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Recent advances on research of native prawn Macrobrachium americanum (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) with aquaculture and conservation purposes

Yuneisy Milagro Agüero Fernández MIRIAM VICTORIA MARTIN MANZO MARITZA LOURDES SOBERANES YEPIZ Marcelo Ulises García Guerrero Yuniel Méndez Martínez Luis Hector Hernandez Hernandez Laura S López Greco Edilmar Cortés Jacinto (2022)

"Where good management practices on aquaculture are mandatory. The economic and ecological importance of prawns of the Genus Macrobrachium cause an impact at a global level involving economic, academic and social aspects. Macrobrachium americanum appears as one of the genus species with high nutritional value and an economic demand in the national and international markets, as well as a vital income for fisherman and producers of this species. For researchers, it is a challenge to find solutions to culture and propose conservation measures for M. americanum with emphasis on development, nutrition and reproduction. Although there are scientific studies supporting the economic importance of this species, our knowledge about its cultivation, reproduction and conservation is limited. This paper summarizes the latest studies made in cooperation with M. americanum in research lead by the Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, Mexico. After several years of continuous research, it is considered that those efforts have produced useful information for the sustainable exploitation, conservation and basic management practices of this species."


Freshwater ecosystem, growth rate, native prawn species, conservation, sustainable fishing BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) ECOLOGÍA ANIMAL ECOLOGÍA ANIMAL

Freshwater exchanges and surface salinity in the Colombian basin, Caribbean Sea

Emilio Beier (2017)

Despite the heavy regional rainfall and considerable discharge of many rivers into the Colombian Basin, there have been few detailed studies about the dilution of Caribbean Surface Water and the variability of salinity in the southwestern Caribbean. An analysis of the precipitation, evaporation and runoff in relation to the climate variability demonstrates that although the salt balance in the Colombian Basin overall is in equilibrium, the area south of 12N is an important dilution sub-basin. In the southwest of the basin, in the region of the Panama-Colombia Gyre, Caribbean Sea Water is diluted by precipitation and runoff year round, while in the northeast, off La Guajira, its salinity increases from December to May by upwelling. At the interannual scale, continental runoff is related to El Niño Southern Oscillation, and precipitation and evaporation south of 12°N are related to the Caribbean Low Level Jet. During El Niño years the maximum salinification occurs in the dry season (December-February) while in La Niña years the maximum dilution (or freshening), reaching La Guajira Coastal Zone, occurs in the wet season (September-November). © 2017 Beier et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


sea water, fresh water, Article, Caribbean, dilution, dry season, El Nino, environmental parameters, evaporation, freshwater exchange, geographic distribution, molecular weight, oscillation, precipitation, river basin, salinity, seasonal variation, s CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA