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Modeling the growth, yield and N dynamics of wheat for decoding the tillage and nitrogen nexus in 8-years long-term conservation agriculture based maize-wheat system

C.M. Parihar Dipaka Ranjan Sena Prakash Chand Ghasal Shankar Lal Jat Yashpal Singh Saharawat Mahesh Gathala Upendra Singh Hari Sankar Nayak (2024, [Artículo])

Context: Agricultural field experiments are costly and time-consuming, and their site-specific nature limits their ability to capture spatial and temporal variability. This hinders the transfer of crop management information across different locations, impeding effective agricultural decision-making. Further, accurate estimates of the benefits and risks of alternative crop and nutrient management options are crucial for effective decision-making in agriculture. Objective: The objective of this study was to utilize the Crop Environment Resource Synthesis CERES-Wheat model to simulate crop growth, yield, and nitrogen dynamics in a long-term conservation agriculture (CA) based wheat system. The study aimed to calibrate the model using data from a field experiment conducted during the 2019-20-2020-21 growing seasons and evaluation it with independent data from the year 2021–22. Method: Crop simulation models, such as the Crop Environment Resource Synthesis CERES-Wheat (DSSAT v 4.8), may provide valuable insights into crop growth and nitrogen dynamics, enabling decision makers to understand and manage production risk more effectively. Therefore, the present study employed the CERES-Wheat (DSSAT v 4.8) model and calibrated it using field data, including plant phenological phases, leaf area index, aboveground biomass, and grain yield from the 2019-20-2020-21 growing seasons. An independent dataset from the year 2021–22 was used for model evaluation. The model was used to investigate the relationship between growing degree days (GDD), temperature, nitrate and ammonical concentration in soil, and nitrogen uptake by the crop. Additionally, the study explored the impact of contrasting tillage practices and fertilizer nitrogen management options on wheat yields. The experimental site is situated at ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, representing Indian Trans-Gangetic Plains Zone (28o 40’N latitude, 77o 11’E longitude and an altitude of 228 m above sea level). The treatments consist of four nitrogen management options, viz., N0 (zero nitrogen), N150 (150 kg N ha−1 through urea), GS (Green seeker based urea application) and USG (urea super granules @150 kg N ha−1) in two contrasting tillage systems, i.e., CA-based zero tillage (ZT) and conventional tillage (CT). Result: The outcomes exhibited favorable agreement between the model’s simulations and the observed data for crop phenology (With less than 2 days variation in 50% onset of flowering), grain and biomass yield (Root mean square error; RMSE 336 kg ha−1 and 649 kg ha−1, respectively), and leaf area index (LAI) (RMSE 0.28 & normalized RMSE; nRMSE 6.69%). The model effectively captured the nitrate-N (NO3−-N) dynamics in the soil profile, exhibiting a remarkable concordance with observed data, as evident from its low RMSE = 12.39 kg ha−1 and nRMSE = 13.69%. Moreover, as it successfully simulated the N balance in the production system, the nitrate leaching and ammonia volatilization pattern as described by the model are highly useful to understand these critical phenomena under both conventional tillage (CT) and CA-based Zero Tillage (ZT) treatments. Conclusion: The study concludes that the DSSAT-CERES-Wheat model has significant potential to assess the impacts of tillage and nitrogen management practices on crop growth, yield, and soil nitrogen dynamics in the western Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) region. By providing reliable forecasts within the growing season, this modeling approach can facilitate better planning and more efficient resource management. Future implications: The successful implementation of the DSSAT-CERES-Wheat model in this study highlights its applicability in assessing crop performance and soil dynamics. Future research should focus on expanding the model’s capabilities by reducing its sensitivity to initial soil nitrogen levels to refine its predictions further. Moreover, the model’s integration with decision support systems and real-time data can enhance its usefulness in aiding agricultural decision-making and supporting sustainable crop management practices.


Determinantes del comportamiento de queja del consumidor en México

Determinants of consumer complaint behavior in Mexico


El objetivo del trabajo es explicar los determinantes del comportamiento de queja del consumidor en los niveles socioeconómico y empresa. Para ello se acude a la metodología de datos de panel estático a fin de estimar el impacto de los determinantes de las quejas de los consumidores. Los resultados a nivel socioeconómico indican que las quejas se encuentran determinadas por el ingreso, las conciliaciones a favor de los consumidores y por la población residente en zonas urbanas. Mientras a nivel empresa los resultados muestran que tanto la cuota de mercado como el tamaño de la firma afectan positivamente las quejas. Se concluye que los resultados coinciden con la literatura revisada y que se puede esperar un aumento en el número de quejas presentadas por los consumidores.

This work aims to quantify the determinants of consumer complaint behavior in socioeconomic and business levels. For this purpose, the static panel data methodology is used in order to estimate the impact of consumer complaints both at the federal level of the Mexican Republic and at the level of the main companies that are considered leaders in their field. The results by the state indicate that the complaints are determined by income, reconciliations in favor of consumers and population residing in urban areas.While at the company level, the results show that both market share and company size positively affect consumer complaints. In conclusion, the results agree with the literature reviewed, and a rise in the number of complaints is possible.

HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA Datos de panel Efectos fijos y efectos aleatorios Satisfacción de los consumidores Quejas del consumidor Panel data models Fixed effects and random effects Consumer complaint

Monitoreo con drones en gráficas con viento dinámico

Jovanni Manuel López Elisea (2024, [Tesis de maestría])

108 páginas. Maestría en Optimización.

Dada una gráfica completa no dirigida, se desea recorrer un subconjunto de sus aristas usando una flotilla de drones. Los drones tienen baterías limitadas que pueden recargarse al regresar a la base y, en principio, el tiempo para recorrer una arista está en función de la distancia entre sus vértices. Sin embargo, ante la presencia de viento el tiempo de recorrer una arista puede depender del sentido en el que se haga. La dificultad del problema aumenta si además la intensidad del viento puede variar de un instante a otro. En esta tesis se aborda el problema anteriormente descrito para el caso particular en el que los vértices son puntos en el plano, el impacto del viento en los tiempos de recorrido de las aristas está relativamente acotado y el subconjunto de las aristas a recorrer inducen un árbol que abarca todos los vértices excepto la base de los drones. Dado que los drones operan simultáneamente y pueden recorrer distintas partes de la gráfica de manera independiente, se desea minimizar el tiempo que emplea el dron con el recorrido más tardado. Esta tesis presenta un modelo matemático para resolver el problema de manera exacta, así como tres heurísticas diferentes para obtener buenas soluciones factibles. La primera de estas heurísticas transforma una solución sin viento y sin batería en una solución con viento y batería. La segunda heurística es un algoritmo glotón sin comunicación entre los drones y la última heurística también es un algoritmo glotón, pero con comunicación entre los drones. Aunque el problema abordado resulta ser lo suficientemente difícil como para que su resolución exacta sea inviable en la práctica, las heurísticas diseñadas son fáciles de implementar y obtuvieron resultados razonables en un tiempo corto de cómputo.

Drone aircraft--Control systems. Drone aircraft--Mathematical models. Mathematical optimization. Heuristic programming. Dynamical systems. Graph theory. Micro vehículos aéreos. Optimización matemática. Programación heurística. Teoría de grafos. TL589.4 CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA MATEMÁTICAS INVESTIGACIÓN OPERATIVA DISTRIBUCIÓN Y TRANSPORTE

Vida de un muerto. Entre nuestro universo y el otro

Nicolás Amoroso Boelcke (2023, [Capítulo de libro])

Capítulo número 3 de la Sección Imágenes y representaciones.

Se analiza el film Raymond & Ray, desde la construcción de la vida de Harris, personaje muerto desde el principio del film, y esto se hace mediante las palabras, no con escenas de la infancia que mencionan Raymond y Ray ni tampoco en las acciones que participa con los otros perso¬najes que hablan de él. Harris habita el filme desde las palabras.

Semiotics and motion pictures. Culture--Semiotic models. Dialogue analysis. Semiótica y cine. Análisis del diálogo. NX180.S46 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS TEORÍA, ANÁLISIS Y CRÍTICA DE LAS BELLAS ARTES CINEMATOGRAFÍA

Expanding the WOFOST crop model to explore options for sustainable nitrogen management: A study for winter wheat in the Netherlands

João Vasco Silva Pytrik Reidsma (2024, [Artículo])

Nitrogen (N) management is essential to ensure crop growth and to balance production, economic, and environmental objectives from farm to regional levels. This study aimed to extend the WOFOST crop model with N limited production and use the model to explore options for sustainable N management for winter wheat in the Netherlands. The extensions consisted of the simulation of crop and soil N processes, stress responses to N deficiencies, and the maximum gross CO2 assimilation rate being computed from the leaf N concentration. A new soil N module, abbreviated as SNOMIN (Soil Nitrogen for Organic and Mineral Nitrogen module) was developed. The model was calibrated and evaluated against field data. The model reproduced the measured grain dry matter in all treatments in both the calibration and evaluation data sets with a RMSE of 1.2 Mg ha−1 and the measured aboveground N uptake with a RMSE of 39 kg N ha−1. Subsequently, the model was applied in a scenario analysis exploring different pathways for sustainable N use on farmers' wheat fields in the Netherlands. Farmers' reported yield and N fertilization management practices were obtained for 141 fields in Flevoland between 2015 and 2017, representing the baseline. Actual N input and N output (amount of N in grains at harvest) were estimated for each field from these data. Water and N-limited yields and N outputs were simulated for these fields to estimate the maximum attainable yield and N output under the reported N management. The investigated scenarios included (1) closing efficiency yield gaps, (2) adjusting N input to the minimum level possible without incurring yield losses, and (3) achieving 90% of the simulated water-limited yield. Scenarios 2 and 3 were devised to allow for soil N mining (2a and 3a) and to not allow for soil N mining (2b and 3b). The results of the scenario analysis show that the largest N surplus reductions without soil N mining, relative to the baseline, can be obtained in scenario 1, with an average of 75%. Accepting negative N surpluses (while maintaining yield) would allow maximum N input reductions of 84 kg N ha−1 (39%) on average (scenario 2a). However, the adjustment in N input for these pathways, and the resulting N surplus, varied strongly across fields, with some fields requiring greater N input than used by farmers.


Contracting in teams with network technologies

Giselle Labrador Badía (2020, [Tesis de maestría])

We develop a contracting model between the owner and the workers of a firm when production depends directly on a network of synergies among workers. We aim to answer how the owner of the firm uses the network structure to maximize profits. With this purpose, we analyze two contracting regimes: single wage and perfect discrimination. We find that individual network characteristics, as well as aggregate measures, affect profits and salaries. We also study the parameters for wich the incentives to discriminate and to account for the network structure are significant.

Externalities (Economics) -- Mathematical models. CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES