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La construcción social del indígena en espacios urbanos latinoamericanos

Patricio Barrientos Pereira (2005, [Tesis de doctorado])

Lo que van a leer en las siguientes páginas, básicamente es un ejercicio de carácter teórico y etnográfico, donde se busca plasmar aspectos del mundo indígena urbano en relación con el entorno social vigente en ciudades como Guadalajara y Santiago. Originalmente partió como un trabajo etnográfico, pero al paso del tiempo y de las dudas que iban surgiendo, se transformó en un intento de visualizar el proceso de la construcción de la nación vigente en Chile y México...


Transformation and innovation of knowledge in the construction and sustainable function of housing at the headwaters of San Juan Chamula.

Alejandra Trujillo Miguel Sánchez Álvarez (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])



San Juan Chamula, Chiapas, is one of the most representative cultures of the native peoples of Mexico. The municipal seat is made up of three main neighborhoods: San Juan, San Sebastián and San Pedro. In ancient times, the architectural design of the houses was made of materials such as straw, adobe, bajareque and others of organic origin, which were part of the natural environment of the inhabitants. Thus, houses were built based on the use of natural elements available to the inhabitants as a result of the use of primary sector activity.


From the Chamula worldview housing has played functions for rest and shelter, therefore it was considered as a sacred place. When building one, ceremonies and offerings were carried out to appease any disgust of the guardians of Mother Earth, as they considered that nature had life, and to avoid any misfortune among the members of the family. For this, it was necessary to offer music, songs, and special dishes to feed the house and the Earth, so there would be harmony and well-being. Today, that worldview has been disrupted by the presence of multiple religions and other factors.


Chamula housing has gone through different stages of transition, from 1990 onwards, it was made of materials such as bricks, blocks and cement. With international migration and the arrival of young Chamula in the United States, changes in the building styles and function of housing are observed, as well as a loss of Chamula-type architectural knowledge, so that traditional architectural knowledge remains only with the elderly. Nowadays, Chamula masons and house builders opt for a foreign architectural design like California, thus changing their cultural identity, their way of life and their relationship with nature.


Keywords: traditional architecture, migration, architectural change.

traditional architecture migration architectural change arquitectura tradicional cambio arquitectónico chamula migración vivienda CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Ciudad Juarez from historical sketch of national migration policies

Luis Fernando Noyola Rojas Luis Manuel Lara Rodríguez (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

The context of migration in the Mexican case and its migration policies are analyzed here, taking the case of Ciudad Juarez as a node of movement and link of said policies; for this, the work is divided into four sections. A historical review of the way of how migration policies, through programs operated by different institutions and spheres of government, have worked through the manifestations of the domestic and international Mexican migration it is proposed. It also serves to contextualize and to understand how they are created and why the objectives they intend to meet are more orientated to immediate problems rather to recognize the complexity of migratory problems, in need of specific policies.

migración políticas migratorias Ciudad Juárez frontera migración interna CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES migration migration policies Ciudad Juarez border internal migration


Jorge López Martínez Déborah Féber González (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

This article presents an analysis of the proportion of the population that lives in the 20 top cities of Mexico. Population that suffers from moderate to severe Depressive Symptoms (DS) in relation to urban and socioeconomic factors typical of urban territories and comparing them with people living in rural or non-urban environments that suffers DS. To check this, we generated the Complex Index of Socioeconomic and Urban Conditions (CISUC), based on the Mind the GAPS framework, a model that relates the susceptibility or prevention of mental illness in cities based on urban factors, we also used socioeconomic indicators that exist in Mexican cities. For the construction of the ICCSU database, we used data from the National Health and Nutrition Survey in the years 2006, 2012 and 2018-19 and the data of the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness, A.C. and National Institute of Statistics and Geography in the same years. The results obtained from CISUC were reinforced with the use of a panel data model. The findings that we obtained reveal that there is a more important correlation between cities and people who suffer from moderate to severe DS than in rural areas, a condition that intensifies with the socioeconomic conditions of the population, for example, their socioeconomic stratum, their gender, and present urban marginalization. This allows to generate future discussions about other types of diseases such as anxiety, depression, stress, loneliness, and schizophrenia for large population groups. The panel model yields a lower goodness of adjustment, due to the lack of more time points, however, it points out that improvements in socioeconomic and urban conditions slightly reduce depressive symptoms.

mental health depressive symptoms (DS) urban marginalization socioeconomic factors cities salud mental sintomatología depresiva (SD) ciudades marginación urbana factores socioeconómicos CIENCIAS SOCIALESCIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Sistemas innovadores, jardinería y horticultura vertical en el IMTA

Jorge Flores Velazquez (2018, [Documento de trabajo])

El proyecto tuvo como propósito generar infraestructura para la promoción, difusión y transferencia de tecnologías verdes en zonas urbanas, partiendo de la instalación de un muro verde en el Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua.

Agricultura urbana Jardines verticales Muros verdes Tecnología apropiada INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA

Habitability conditions for floods: the case of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico

MARCELINO GARCIA BENITEZ Saul Nucamendi Hernandez Omar Ávila Flores (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])

At present, there are changes in the environment that favor the presence of extreme climatic phenomena such as floods, this exposure implies that the populations of urban areas suffer effects on their material assets, which limits their capacity for individual and / or family development. Given the lack of local territorial planning, the establishment of colonies was allowed on the banks of the Sabinal river and its tributaries that present episodes of flooding during the rainy season (Sistema Municipal de Protección Civil, 2015).


The study evaluates the habitability conditions of the urban population exposed to flooding, the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas is taken as a reference, since historically it is a recurring problem during the summer. The methodology interrelates geostatistical, spatial and cartographic databases with hemerographic information sources based on the review of the literature for the construction of the general index, determined in dimensions that group social, economic, educational aspects, availability of basic services, goods with those that count the dwellings and their accessibility, etc., on a geographical scale of Urban Geostatistical Areas (AGEB).


The results obtained generated an index on the distribution of habitability conditions by urban Ageb, they are interrelated with spatial data on floods and their relationship with Sustainable Development Goal 11 (ODS), which proposes to improve infrastructure conditions in cities and towns. sustainable communities so that the inequality originated among the population exposed to future extreme flood events that occur in the different areas that make up the city is reduced.

Habitability conditions floods Sustainable Development Goals urban Ageb city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas AGEB urbana ciudad de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas condiciones de habitabilidad inundaciones CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Value chain research and development: The quest for impact

Jason Donovan (2023, [Artículo])

Motivation: For decades, governments, donors, and practitioners have promoted market-based development approaches (MBDA), most recently in the form of value chain development (VCD), to spur economic growth and reduce poverty. Changes in approaches have been shaped by funders, practitioners and researchers in ways that are incompletely appreciated. Purpose: We address the following questions: (1) how have researchers and practitioners shaped discussions on MBDA?; and (2) how has research stimulated practice, and how has practice informed research? We hypothesize that stronger exchange between researchers and practitioners increases the relevance and impact of value chain research and development. Methods and approach: We adopt Downs' (1972) concept of issue-attention cycles, which posits that attention to a particular issue follows a pattern where, first, excitement builds over potential solutions; followed by disenchantment as the inherent complexity, trade-offs, and resources required to solve it become apparent; and consequently attention moves on to a new issue. We review the literature on MBDA to see how far this framing applies. Findings: We identify five cycles of approaches to market-based development over the last 40 or more years: (1) non-traditional agricultural exports; (2) small and medium enterprise development; (3) value chains with a globalization perspective; (4) value chains with an agri-business perspective; and (5) value chain development. The shaping and sequencing of these cycles reflect researchers' tendency to analyse and criticize MBDA, while providing limited guidance on workable improvements; practitioners' reluctance to engage in critical reflection on their programmes; and an institutional and funding environment that encourages new approaches. Policy implications: Future MBDA will benefit from stronger engagement between researchers, practitioners, and funders. Before shifting attention to new concepts and approaches, achievements and failures in previous cycles need to be scrutinized. Evidence-based practice should extend for the length of the issue-attention cycle; preferably it should arrest the cycling of attention. Funders can help by requiring grantees to critically reflect on past action, by providing “safe spaces” for sharing such reflections, and by engaging in joint learning with practitioners and researchers.


Energía renovable para el desarrollo hidroagrícola en microcuencas del sector rural

JOSE JAVIER RAMIREZ LUNA Ulises Dehesa (2015, [Documento de trabajo])

Falta de infraestructura hidroagrícola, deficiente distribución del agua de riego disponible, mala calidad del agua o la falta de suministro de energía eléctrica en el lugar requerido, son algunos de los principales factores que demeritan o limitan la productividad agrícola de riego, incluida la falta de tecnología adecuada. Ante esto, una de las alternativas que se busca impulsar, es el uso de fuentes alternas de energía en el riego agrícola en microcuencas. Como principales puntos de atención contemplados en este proyecto, se tienen: 1) Estado del arte sobre la aplicabilidad del uso de la energía renovable para el desarrollo rural; 2)Anteproyecto para el desarrollo de un área experimental con tecnología renovable para la producción de alimentos en el medio rural; 3)Diseño y proyecto ejecutivo de una parcela agrícola experimental, abastecida con energía solar en las instalaciones del IMTA; 4) Artículo para revista arbitrada sobre sistemas de desalación de agua para riego abastecido con energía solar.

Desarrollo rural Energía no convencional Riego INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA

Tecnología de agricultura urbana para la producción de alimentos


Un modelo físico de agricultura urbana e hidroponía para producción de hortalizas – Una guía para producción de cultivos hortícolas bajo técnicas de agricultura urbana – Un video sobre producción con agricultura urbana --- Bibliografía.

Informes de proyectos Agricultura urbana Hidroponía Cultivos alimenticios INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA

Diagnóstico de la gandería bovina en la región Papaloapan


Este trabajo forma parte del estudio "Diagnóstico integral de la ganadería bovina en el trópico mexicano"; tiene como objetivo conocer y caracterizar los procesos de producción bovina, el nivel de la tecnología en los diferentes estratos de productores y señalar los principales factores que limitan la producción y productividad de la ganadería regional.

Desarrollo rural Producción ganadera Ganado bovino Región Papaloapan CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA