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Nuevos paradigmas del teatro infantil en México: Análisis de la obra "Malas palabras" de Perla Szuchmacher

JOSE HUMBERTO TREJO CALZADA (2023, [Otro, Trabajo terminal, especialidad])

82 páginas. Especialización en Literatura Mexicana del Siglo XX.

Esta investigación recibió el apoyo del Sistema Nacional de Posgrados (SNP) del Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnologías (México). CONAHCYT.

Se presenta una investigación sobre el teatro infantil en México para comprender las aportaciones de la dramaturga argentina Perla Szuchmacher (1946-2010), quien migró a nuestro país en 1976 a raíz de la dictadura militar. De manera particular, se analiza su obra Malas Palabras, publicada en 2001 en la Colección El Mejor Teatro para Niños. En el primer capítulo se exponen los antecedentes del teatro infantil occidental, localizados en la tradición del cuento de hadas, así como su adaptación en México. En el segundo capítulo se analiza el teatro infantil argentino de la primera mitad del siglo XX, así como los inicios de la trayectoria artística de Perla Szuchmacher en su país y el proceso de inserción migratoria en México. En el tercer capítulo se distinguen los diversos elementos literarios que componen la obra Malas Palabras, tales como sus personajes, fábula, género y tema. Finalmente, se presentan las conclusiones, donde se identifican los rasgos innovadores de esta obra. En el apartado de Anexos se encuentran entrevistas a artistas que colaboraron con la dramaturga, así como un listado de sus obras presentadas en el Programa de Teatro Infantil del INBA en la última década del siglo XX.

Children's plays. Children's plays, Argentine. Children's plays, Mexican--History and criticism. Teatro infantil. Teatro infantil mexicano. Drama argentino. PN6120.A4 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS TEORÍA, ANÁLISIS Y CRÍTICA DE LAS BELLAS ARTES TEATRO

Sistema de visión para detección de fallas de calidad en la identificación de etiquetas en una línea de producción del giro automotriz

Vision system for the detection of quality failures in the identification of labels in an automotive production line

José Rodrigo Hernández Laguna Jorge Adan Romero Guerrero CAROLINA RETA CASTRO (2023, [Artículo])

Este artículo presenta la implementación de un sistema de visión para la detección de fallas en la identificación de etiquetas en una línea de producción de motores eléctricos de confort para vehículos. Anteriormente, la línea de producción dependía completamente de la inspección visual realizada por un operador. La solución propuesta considera tanto los aspectos técnicos del sistema de visión como otros factores clave para asegurar la calidad del proceso, como: las políticas de aseguramiento de calidad de las normas automotrices vigentes en México (IATF 6949:2016 e ISO9000), la mejora continua, la estadística, la ergonomía y la estandarización de procesos. Los resultados demuestran el éxito de la implementación. El sistema demostró ser efectivo al identificar las fallas de manera precisa; se logró una reducción significativa en el número prioritario de riesgo en el análisis y modo de efectos de falla; y se logró una reducción en la estadística de fallas internas y con el cliente, de 2021 a 2022.

Sistema de visión Análisis y modo de efectos de falla Inspección de defectos Industria automotriz Vision system Analysis and failure effects mode Defect inspection Automotive industry INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS

Women, economic resilience, gender norms in a time of climate change: what do we know?

Cathy Farnworth Anne Rietveld Rachel Voss Angela Meentzen (2023, [Artículo])

This literature delves into 82 research articles, published between 2016 and 2022, to develop a deep understanding of how women manage their lives and livelihoods within their agrifood systems when these systems are being affected, sometimes devastatingly, by climate change. The Findings show that four core gender norms affect the ability of women to achieve economic resilience in the face of climate change operate in agrifood production systems. Each of these gender norms speaks to male privilege: (i) Men are primary decision-makers, (ii) Men are breadwinners, (iii) Men control assets, and (iv) Men are food system actors. These gender norms are widely held and challenge women’s abilities to become economically resilient. These norms are made more powerful still because they fuse with each other and act on multiple levels, and they serve to support other norms which limit women’s scope to act. It is particularly noteworthy that many institutional actors, ranging from community decision-makers to development partners, tend to reinforce rather than challenge gender norms because they do not critically review their own assumptions.

However, the four gender norms cited are not hegemonic. First, there is limited and intriguing evidence that intersectional identities can influence women’s resilience in significant ways. Second, gender norms governing women’s roles and power in agrifood systems are changing in response to climate change and other forces, with implications for how women respond to future climate shocks. Third, paying attention to local realities is important – behaviours do not necessarily substantiate local norms. Fourth, women experience strong support from other women in savings groups, religious organisations, reciprocal labour, and others. Fifth, critical moments, such as climate disasters, offer potentially pivotal moments of change which could permit women unusually high levels of agency to overcome restrictive gender norms without being negatively sanctioned. The article concludes with recommendations for further research.


Bundling subsurface drip irrigation with no-till provides a window to integrate mung bean with intensive cereal systems for improving resource use efficiency

Manish Kakraliya madhu choudhary Mahesh Gathala Parbodh Chander Sharma ML JAT (2024, [Artículo])

The future of South Asia’s major production system (rice–wheat rotation) is at stake due to continuously aggravating pressure on groundwater aquifers and other natural resources which will further intensify with climate change. Traditional practices, conventional tillage (CT) residue burning, and indiscriminate use of groundwater with flood irrigation are the major drivers of the non-sustainability of rice–wheat (RW) system in northwest (NW) India. For designing sustainable practices in intensive cereal systems, we conducted a study on bundled practices (zero tillage, residue mulch, precise irrigation, and mung bean integration) based on multi-indicator (system productivity, profitability, and efficiency of water, nitrogen, and energy) analysis in RW system. The study showed that bundling conservation agriculture (CA) practices with subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) saved ~70 and 45% (3-year mean) of irrigation water in rice and wheat, respectively, compared to farmers’ practice/CT practice (pooled data of Sc1 and Sc2; 1,035 and 318 mm ha−1). On a 3-year system basis, CA with SDI scenarios (mean of Sc5–Sc8) saved 35.4% irrigation water under RW systems compared to their respective CA with flood irrigation (FI) scenarios (mean of Sc3 and Sc4) during the investigation irrespective of residue management. CA with FI system increased the water productivity (WPi) and its use efficiency (WUE) by ~52 and 12.3% (3-year mean), whereas SDI improved by 221.2 and 39.2% compared to farmers practice (Sc1; 0.69 kg grain m−3 and 21.39 kg grain ha−1 cm−1), respectively. Based on the 3-year mean, CA with SDI (mean of Sc5–Sc8) recorded −2.5% rice yield, whereas wheat yield was +25% compared to farmers practice (Sc1; 5.44 and 3.79 Mg ha−1) and rice and wheat yield under CA with flood irrigation were increased by +7 and + 11%, compared to their respective CT practices. Mung bean integration in Sc7 and Sc8 contributed to ~26% in crop productivity and profitability compared to farmers’ practice (Sc1) as SDI facilitated advancing the sowing time by 1 week. On a system basis, CA with SDI improved energy use efficiency (EUE) by ~70% and partial factor productivity of N by 18.4% compared to CT practices. In the RW system of NW India, CA with SDI for precise water and N management proved to be a profitable solution to address the problems of groundwater, residue burning, sustainable intensification, and input (water and energy) use with the potential for replication in large areas in NW India.


Impact of automation on enhancing energy quality in grid-connected photovoltaic systems

Virgilio Alfonso Murillo Rodríguez NOE VILLA VILLASEÑOR José Manuel Robles Solís OA Guirette-Barbosa (2023, [Artículo])

