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5 resultados, página 1 de 1

From character to person. A contribution to the study of characterization of real people in factual narrative texts   

Martín Ignacio Koval (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

In this paper we propose some arguments in favor of the terminological differentiation between agents in fictional settings (characters) and those in factual settings (people, actors, etc.), and nevertheless we suggest the applicability of the tools of narratology to factual journalistic texts. Then, we propose an analytical-descriptive model -conceived only as provisional- which, although it resorts to traditional tools of narratology "in the strict sense" (that is, the one that deals exclusively with fictional texts), tries to do justice to the aforementioned categorical difference between fictional and factual texts insofar as it is accompanied, in the presentation, by a series of mediations that allow the extrapolation from one setting to the other. This model will be explained on the basis of the analysis of a fragment of a recently published journalistic chronicle, referring to the death of the Argentine soccer player Diego Maradona.

factualidad personaje persona caracterización reacción afectiva HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA Factuality character person characterization affective reaction

Gender, rainfall endowment, and farmers’ heterogeneity in wheat trait preferences in Ethiopia

Hom Nath Gartaula Moti Jaleta (2024, [Artículo])

Wheat is a vital cereal crop for smallholders in Ethiopia. Despite over fifty years of research on wheat varietal development, consideration of gendered trait preferences in developing target product profiles for wheat breeding is limited. To address this gap, our study used sex-disaggregated survey data and historical rainfall trends from the major wheat-growing regions in Ethiopia. The findings indicated heterogeneity in trait preferences based on gender and rainfall endowment. Men respondents tended to prefer wheat traits with high straw yield and disease-resistance potential, while women showed a greater appreciation for wheat traits related to good taste and cooking quality. Farmers in high rainfall areas seemed to prioritize high straw yield and disease resistance traits, while those in low rainfall areas valued good adaptation traits more highly. Most of the correlation coefficients among the preferred traits were positive, indicating that farmers seek wheat varieties with traits that serve multiple purposes. Understanding men's and women's preferences and incorporating them in breeding and seed systems could contribute to the development of more targeted and effective wheat varieties that meet the diverse needs of men and women farmers in Ethiopia.