologías que mostraron algunos recubrimientos a lo largo del periodo de monitoreo, debido a la insuficiente gestión de la humedad, al alto desarrollo microbiano y a la naturaleza química del material ligante, fueron criptoeflorescencias, moho, bacterias y desprendimiento/diseminación de partículas; mismas que se consideraron definitorias para establecer que al igual que los seres vivos, los materiales de construcción necesitan rangos higrotérmicos específicos, que permitan su óptimo estado de operación. En apego a lo anteriormente citado, es que se considera conveniente concientizar a la población en temas tan importantes para el bienestar social, como la selección de materiales y -consecuente- conservación de los recubrimientos de muros, no sólo para disminuir los costos de ejecución y mantenimiento, sino para aprovechar sus propiedades, ya que tienen una incidencia directa en lo relacionado con el control de las condiciones ambientales básicas, la regulación de la calidad del aire interior y por ende, en la salud de los usuarios. Dicha labor puede iniciar en la etapa formativa de los profesionales de la construcción, con la intención de normalizar el estudio o correcta selección de los sistemas constructivos en función del clima, pero también identificando la función de cada espacio; para garantizar así, que las propuestas de diseño responderán -satisfactoriamente- a los requerimientos de regulación de la humedad, mediante su absorción, transpiración y/o evaporación.

The level of indoor air quality (IAQ) has a direct incidence on the human health, therefore, is the object of study of bioclimatic design, since it promotes the harnessing environmental factors for the creation and conditioning of spaces in which users experience comfort and well-being. In addition, to encourage construction with common sense, where the rational use of resources and low energy dependence prevail. In this thesis it has been identified the properties of the materials that make up the most common wall coverings (hydrated lime, cement, cement mortar and gypsum) for recognizing those that best adapt to the weather in Mexico City, as it could be verified, they contribute to the control of some risk factors (physical:moisture, chemical:toxics and biological:microbes) related with a low indoor air quality at dwellings. This function mitigates or reduces the appearance of some of the most frequent respiratory ailments in users such as: allergies, asthma, rhinitis, flu and sinusitis. The analyses to which the coatings of four binding materials were subjected, allowed to evaluate their performance in the face of semi-controlled environmental factors (temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide concentration) inherent to the operation of the interior space itself and the place of its location. Obviously, all the coatings reacted differently and according with the physical and chemical properties of the materials in each of them. Being the most representative and satisfactory variations, those related to the permeability and biocidal effect of coatings made with hydrated lime mixture. The pathologies that some coatings showed throughout the monitoring period, due to insufficient moisture management, the high microbial development, and the chemical nature of the binding material, were cryptoefflorescences, mold, bacteria and particle shedding/dissemination; they were defining to establish that in similar way to living beings, building materials need specific hygrothermal ranges, to let them works in an optimal state. According with the above, it is considered convenient to raise awareness among the population on issues as important for social welfare, such as the selection of materials and -consequently- conservation of wall coverings, not only to reduce the costs of execution and maintenance, but to take advantage of their properties, since they have a direct incidence in all related with the control of basic environmental conditions, the regulation of indoor air quality and therefore, in users’ health. This work can begin in the formative stage of construction professionals, with the intention of standardizing the study or correct selection of construction systems depending on the weather, but also identifying the function of each space; to guarantee that the design proposals will respond -satisfactorily- to the requirements of humidity regulation, through its absorption, transpiration and/or evaporation.

Muro, recubrimientos, patologías, salud. Wall, coating, pathologies, health. Indoor air pollution--Health aspects. Architecture--Health aspects. Interior walls. Protective coatings. Lime as a disinfectant. Building materials. Communicable diseases--Transmission--Prevention. Contaminación del aire interior. Muros interiores. Revestimientos. Cal como desinfectante. RA577.5 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS ARQUITECTURA DISEÑO ARQUITECTÓNICO