Rapid growth in the integration of new consumers into the electricity sector, particularly in the industrial sector, has necessitated better control of the electricity supply and of the users’ op-erating conditions to guarantee an adequate quality of service as well as the unregulated dis-turbances that have been generated in the electrical network that can cause significant failures, breakdowns and interruptions, causing considerable expenses and economic losses. This research examines the characteristics of electrical variations in equipment within a company in the industrial sector, analyzes the impact generated within the electrical system according to the need for operation in manufacturing systems, and proposes a new solution through automation of the regulation elements to maintain an optimal system quality and prevent damage and equipment failures while offering a cost-effective model. The proposed solution is evaluated through a reliable simulation in ETAP (Energy Systems Modeling, Analysis and Optimization) software, which emulates the interaction of control elements and simulates the design of electric flow equipment operation. The results demonstrate an improvement in system performance in the presence of disturbances when two automation schemes are applied as well as the exclusive operation of the capacitor bank, which improves the total system current fluctuations and improves the power factor from 85.83% to 93.42%. Such a scheme also improves the waveform in the main power system; another improvement result is when simultaneously operating the voltage and current filter together with the PV system, further improving the current fluctuations, improving the power factor from 85.83% to 94.81%, achieving better stability and improving the quality of the waveform in the main power grid.

This article belongs to Special Issue Advances and Optimization of Electric Energy System.


Diseño y desarrollo de dispositivo de sujeción hidráulica para el proceso de brochado

Design and development of hydraulic clamping device for broaching process

Jorge Morales Carlos Álvarez Raúl Pérez Bustamante (2023, [Artículo])

Se desarrollo un dispositivo de sujeción hidráulica para el proceso de brochado de Brackets usados en los sistemas de frenado de automóviles, que permite reducir la variación del proceso de corte al mejorar el sistema de sujeción y con ello limitar la deformación de la pieza luego de haber sido procesada. Con este concepto de dispositivo es posible mejorar las condiciones del proceso de producción, como lo son: velocidad de corte, reducción de tiempo ciclo, rendimiento de la operación, reducción de costo de scrap, y reducción de tiempo muerto por sobre ajuste de proceso y cambio de modelo. Adicional, se hizo el desarrollo de un sistema de detección de pieza presente que permite captar cuando una pieza no es colocada correctamente en el dispositivo antes de iniciar el ciclo de corte, con esto es posible detectar fallas en el proceso que representen un riesgo para la operación. Durante la etapa de diseño se realizó una simulación del proceso de maquinado en condiciones extremas y condiciones ideales para medir la deformación de la pieza y con esto obtener los parámetros adecuados de corte para la puesta en marcha del dispositivo de sujeción. Para la validación del modelo, se realizó un estudio de habilidad de proceso Cpk y Ppk (acorde a los requerimientos de cliente) para evaluar que el nuevo proceso es eficiente y se encuentra bajo control.

A hydraulic clamping device was developed for the broaching process of Brackets used in automotivebraking systems, which allows reducing the variation of the cutting process by improving the clamping system andthereby limiting the deformation of the piece after having been processed. With this concept of device, it is possibleto improve the conditions of the production process such as: cutting speed, cycle time reduction, operationperformance, scrap cost reduction, and downtime reduction due to process over-adjustment and change over.Additionally, the development of a part detection system was made that allows capturing when a part is not correctlyplaced in the device before starting the cutting cycle, with this it is possible to detect failures in the process thatrepresent a risk to the operation. During the design stage, a simulation of the machining process was carried outin extreme conditions and ideal conditions to measure the deformation of the part and with this obtain theappropriate cutting parameters for the implementation of the clamping device. For the validation of the model, aCpk and Ppk process ability study was carried out (according to customer requirements) to assess that the newprocess is efficient and is under control.

Agradecemos al Centro de Investigación y Asistencia Técnica del Estado de Querétaro, A.C. (CIATEQ) y a la empresa donde fue desarrollado el proyecto por todas las facilidades otorgadas para la realización de dicho proyecto, de igual manera, agradecer por el apoyo brindado a todas las personas involucradas directa o indirectamente en el desarrollo de este trabajo.

Agradecimientos de autoría: Jorge Alberto Morales Martínez: Conceptualización; Metodología; Software; Análisis formal; Investigación; Adquisición de fondos; Recursos; Análisis de datos; Borrador original; Administración de proyecto, Revisión y edición. Carlos Marín: Conceptualización; Ideas; Análisis de datos; Software; Análisis formal y Supervisión. Raúl Pérez Bustamante: Revisión y edición.

Dispositivo de sujeción Proceso de brochado Bracket Sistema de frenado Parámetros de corte Cpk Ppk Clamping device Broaching process Brake system Cutting parameters INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS