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Spatiotemporal analysis of rainfall and temperature variability and trends for climate resilient maize farming system in major agroecology zones of northwest Ethiopia

Kindie Tesfaye Dereje Ademe Enyew Adgo (2023, [Artículo])

Spatiotemporal studies of the annual and seasonal climate variability and trend on an agroecological spatial scale for establishing a climate-resilient maize farming system have not yet been conducted in Ethiopia. The study was carried out in three major agroecological zones in northwest Ethiopia using climate data from 1987 to 2018. The coefficient of variation (CV), precipitation concertation index (PCI), and rainfall anomaly index (RAI) were used to analyze the variability of rainfall. The Mann-Kendall test and Sen’s slope estimator were also applied to estimate trends and slopes of changes in rainfall and temperature. High-significance warming trends in the maximum and minimum temperatures were shown in the highland and lowland agroecology zones, respectively. Rainfall has also demonstrated a maximum declining trend throughout the keremt season in the highland agroecology zone. However, rainfall distribution has become more unpredictable in the Bega and Belg seasons. Climate-resilient maize agronomic activities have been determined by analyzing the onset and cessation dates and the length of the growth period (LGP). The rainy season begins between May 8 and June 3 and finishes between October 26 and November 16. The length of the growth period (LGP) during the rainy season ranges from 94 to 229 days.


Ecología Forense: al rescate de los manglares

Diana Jacqueline Cisneros de la Cruz JORGE ALFREDO HERRERA SILVEIRA CLAUDIA TEUTLI HERNANDEZ (2022, [Artículo])

Cuando hablamos de series en la tv, no cabe duda de que las más populares son las de detectives y forenses que resuelven crímenes. Pero ¿ecología forense en manglares? Si, cuando los manglares mueren o se degradan, antes de cualquier intento de rescate, o mejor dicho, de restauración, es fundamental descubrir cuál fue la causa. La ecología forense durante la restauración ecológica de manglares es parte de una estrategia que, además de la cooperación entre diferentes sectores, será fundamental para recuperar diversos servicios que nos brindan los manglares y con ello ser aliados ante el cambio climático.


Predicción fenológica del cultivo de papa mediante tiempo térmico

Phenological prediction of potato crop by means of thermal time


El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar tres métodos para predecir la fenología en el cultivo de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.) mediante tiempo térmico, para lo cual se trabajó con un total de 15 parcelas a nivel comercial sembradas con la variedad ‘Alpha’ en el norte de Sinaloa, México. Los métodos comparados fueron: temperatura media, grados día (°D) y días fenológicos de papa (P-days), los tres calculados con los datos obtenidos mediante el monitoreo en campo de cada fase fenológica durante los ciclos agrícolas otoño-invierno 2005-2006 y 2006-2007. Los resultados indicaron que el mejor método para predecir la fenología de esta variedad de papa con base en el tiempo térmico fue el P-days, porque presentó los menores valores de coeficiente de variación con 0.07 y de desviación estándar con 18.03 para todas las etapas fenológicas analizadas.

The objective of this research was to evaluate three methods to predict potato crop (Solanum tuberosum L.) phenology by means of thermal time, which were applied on 15 commercial plots sowed with the variety ‘Alpha’ in northern Sinaloa, México. The compared methods were: average temperature, degree days (°D) and potato days (P-days), all of them calculated with data obtained by field monitoring of each phenological stage during two crop seasons, Autumn-Winter seasons 2005-2006 and 2006-2007. Results showed that the best method to predict the phenology of this potato variety by means of thermal time was the P-days technique because it produced the lowest values of variation coefficient with 0.07 and of standard deviation with 18.03, for all the analyzed phenology stages. To compare the errors in thermal requirements obtained with each method in the plots, other plots were used for validation, and so it was confirmed that the P-days method showed the smallest errors, with 3.6 and 3.2 % for the root mean square error RMSE and the mean absolute error MAE, respectively.

Solanum tuberosum Cultivos alimenticios Variabilidad climática INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA

Wheat seed demand assessment assisted by genotyping in Ethiopia

Moti Jaleta Kindie Tesfaye Olaf Erenstein (2023, [Artículo])

This study examines the extent to which wheat varieties supplied by the formal seed system align with the varieties demanded and used by farmers in Ethiopia. The framework of stated and revealed preferences drawn from the consumer preference theory is used to analyze farmer demand for different wheat varieties. We used official data from the formal seed sector and representative survey data from wheat farm households in Ethiopia. The survey data allow to contrast the farmer reported varietal use with genotyping by sequencing (also known as DNA fingerprinting). Farmers' reliance on informal seed sources and own saved seed, among others, contributes to the misidentification of the varieties they grow. Consequently, farmers are likely to misinform the formal seed demand assessment leading to either an over- or underestimation of actual seed demand for specific wheat varieties. Genotyping by sequencing, as opposed to farmer reports, established the persistence of old varieties. This also implies vulnerability of wheat production to disease dynamics depending on the longevity of disease resistance by the variety in use. Apart from narrowing the gap between the actual and stated demand and ensuring timely replacement of wheat varieties, genotyping-assisted estimates can save seed carry-over cost. Genotyping by sequencing is increasingly used as the new benchmark and gold standard for identifying and tracking the adoption of crop varieties. The technique has potential to enhance the performance of the seed sector through effective planning that can optimize resource commitments and accelerate the rate of varietal replacement.


Dzit bacalito y las variedades de maíz frente a transgénico

Adriana Tapia Hernández Elda Miriam Aldasoro Maya (2023, [Libro])

La historieta está dirigida a público en general con interés en la vida campesina, y particularmente a niñas y niños, honrando las reflexiones y acciones de quienes conservan y resguardan las variedades nativas de maíz, conteniendo así la dispersión transgénica en el Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Cañón del Usumacinta (Tenosique, Tabasco; México), territorio biocultural donde convergen saberes contemporáneos de las familias tseltales, choles, chontales y mestizas y donde recientemente se confirmó la presencia de los marcadores transgénicos P35S y T-NOS.

Dzit bacal Maíz nativo Variedades del maíz Maíz transgénico Conservación del maíz Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Cañón del Usumacinta (Tabasco, México) CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS AGRONOMÍA DESARROLLO VEGETAL DESARROLLO VEGETAL

Intimate partner violence and its relationship to labor income

Yei Javier Zepeda Hernández Alma Sofia Santillan (2024, [Artículo, Artículo])

In Mexico, 70.1% of women have been victims of violence in their lifetime and the main perpetrator is her intimate partner. Gender violence is a public health problem that has multiple negative impacts in woman and their offsprings. The relation violence and income is an issue that has been scarcely studied for Mexico. The objective of this article is to analyze the intimate partner violence and its relationship to labor income for Mexican women, data used are from the National Survey on the Dynamics of Households Relationships (ENDIREH 2021). The principal component method is used to estimate five kinds of violence; physical, emotional, economic, sexual and, harassment. The instrumental variables method is used to consider the endogeneity of income and violence variables. Except harassment, the results indicate a negative relationship between income and violence. Specifically, sexual violence has the greatest negative effects; women who are victims of sexual violence have an average reduction of 17.4% in monthly labor income. This negative effect represents a loss of just over two month of working days per year and, in the aggregate terms, is equivalent to 0.87% of GDP. The above highlights the importance of orienting public policy actions to work in prevention, attention, punishment and eradications any kind of violence against women. 

Intimate partner violence Labor income Endogeneity Instrumental variables Cost of violence Violencia de pareja Ingresos laborales Endogeneidad Variables instrumentales Costo de la violencia. CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES