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Review of Nationally Determined Contributions (NCD) of China from the perspective of food systems

Tek Sapkota (2023, [Documento de trabajo])

China is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG) and one of the countries most affected by climate change. China's food systems are a major contributor to climate change: in 2018, China's food systems emitted 1.09 billion tons of carbondioxide equivalent (CO2eq) GHGs, accounting for 8.2% of total national GHG emissions and 2% of global emissions. According to the Third National Communication (TNC) Report, in 2010, GHG emissions from energy, industrial processes, agriculture, and waste accounted for 78.6%, 12.3%, 7.9%, and 1.2% of total emissions, respectively, (excluding emissions from land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF). Total GHG emissions from the waste sector in 2010 were 132 Mt CO2 eq, with municipal solid waste landfills accounting for 56 Mt. The average temperature in China has risen by 1.1°C over the last century (1908–2007), while nationally averaged precipitation amounts have increased significantly over the last 50 years. The sea level and sea surface temperature have risen by 90 mm and 0.9°C respectively in the last 30 years. A regional climate model predicted an annual mean temperature increase of 1.3–2.1°C by 2020 (2.3–3.3°C by 2050), while another model predicted a 1–1.6°C temperature increase and a 3.3–3.7 percent increase in precipitation between 2011 and 2020, depending on the emissions scenario. By 2030, sea level rise along coastal areas could be 0.01–0.16 meters, increasing the likelihood of flooding and intensified storm surges and causing the degradation of wetlands, mangroves, and coral reefs. Addressing climate change is a common human cause, and China places a high value on combating climate change. Climate change has been incorporated into national economic and social development plans, with equal emphasis on mitigation and adaptation to climate change, including an updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in 2021. The following overarching targets are included in China's updated NDC: • Peaking carbon dioxide emissions “before 2030” and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060. • Lowering carbon intensity by “over 65%” by 2030 from the 2005 level. • Increasing forest stock volume by around 6 billion cubic meters in 2030 from the 2005 level. The targets have come from several commitments made at various events, while China has explained very well the process adopted to produce its third national communication report. An examination of China's NDC reveals that it has failed to establish quantifiable and measurable targets in the agricultural sectors. According to the analysis of the breakdown of food systems and their inclusion in the NDC, the majority of food system activities are poorly mentioned. China's interventions or ambitions in this sector have received very little attention. The adaptation component is mentioned in the NDC, but is not found to be sector-specific or comprehensive. A few studies have rated the Chinese NDC as insufficient, one of the reasons being its failure to list the breakdown of each sector's clear pathway to achieving its goals. China's NDC lacks quantified data on food system sub-sectors. Climate Action Trackers' "Insufficient" rating indicates that China's domestic target for 2030 requires significant improvements to be consistent with the Paris Agreement's target of 1.5°C temperature limit. Some efforts are being made: for example, scientists from the Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (IEDA-CAAS) have developed methods for calculating GHG emissions from livestock and poultry farmers that have been published as an industrial standard by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, PRC (Prof Hongmin Dong, personal communication) but this still needs to be consolidated and linked to China’s NDC. The updated Nationally Determined Contributions fall short of quantifiable targets in agriculture and food systems as a whole, necessitating clear pathways. China's NDC is found to be heavily focused on a few sectors, including energy, transportation, and urban-rural development. The agricultural sectors' and food systems' targets are vague, and China's agrifood system has a large carbon footprint. As a result, China should focus on managing the food system (production, processing, transportation, and food waste management) to reduce carbon emissions. Furthermore, China should take additional measures to make its climate actions more comprehensive, quantifiable, and measurable, such as setting ambitious and clear targets for the agriculture sector, including activity-specific GHG-reduction pathways; prioritizing food waste and loss reduction and management; promoting sustainable livestock production and low carbon diets; reducing chemical pollution; minimizing the use of fossil fuel in the agri-system and focusing on developing green jobs, technological advancement and promoting climate-smart agriculture; promoting indigenous practices and locally led adaptation; restoring degraded agricultural soils and enhancing cooperation and private partnership. China should also prepare detailed NDC implementation plans including actions and the GHG reduction from conditional targets.


Agricultural emissions reduction potential by improving technical efficiency in crop production

Arun Khatri-Chhetri Tek Sapkota sofina maharjan Paresh Shirsath (2023, [Artículo])

CONTEXT: Global and national agricultural development policies normally tend to focus more on enhancing farm productivity through technological changes than on better use of existing technologies. The role of improving technical efficiency in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction from crop production is the least explored area in the agricultural sector. But improving technical efficiency is necessary in the context of the limited availability of existing natural resources (particularly land and water) and the need for GHG emission reduction from the agriculture sector. Technical efficiency gains in the production process are linked with the amount of input used nd the cost of production that determines both economic and environmental gains from the better use of existing technologies. OBJECTIVE: To assess a relationship between technical efficiency and GHG emissions and test the hypothesis that improving technical efficiency reduces GHG emissions from crop production. METHODS: This study used input-output data collected from 10,689 rice farms and 5220 wheat farms across India to estimate technical efficiency, global warming potential, and emission intensity (GHG emissions per unit of crop production) under the existing crop production practices. The GHG emissions from rice and wheat production were estimated using the CCAFS Mitigation Options Tool (CCAFS-MOT) and the technical efficiency of production was estimated through a stochastic production frontier analysis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that improving technical efficiency in crop production can reduce emission intensity but not necessarily total emissions. Moreover, our analysis does not support smallholders tend to be technically less efficient and the emissions per unit of food produced by smallholders can be relatively high. Alarge proportion of smallholders have high technical efficiency, less total GHG emissions, and low emissions intensity. This study indicates the levels of technical efficiency and GHG emission are largely influenced by farming typology, i.e. choice and use of existing technologies and management practices in crop cultivation. SIGNIFICANCE: This study will help to promote existing improved technologies targeting GHG emissions reduction from the agriculture production systems.


Economics of crop residue management

Vijesh Krishna Maxwell Mkondiwa (2023, [Artículo])

More than five billion metric tons of agricultural residues are produced annually worldwide. Despite having multiple uses and significant potential to augment crop and livestock production, a large share of crop residues is burned, especially in Asian countries. This unsustainable practice causes tremendous air pollution and health hazards while restricting soil nutrient recycling. In this review, we examine the economic rationale for unsustainable residue management. The sustainability of residue utilization is determined by several economic factors, such as local demand for and quantity of residue production, development and dissemination of technologies to absorb excess residue, and market and policy instruments to internalize the social costs of residue burning. The intervention strategy to ensure sustainable residue management depends on public awareness of the private and societal costs of open residue burning.


Review of Nationally Determined Contributions (NCD) of Vietnam from the perspective of food systems

Tek Sapkota (2023, [Documento de trabajo])

Over the past decades, Vietnam has significantly progressed and has transformed from being a food-insecure nation to one of the world’s leading exporters in food commodities, and from one of the world’s poorest countries to a low-middle-income country. The agriculture sector is dominated by rice and plays a vital role in food security, employment, and foreign exchange. Vietnam submitted its updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) in 2022 based on the NDC 2020. There is a significant increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction, towards the long-term goals identified in Vietnam’s National Climate Change Strategy to 2025, and efforts are being made to fulfil the commitments made at COP26. The Agriculture Sector is the second-largest contributor of GHG emissions in Vietnam, accounting for 89.75 MtCO2eq, which was about 31.6 percent of total emissions in 2014. Rice cultivation is the biggest source of emissions in the agriculture sector, accounting for 49.35% of emissions from agriculture. The total GHG removal from Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) in 2014 was -37.54 MtCO2eq, of which the largest part was from the forest land sub-sector (35.61 MtCO2eq), followed by removal from croplands (7.31 MtCO2eq) (MONRE 2019).


Review of Nationally Determined Contributions (NCD) of Colombia from the perspective of food systems

Tek Sapkota (2023, [Documento de trabajo])

Food is a vital component of Colombia's economy. The impact of climate change on agriculture and food security in the country is severe. The effects have resulted in decreased production and in the productivity of agricultural soil. Desertification processes are accelerating and intensifying. Colombia's government formally submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) on December 29, 2020. This paper examines Colombia's NDC from the standpoint of the food system.


Leveraging the self-heating effect of ntc thermistor to detect its minimum coverage by a dispensed paste in the mass production process of temperature sensors

Saúl Alejandro Rodríguez Jiménez LEONOR ADRIANA CARDENAS ROBLEDO (2023, [Artículo])

This paper develops a device capable of confirming the minimum coverage area on a thermistor by a thermal paste dispensed and cured in the manufacturing process of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) temperature sensors to provide the required fixation in the presence of mechanical shock conditions. Such a device leverages the thermistor’s self-heating effect and the thermal conductivity of the paste to read the voltage drop from the sensor, which translates into paste coverage area. The methodology follows a synthesized procedure to develop equipment and processes, considering an early phase for concept confirmation to demonstrate the feasibility of the device development. In a later phase, the optimal parameters are calculated and set to the device for delivering the corresponding classification of the sensors during the test. Once launched in production, the device demonstrates high effectiveness in screening out the sensors with rejectable paste coverage area on the thermistor.


Sistema de visión para detección de fallas de calidad en la identificación de etiquetas en una línea de producción del giro automotriz

Vision system for the detection of quality failures in the identification of labels in an automotive production line

José Rodrigo Hernández Laguna Jorge Adan Romero Guerrero CAROLINA RETA CASTRO (2023, [Artículo])

Este artículo presenta la implementación de un sistema de visión para la detección de fallas en la identificación de etiquetas en una línea de producción de motores eléctricos de confort para vehículos. Anteriormente, la línea de producción dependía completamente de la inspección visual realizada por un operador. La solución propuesta considera tanto los aspectos técnicos del sistema de visión como otros factores clave para asegurar la calidad del proceso, como: las políticas de aseguramiento de calidad de las normas automotrices vigentes en México (IATF 6949:2016 e ISO9000), la mejora continua, la estadística, la ergonomía y la estandarización de procesos. Los resultados demuestran el éxito de la implementación. El sistema demostró ser efectivo al identificar las fallas de manera precisa; se logró una reducción significativa en el número prioritario de riesgo en el análisis y modo de efectos de falla; y se logró una reducción en la estadística de fallas internas y con el cliente, de 2021 a 2022.

Sistema de visión Análisis y modo de efectos de falla Inspección de defectos Industria automotriz Vision system Analysis and failure effects mode Defect inspection Automotive industry INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS

Análisis preventivos de variables para la industria cerámica con base en la metodología de análisis a modo y efecto de falla (FMEA method)

Preventive analysis of variables for the ceramic industry based on the failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA method)

Rigel Hugo Carreón Reyes Juan Carlos Neri Guzmán (2023, [Artículo])

El presente estudio indica de una forma tangible la aplicación de la herramienta FMEA (Failure Mode And Effects Analysis -por sus siglas en inglés) en la aplicación de fabricación de cerámica sanitaria, en donde se evalúan las variables que están relacionadas con el proceso de diseño, procesamiento de piezas cerámicas y de su relación existente para poder alcanzar los requisitos normativos y que estos a su vez sean alcanzables. Dentro del estudio se presenta el análisis y elaboración de la matriz riesgos en modo de fallas, así como una serie de definiciones estadísticas con las cuales son evaluados los procesos de fabricación, así como la explicación clara de la metodología FMEA en donde se indica la adecuación de estos conceptos a este tipo de manufacturas (cerámica sanitaria). Este trabajo también describe a través del estudio de caso de las variables una metodología que detalla los conceptos básicos tales como severidad, detección y ocurrencia combinando el desarrollo de tablas parametrizadas y / o acopladas al tipo de proceso de manufactura cerámica .En los resultados que se obtienen se observa la disminución de la incertidumbre hasta de 85% en los valores de RPN y una mejora en el cpk >1,33 como índice de calidad los riesgos o incertidumbres disminuidos son de forma numérica a través de la comprobación de nuevas acciones y el reanálisis de los conceptos de ocurrencia y detección derivados de la implementación de acciones. Las conclusiones indican como una herramienta adecuada el uso de FMEA para el campo de aplicación de la manufactura de cerámica sanitaria.

The present study indicates in a tangible way the application of the FMEA tool (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) in the application of sanitary ceramic manufacturing, where the variables that are related to the process of design, processing of ceramic pieces and their existing relationship are evaluated in order to achieve the regulatory requirements and that these in turn are achievable. The study presents the analysis and elaboration of the risk matrix in failure mode as well as a series of statistical definitions with which the manufacturing processes are evaluated as well as the clear explanation of the FMEA methodology (failure mode and effects analysis) where the application and adequacy of these concepts to this type of manufactures (sanitary ceramics) is indicated. This paper also describes through the case study of the variables a methodology that details the basic concepts such as severity, detection and occurrence combining the development of parameterized tables and / or coupled to the type of ceramic manufacturing process. In the results obtained, the decrease in uncertainty of until 85% in the values of RPN and an improvement in the cpk >1.33 as a quality index, the risks or uncertainties decreased are numerically through the verification of new actions and the reanalysis of the concepts of occurrence and detection derived from the implementation of actions. The conclusions indicate as an appropriate tool the use of FMEA for the field of application of the manufacture of sanitary ceramics.

AMEF (Análisis de Modo de Efecto y Falla) Productos cerámicos Cerámica sanitaria Procesos cerámicos Severidad Detección Ocurrencia FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) Ceramic products Standard ASME Sanitary ceramic Ceramic processess INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS