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Economics of crop residue management

Vijesh Krishna Maxwell Mkondiwa (2023, [Artículo])

More than five billion metric tons of agricultural residues are produced annually worldwide. Despite having multiple uses and significant potential to augment crop and livestock production, a large share of crop residues is burned, especially in Asian countries. This unsustainable practice causes tremendous air pollution and health hazards while restricting soil nutrient recycling. In this review, we examine the economic rationale for unsustainable residue management. The sustainability of residue utilization is determined by several economic factors, such as local demand for and quantity of residue production, development and dissemination of technologies to absorb excess residue, and market and policy instruments to internalize the social costs of residue burning. The intervention strategy to ensure sustainable residue management depends on public awareness of the private and societal costs of open residue burning.


Environmental Nanoparticles Reach Human Fetal Brains

LILIAN OFELIA CALDERON GARCIDUEÑAS ANGEL AUGUSTO PEREZ CALATAYUD ANGELICA GONZALEZ MACIEL RAFAEL REYNOSO ROBLES Héctor Gabriel Silva Pereyra Andrea Ramos Morales RICARDO TORRES JARDON Candelario de Jesús Soberanes Cerino Raúl Carrillo Esper JESÚS CARLOS BRIONES GARDUÑO Yazmin del Socorro Conde Gutiérrez (2022, [Artículo])

"Anthropogenic ultrafine particulate matter (UFPM) and industrial and natural nanoparticles (NPs) are ubiquitous. Normal term, preeclamptic, and postconceptional weeks(PCW) 8–15 human placentas and brains from polluted Mexican cities were analyzed by TEM and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. We documented NPs in maternal erythrocytes, early syncytiotrophoblast, Hofbauer cells, and fetal endothelium (ECs). Fetal ECs exhibited caveolar NP activity and widespread erythroblast contact. Brain ECs displayed micropodial extensions reaching luminal NP-loaded erythroblasts. Neurons and primitive glia displayed nuclear, organelle, and cytoplasmic NPs in both singles and conglomerates. Nanoscale Fe, Ti, and Al alloys, Hg, Cu, Ca, Sn, and Si were detected in placentas and fetal brains. Preeclamptic fetal blood NP vesicles are prospective neonate UFPM exposure biomarkers. NPs are reaching brain tissues at the early developmental PCW 8–15 stage, and NPs in maternal and fetal placental tissue compartments strongly suggests the placental barrier is not limiting the access of environmental NPs. Erythroblasts are the main early NP carriers to fetal tissues. The passage of UFPM/NPs from mothers to fetuses is documented and fingerprinting placental single particle composition could be useful for postnatal risk assessments. Fetal brain combustion and industrial NPs raise medical concerns about prenatal and postnatal health, including neurological and neurodegenerative lifelong consequences."

Environmental medicine Placental impairment Neurodevelopmental disorders Fetal brains Erythroblasts Preeclampsia Nanoparticles NPs extracellular vesicles Petrochemical pollution Villahermosa Tabasco BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA QUÍMICA BIOQUÍMICA BIOQUÍMICA

Application of ammonium to a N limited arable soil enriches a succession of bacteria typically found in the rhizosphere

Yendi Navarro-Noya Marco Luna_Guido Nele Verhulst Bram Govaerts Luc Dendooven (2022, [Artículo])

Crop residue management and tillage are known to affect the soil bacterial community, but when and which bacterial groups are enriched by application of ammonium in soil under different agricultural practices from a semi-arid ecosystem is still poorly understood. Soil was sampled from a long-term agronomic experiment with conventional tilled beds and crop residue retention (CT treatment), permanent beds with crop residue burned (PBB treatment) or retained (PBC) left unfertilized or fertilized with 300 kg urea-N ha-1 and cultivated with wheat (Triticum durum L.)/maize (Zea mays L.) rotation. Soil samples, fertilized or unfertilized, were amended or not (control) with a solution of (NH4)2SO4 (300 kg N ha-1) and were incubated aerobically at 25 ± 2 °C for 56 days, while CO2 emission, mineral N and the bacterial community were monitored. Application of NH4+ significantly increased the C mineralization independent of tillage-residue management or N fertilizer. Oxidation of NH4+ and NO2- was faster in the fertilized soil than in the unfertilized soil. The relative abundance of Nitrosovibrio, the sole ammonium oxidizer detected, was higher in the fertilized than in the unfertilized soil; and similarly, that of Nitrospira, the sole nitrite oxidizer. Application of NH4+ enriched Pseudomonas, Flavisolibacter, Enterobacter and Pseudoxanthomonas in the first week and Rheinheimera, Acinetobacter and Achromobacter between day 7 and 28. The application of ammonium to a soil cultivated with wheat and maize enriched a sequence of bacterial genera characterized as rhizospheric and/or endophytic independent of the application of urea, retention or burning of the crop residue, or tillage.


The fate of rice crop residues and context-dependent greenhouse gas emissions: Model-based insights from Eastern India

Sonam Sherpa virender kumar Andrew Mcdonald (2024, [Artículo])

Crop residue burning is a common practice in many parts of the world that causes air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Regenerative practices that return residues to the soil offer a ‘no burn’ pathway for addressing air pollution while building soil organic carbon (SOC). Nevertheless, GHG emissions in rice-based agricultural systems are complex and difficult to anticipate, particularly in production contexts with highly variable hydrologic conditions. Here we predict long-term net GHG fluxes for four rice residue management strategies in the context of rice-wheat cropping systems in Eastern India: burning, soil incorporation, livestock fodder, and biochar. Estimations were based on a combination of Tier 1, 2, and 3 modelling approaches, including 100-year DNDC simulations across three representative soil hydrologic categories (i.e., dry, median, and wet). Overall, residue burning resulted in total direct GHG fluxes of 2.5, 6.1, and 8.7 Mg CO2-e in the dry, median, and wet hydrologic categories, respectively. Relative to emissions from burning (positive values indicate an increase) for the same dry to wet hydrologic categories, soil incorporation resulted in a −0.2, 1.8, or 3.1 Mg CO2-e change in emissions whereas use of residues for livestock fodder increased emissions by 2.0, 2.1, or 2.3 Mg CO2-e. Biochar reduced emissions relative to burning by 2.9 Mg CO2-e in all hydrologic categories. This study showed that the production environment has a controlling effect on methane and, therefore, net GHG balance. For example, wetter sites had 2.8–4.0 times greater CH4 emissions, on average, than dry sites when rice residues were returned to the soil. To effectively mitigate burning without undermining climate change mitigation goals, our results suggest that geographically-target approaches should be used in the rice-based systems of Eastern India to incentivize the adoption of regenerative ‘no burn’ residue management practices.


El impacto de los mantenimientos preventivos en los sistemas fotovoltaicos interconectados a la red de distribución eléctrica

Kassandra Elizabeth López Esparza Raúl Pérez Bustamante GUILLERMO RAUL GARCIA FERRERA (2023, [Artículo])

La obligación de llevar un sistema o equipo a su máximo rendimiento y operación, así como la resolución de posibles fallas en el mismo, ha dado lugar a la necesidad de desarrollar un ámbito especializado dedicado exclusivamente a abordar estas obligaciones. De esto surge el campo del mantenimiento, cuyo propósito fundamental es asegurar el funcionamiento adecuado de los equipos o instalaciones en los cuales se lleva a cabo dicho trabajo, así como corregir y prevenir fallas o problemas en los sistemas en cuestión. El mantenimiento puede aplicarse en una amplia gama de sectores donde se necesite prevenir o corregir alguna operación, y en el caso del sector energético renovable esto no es una excepción. En particular, el mantenimiento de los sistemas fotovoltaicos interconectadas a la red (SFIR) busca llevar la instalación a su mejor zona de operación y funcionamiento para con esto asegurar la generación de energía. Es por esta razón, que el sector energético se ha unido al desarrollo de una rama que se dedique a la operación y mantenimiento (O&M) de los sistemas fotovoltaicos. En este artículo se exponen los resultados de un estudio de mantenimiento preventivo en una instalación fotovoltaica ubicada en el estado de Aguascalientes, el cual fue realizado por Sunna Power, una empresa dedicada a ofrecer servicios de mantenimiento a SFIR en México. El trabajo explorará el estado de la instalación previo al mantenimiento y su situación una vez que éste ha sido ejecutado. Aun cuando los SFIR requieren poco mantenimiento, este articulo pretende demostrar que a pesar de esto la implementación de un plan de mantenimiento en las instalaciones puede generar un impacto positivo en la producción de energía del sistema, mostrando los resultados obtenidos en el mantenimiento ejecutado en la instalación fotovoltaica.

The obligation to ensure that a system or piece of equipment achieves its maximum performance and functionality, and to correct any failures that may occur, has led to the need to develop a specialized field dedicated exclusively to meeting these obligations. This has given rise to the field of maintenance, the basic aim of which is to ensure the correct functioning of the equipment or installations on which the work is carried out, and to correct and prevent any failures or problems in the systems concerned; maintenance can be applied in a wide range of sectors where it is necessary to prevent or correct an operation, and the renewable energy sector is no exception. In particular, the maintenance of photovoltaic systems connected to the grid (SFIR) aims to bring the installation to its best operational and functional range in order to guarantee energy production; it is for this reason that the energy sector has participated in the development of a branch dedicated to the operation and maintenance (O&M) of photovoltaic systems. This article presents the results of a preventive maintenance study in a photovoltaic plant located in the state of Aguascalientes, carried out by Sunna Power, a company dedicated to providing maintenance services to SFIR in Mexico. The study examines the condition of the installation before maintenance and the situation after maintenance. Although SFIR requires little maintenance, this article aims to demonstrate that the implementation of a maintenance plan in the plants can nevertheless have a positive impact on the energy production of the system, displaying the results obtained in the maintenance carried out on the photovoltaic installation.

Mantenimiento preventivo Módulo fotovoltaico Plan de mantenimiento Sistema fotovoltaico Preventive maintenance Maintenance plan Photovoltaic system INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS

De Novo assembly and annotation of the Pacific calico scallop (Argopecten ventricosus) transcriptome for immune-related gene discovery

RUTH ESCAMILLA MONTES GENARO DIARTE PLATA GABRIELA BERENICE MENDOZA MALDONADO Aarón Barraza Celis Carlos Eliud Angulo Valadez Seyed Hossein Hoseinifar Jesús Arturo Fierro Coronado ANTONIO LUNA GONZALEZ (2022, [Artículo])

"Invertebrates' immune defense mechanisms play a critical role in pathogen recognition and elimination. De novo assembly and annotation of the Argopecten ventricosus transcriptome were performed for the immune-related gene identification. Scallops (height: 4.4 cm) were challenged with inactivated Vibrio parahaemolyticus IPNGS16. The RNA from different tissues was pooled for a single cDNA library construction sequenced by NextSeq 500 platform 2×75 paired‐end chemistry. Before de novo assembling with Trinity, reads were analyzed with FastQC, Trimmomatic, and Prinseq. Assembled sequences were analyzed by CD-HIT-EST and TransDecoder. The corresponding annotation was performed against NCBI-nr, RefSeq protein, and KAAS (KEGG) databases. The Trinity assembly yielded 107,516 contigs. TransDecoder yielded 25,285 sequences as CDSs of which, 16,123 were annotated against the NCBI-nr protein, most of them scored with Crassostrea gigas data. Gene ontology mapped sequences (15,262) were classified in molecular functions (~13,000), cellular components (~11,000), and biological processes (~13,000). The KAAS analysis showed biological categories for metabolism (13%), cellular processes (12%), genetic information processing (10%), organismal systems (19%), environmental information (13%), and human diseases (33 %). Within the organismal systems, 467 immune-related genes (KO) were identified. Sixty-four immune-related genes were annotated/blasted against the NCBI-nr and RefSeq protein databases. An RT-qPCR was performed to analyze the expression level of immune-related genes obtained in the transcriptome analysis in scallops (height 4.5 cm) treated with probiotic bacilli added to culture water. Bacilli significantly increased the expression of the HSP70 and PGRP genes. The gene transcripts analysis of A. ventricosus will better understand its immune response against pathogens in culture systems."

Argopecten ventricosus, calico scallop, transcriptome, bivalve, immune genes BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) INMUNOLOGÍA INMUNOLOGÍA