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Multiple approaches to understanding the taxonomic status of an enigmatic new scorpion species of the genus Tityus (Buthidae) from the biogeographic island of Paraje Tres Cerros (Argentina)

Andres Alejandro Ojanguren Affilastro (2017, [Artículo])

Tityus curupi n. sp., belonging to the bolivianus complex, is described from the biogeographically distinct area of Paraje Tres Cerros in north-eastern Argentina. We also present a molecular species delimitation analysis between Tityus curupi n. sp. and its sister species Tityus uruguayensis Borelli 1901 to confirm species integrity. Furthermore, a cytogenetic analysis is presented for these two species which contain different multivalent associations in meiosis, as a consequence of chromosome rearrangements, and the highest chromosome numbers in the genus. © 2017 Ojanguren-Affilastro et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Argentina, chromosome analysis, chromosome rearrangement, genus, human, meiosis, sister, species, anatomy and histology, animal, Argentina, chemistry, chromosome, classification, ecosystem, fluorescence in situ hybridization, genetics, geography, isl BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA DE INSECTOS (ENTOMOLOGÍA) BIOLOGÍA DE INSECTOS (ENTOMOLOGÍA)

Elecciones y violencia, Guerrero 2015

Gabino Solano Ramírez Margarita Jiménez Badillo (2016, [Artículo])

El estado de Guerrero en México celebró elecciones para gobernador, legisladores y alcaldes en junio 2015 en un entorno de violencia criminal, visible con la desaparición forzada de estudiantes en el Municipio de Iguala. En este estudio se analiza cómo la violencia criminal incidió en el ambiente político para llevar a cabo las elecciones, afectando a candidatos, funcionarios y activistas políticos (homicidios, amenazas y secuestros), así como la participación ciudadana en la integración de las casillas, la dinámica de las campañas, y la normalidad de los órganos electorales.

The state of Guerrero in Mexico held elections for governor, legislators and mayors in June 2015 in a criminal environment, visible with the forced disappearance of students in the municipality of Iguala. This study examines how criminal violence affected the political environment to carry out the elections, affecting candidates, officials and political activists (murders, threats and kidnappings); and citizen participation in the integration of the ballot boxes, the dynamics of campaigns, and the normality of the electoral bodies.

Proceso electoral local Violencia criminal Confianza en las instituciones Participación política CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIA POLÍTICA