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Structural violence against children in Chihuahua

Hector Castro-Loera Gabriela Orozco Lopez (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])

Within the framework of philosophy and its social function, structural violence against children in Chihuahua is studied; To approach the phenomenon and propose alternatives, three theories will be related: i) feminist studies regarding violence, concepts such as intersectionality, pedagogies of cruelty and structural violence will be used, ii) the philosophy of children's rights, child´s play will be appreciated as a necessity and legal position of freedom, and iii) the event of the Aufklärung, that is, the assimilation of the present of humanity or the Enlightenment in Foucault's thought.

Structural violence Philosophy and children´s rights Chihuahua Violencia estructural Filosofía y derechos de niños CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Seed integrity, effect of temperature and storage time on germination of Populus luziarum and P. primaveralepensis, endangered subtropical species from Mexico


"Background: Populus luziarum and P. primaveralepensis are endemic species of western Mexico; growing in riparian forests they are critically endangered. The best way to conserve their seeds is unknown, which could be limiting for their conservation.

Hypothesis: The germinability of both subtropical species is like that of boreal and template Salicaceae species that disperse seeds in spring and early summer, as they germinate quickly with high percentages, and rapidly lose their viability when stored at ambient temperature.

Studied species: Populus luziarum and P. primaveralepensis. Study site and dates: Western Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. Jalisco, Mexico. October 2019.

Methods: The physical integrity of the seeds was assessed by X-ray imaging and compared with germinability. In addition, the effect of storage time (nine weeks) under two temperatures (4 and 21 °C) on the percentage and mean germination rate was evaluated.

Results: No significant differences were found between physical integrity and germination in freshly collected seeds for both species. Germination in the first 24 hrs was 91 and 95 % for Populus luziarum and P. primaveralepensis, respectively (week 0). Germination percentages were lower when stored at 21 °C, but P. primaveralepensis was decreased more slowly.

Conclusions: Seeds of subtropical Populus respond similarly to those of species from temperate and boreal climates with early seed dispersal, a crucial condition for establishing ex situ reforestation and conservation programs."

Salicaceae Seed physical integrity Seed storage conditions Subtropical endemic species White poplars BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA VEGETAL (BOTÁNICA) BIOLOGÍA VEGETAL (BOTÁNICA)

Distribución de la variación genética de insectos asociados a Hesperoyucca whipplei en la península de Baja California

Distribution of genetic variation of insects associated with Hesperoyucca whipplei in the Baja California peninsula

Roberto Suárez Hernández (2024, [Tesis de maestría])

El tipo de interacción ecológica obligada entre plantas hospederas y sus insectos asociados ha demostrado tener un impacto en la diversidad genética de las especies involucradas. La yuca de chaparral, Hesperoyucca whipplei, presenta una relación de mutualismo obligado con la polilla polinizadora Tegeticula maculata, y de comensalismo obligado con la polilla Prodoxus marginatus. Ambos insectos depositan sus huevos en estructuras de la flor y se alimentan del fruto en desarrollo. Con el fin de determinar el efecto de la interacción ecológica sobre la diversidad genética de los insectos, en este estudio se evaluó el nivel de variación y estructura genética de ambas polillas a lo largo de la península de Baja California. Se amplificó el gen mitocondrial COI en 86 individuos de T. maculata y 120 individuos de P. marginatus. La diversidad haplotípica fue menor en T. maculata (Hd = 0.601) en comparación con P. marginatus (Hd = 0.966) mientras que la diversidad nucleotídica fue baja en ambas especies (Pi= 0.0018 y 0.007 respectivamente). Las redes haplotípicas, el AMOVA, la prueba mismatch y los valores D de Tajima en T. maculata indican un patrón de expansión poblacional, mientras que en P. marginatus indican una estabilidad demográfica. Estos hallazgos sustentan que el mutualismo obligado entre H. whipplei y T. maculata, en contraste con el comensalimo obligado con P. marginatus, tiene un impacto directo en el nivel de la diversidad genética de las polillas, más que en su estructura a lo largo del área de distribución.

The type of obligate ecological interaction between host plants and their associated insects has been showing to have an impact on the genetic diversity of the species involved. The chaparral yuca (Hesperoyucca whipplei) presents a relationship of obligate mutualism with the pollinating moth Tegeticula maculata, and obligate commensalism with the moth Prodoxus marginatus. Both insects deposit their eggs in flower structures and feed on the developing fruit. To determine the effect of ecological interactions on insects’ genetic diversity, this study evaluated the level of variation and genetic structure of both moths throughout the Baja California peninsula. The mitochondrial COI gene was amplified in 86 individuals of T. maculata and 120 individuals of P. marginatus. Haplotypic diversity was lower in T. maculata (Hd = 0.601) compared to P. marginatus (Hd = 0.966) while nucleotide diversity was low in both species (pi = .0018 and 0.007 respectively). Haplotype networks, AMOVA, mismatch test and Tajima’s D values in T. maculata indicate a pattern of population expansion, whereas in P. marginatus they indicate demographic stability. These findings support that obligate mutualism between H. whipplei and T. maculata, in contrast, to obligate commensalism with P. marginatus, has a direct impact on the level of genetic diversity of the moths, rather than on their structure across the distribution.

mutualismo, comensalismo, filogeografía comparativa, polillas mutualism, commensalism, comparative phylogeography, moth BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA DE INSECTOS (ENTOMOLOGÍA) ECOLOGÍA DE LOS INSECTOS ECOLOGÍA DE LOS INSECTOS

Adsorption and Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue in Carbon Nanotubes: A Review with Bibliometric Analysis


Wastewater-containing dyes are an environmental problem. The prime source of dye pollutants is the textile industry, such as paper manufacturing, food processing, leather, pigments, etc. Dye removal from wastewater using nanotechnology has received attention in recent decades thanks to efficient nanomaterials improving traditional technologies. In recent years, multiple research reports on carbon nanotubes for dye removal and photocatalytic dye degradation provided substantial insight into the comprehension of nanotechnology and remediation. This work presents a review and bibliometric analysis of carbon nanotubes for dye removal and photocatalytic dye degradation, which have an environmental impact today. The bibliometric study showed that the current research tendency on carbon nanotubes applied in dye removal and photocatalysis is still growing. According to research, this work observed that carbon nanotubes for dye removal exhibit high removal and efficient photocatalysis activity, indicating the functionality of nanotechnology for environmental remediation. The analysis of the parameters involved in the removal studies, such as temperature and pH, showed adsorption behavior. The photodegradation of methylene blue demonstrated the photocatalytic activity of carbon nanotubes attributed to the sp2 lattice of graphitic configuration.

BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA QUÍMICA adsorption; carbon nanotubes; methylene blue; photocatalysis; photodegradation of methylene blue

Evaluación de indicadores de calidad y funcionalidad en islas de recursos, de mezquite (Prosopis articulata) y cardón (Pachycereus pringlei) en una zona restaurada de Baja California Sur

Geovanna Zárate Camargo (2024, [Tesis de maestría])

"Las temperaturas extremas, radiación solar intensa, vientos fuertes, humedad limitada y la baja fertilidad de los suelos desérticos dificultan la recuperación de zonas degradadas en zonas áridas. Uno de los fenómenos naturales más importantes de revegetación en zonas áridas son las islas de recursos, conformadas por algunos tipos de plantas que actúan como nodrizas, las cuales, bajo su dosel, desarrollan un microhábitat favorable para el establecimiento de otras especies que trabajan en conjunto con una larga comunidad de microorganismos que se encuentran en el suelo. Entre las plantas nodriza que se observan con más frecuencia en el Desierto de Sonora, se encuentran las especies del género Prosopis. Las islas de recursos conformadas por mezquites han demostrado tener un efecto positivo como planta nodriza en zonas áridas. Las contribuciones del mezquite son el aumento del contenido de N en el suelo, temperaturas moderadas en el suelo y la superficie, altos niveles de humedad, mayor actividad microbiana, entre otros aspectos que hacen posible los efectos de las islas de recursos. En este estudio se evaluaron diferentes indicadores de calidad de suelo en islas de recursos establecidas hace 19 años, como parte de un proyecto de revegetación de suelos degradados, distintivo del Desierto Sonorense. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si existe un gradiente con respecto a la distancia y profundidad, en la actividad microbiana y enzimática presente en suelos de islas de recursos, resultado de la interacción de mezquite amargo (Prosopis articulata), como planta nodriza y cardón (Pachycereus pringlei), como planta objetivo. Los resultados demostraron que existe un aumento la actividad enzimática y carbono asociado a biomasa microbiana del suelo perteneciente a estas islas, con mayores resultados en zonas próximas a la planta nodriza que en zonas sin su influencia, también se encontró un aumento en la capa superficial del suelo mostrando mayores valores en los indicadores de calidad y funcionalidad bajo el dosel de las islas de recursos. Lo anterior sugiere que el uso de estas islas de recursos es una potencial alternativa en la restauración de suelos degradados, favoreciendo el ciclaje de nutrientes en suelos degradados."

"At desert, the high temperatures, intense solar radiation, strong winds, limited water, and low fertility, determine how challenging will be the recovery of degraded soils in arid lands. One of the most important natural phenomena of revegetation in arid lands are the “resource islands”, that consist of some trees or bushes acting as nurse plants, which under their canopy, develop a beneficial microhabitat for the establishment of other plant species the work with an extensive community of microorganisms found in the soil. Among the most common nurse plants observed in the Sonoran Desert, is the genus Prosopis. The resource islands formed with mesquite have shown positive effects as nurse plant in arid lands. The principal contributions of mesquite are the increase of N in the soil, moderate temperatures on soil and topsoil, high moisture levels, increased microbial activity, among other aspects that make possible the effect of resource islands. In this study, different quality indicators were evaluated in resource islands established 19 years ago, as part of a project for revegetation in degraded soils, distinctive from the Sonoran Desert. The aim of this research was to explore whether there is a correlation between distance, depth, microbial activity, and enzymatic activity in the soil surrounding resource islands formed by the interaction between mesquite amargo (Prosopis articulata) as the nurse plant and cardon (Pachycereus pringlei) as the objective plant. The results demonstrated that there is an increase in the enzymatic activity and microbial biomass carbon from the soil under the canopy of the resource islands, with higher results in zones near the nurse plant than zones without its influence, furthermore, there was found an increase in the topsoil showing higher values in the soil quality and functionality indicators under the canopy of the resource islands. The above indicates that the use of these resource islands is a potential alternative in the degraded soil restoration, supporting the nutrient cycling in degraded soils."

suelo, ecología, revegetación, actividad enzimática, ciclaje de nutrientes soil, ecology, revegetation, enzymatic activity, nutrient cycling CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS AGRONOMÍA FERTILIDAD DEL SUELO FERTILIDAD DEL SUELO

Effect of Pectimorf on the rooting ability, and morpho-physiological physiological trials of national cocoa (Theobroma cacaoL.) under different substrates

JUAN JOSE REYES PEREZ Luis Tarquino Llerena Ramos Víctor Hugo Reynel Chila Juan Antonio Torres Rodríguez FAROUK SAAD Luis Guillermo Hernández Montiel Wilmer Tezara (2022, [Artículo])

"Cocoa is an economical cash crop that is formerly planted worldwide. Cuttings are a method of vegetative propagation suitable for maintaining desirable characteristics in cocoa trees. A greenhouse experiment was performed to evaluate the optimal concentrations of Pectimorf® (0, 10, 50, and 100 mg L-1) for rooting ability and seedling establishment as well as some physiological trials of 4 months EETP-800 national cocoa cuttings grown under two different substrates (S1: 80% soil + 20% sand and S2: 70% soil + 20% sand + 10% rice husk). The data showed that in most cases there are no significant differences in vegetative growth and root characteristics as well as gas exchange parameters between the two substrates. On the other hand, the application of Pectimorf® concentration enhanced all tested traits compared to untreated plants. The most effective in this regard was 100 mg L-1, that giving the highest value of all trials. As for the interaction effect, the result also shows that the application of Pectimorf® concentration in special at 100 mg L-1 among two substrates had an additive effect on plant growth, gas exchange, and survival percentage compared to non-treated cuttings. The application of 100 mg L-1 Pectimorf® with S2 substrate produced stronger seedlings with a higher survival percentage. This protocol can be used commercially for cocoa propagation commercially."


Morphological Alterations in Human Skeletal Muscle Cells Exposed to di-(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate (dehp) in Primary Cell Culture Conditions

Alteraciones Morfológicas en Células Musculares Esqueléticas Humanas Expuestas a Ftalato de di-(2-etilhexilo) (dehp) en Condiciones de Cultivo Celular Primario

Pablo Hernández Almaraz ORLANDO LUGO LUGO Ramón Gaxiola Robles OSCAR KURT BITZER QUINTERO Luis Javier Ramírez Jirano Elizabeth Brassea Pérez TANIA ZENTENO SAVIN (2022, [Artículo])

"Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is among the most common plasticizer additives that humans are in contact with daily. DEHP can be released from plastic and enter the human body, whereby it is metabolized and transformed into oxidative hydrophilic molecules. Clinical follow-ups in patients exposed to this phthalate and investigations in cultures of several cell types have provided information on its effects. For example, it is associated with inhibition of diploid human cell development and morphological changes in cultured germ cells. Although skeletal muscle represents around 50 % of the human body mass, knowledge about the effects of DEHP on this tissue is poor. Cultured skeletal muscle cells were exposed to DEHP (1 mM) for 13 days with the aim of exploring and evaluating some of the potential morphological effects. Three culture development parameters and nine cell characteristics were monitored during the bioassay. At 13 days, growth area, cell viability, and concentration of total proteins were lower in DEHP exposed than in control cells. Cell width and area, as well as the diameter of the nucleus and nucleolus, were greater in exposed cells than in control cells. These are interpreted as signs of cytotoxicity and suggest potential adverse effects on the development of skeletal muscle cells from DEHP exposure, as reported for other cell types."


Propiedades fisicoquímicas del aceite de semillas de Jatropha curcas de poblaciones silvestres en México


"Existe la necesidad de estudiar fuentes renovables de energía a partir de plantas oleaginosas con este potencial. La semilla de Jatropha curca se caracteriza por su alto contenido de aceite. En México solo existen estudios enfocados en evaluar las propie-dades fisicoquímicas del aceite de J. curcas silvestre y cultivada en la región sur. El objetivo de este trabajo, fue evaluar las propiedades fisicoquímicas del aceite de J. curcas silvestre en tres ecotipos del estado de Sinaloa (noroeste de México) y su aplicación en la elaboración de biodiesel. Los resultados obtenidos fueron que el contenido de aceite del germen fue de 52 a 56%. La viscosidad, densidad específica, índice de acidez, peróxido, yodo y refracción no mostraron diferencias significativas en las semillas colectadas en los tres ecotipos en estudio. Los ácidos grasos saturados más abundantes fueron el palmítico (4 a 6%) y esteárico (3 a 4%). Los ácidos grasos insaturados más abundantes fueron el oleico (44 a 46%) y linoleico (42 a 44%). Las características fisicoquímicas del aceite de J. curcas de Sinaloa son similares a las del sur de México y otros países, esto sugiere que el germoplasma del noroeste del país podría ser considerado para su conservación, aprovechamiento racional y producción de biodiesel."

"The need for studying sources of renewable energy is important starting from potential oleaginous plants. Jatropha curcas seed is characterized by its high oil content. In Mexico studies are focused on evaluating the physicochemical properties of J. curcas oil in wild plants cultivated in the southern region. The objective of this study was to evaluate these properties in three ecotypes of wild J. curcas of Sinaloa and their oil application in biodiesel production. The oil content of the germ was found to be 52 to 56%. Viscosity, density, acidity index, peroxide, iodine, and refraction showed no signif-icant differences in the seeds collected from the three ecotypes in our study. The most abundant saturated fatty acids were palmitic (4 to 6%) and stearic (3 to 4%). The most abundant unsaturated fatty acids were oleic (44 to 46%) and linoleic (42 to 44%). Physi-cochemical characteristics of J. curcas oil of Sinaloa specimens are similar to those of southern Mexico and other countries, which suggest that the germplasm of the north-western part of the country could be considered for conservation, rational utilization, and biodiesel production."

Fatty acid, ecotype, fatty acid, physicochemical analysis Ácidos grasos, biodiesel, ecotipos, análisis fisicoquímicos, Jatropha BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOQUÍMICA LÍPIDOS LÍPIDOS